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Kenneth Rogers, Jr. combines psychology, the Green Lantern comics characters, and his own personal journey to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse move through the healing process. Using the specific therapy theories of Internal Family Systems and Dialectical Behavior, the author hopes to assist others who suffered abuse in reconnecting with their suppressed emotions, so they can achieve balance in their lives. Rogers uses superheroes to help survivors understand complex psychological theories through his How to Heal Your Inner Superhero series. This is his thirteenth book and the sixth in the series. How to Unite Your Inner Lanterns uses the stories and characters of Green Lantern to help abused survivors gain access to their full spectrum of emotions, and to achieve the balance and introspection needed to become a White Lantern. “In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might, beware my power, Green Lantern’s light.” – Green Lantern Oath
Brilliantly portrayed; a compelling invitation to illuminate the world by living a life of beauty and positivity. Light Your Lantern!
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth ... Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; for even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable. -Khalil Gibran Humanity continues to evolve. Today’s children have unique qualities that are helping the planet evolve spiritually by moving from the “old” energy of fear (greed, corruption, competition, and stress) into the “new” energy of love (integrity, manifestation, and cooperation). The New Children possess specific characteristics to help them fulfill their purpose to bring the planet into a space where Peace and Honesty reign, where Harmony between all living creatures is the norm, and where Cooperation is given and expected as we realize that we are all connected to each other by Love. Differing from previous generations, these New Children are becoming more and more connected to Divine; they remember our spiritual connection. Even though each child expresses this gift in a unique way, as a group they are a more intuitive, more telepathic, more sensitive generation. Twin Shining Lights is a beautiful narrative that introduces readers to this perspective on life—because story matters.
This book provides the reader with a treatise about order and its structures within the partnership. To become aware of these structures, to consider their profound sense, and to gain a spiritual benefit from them is always a dynamic process, and an extremely touching one at that, a process that can certainly bring progress to we humans. We humans are highly complex beings. Great teachers, mystics, wise men and the various religious leaders of the past have referred to the human being as the Crown of Creation. In any case, for all those of us who may perhaps not yet be ready, able or willing to understand this to the full, he is a microcosm within a macrocosm. For this reason, his inner is reflected into the outer world, and the outer, quite turbulent world surrounding him is also often reflected on the inside. The human being is the sum of body, soul and mind. Between them, life always works its way down to his inner being, while he is moved by his feelings on the outside. This is also an expression of the life of his inner soul in the physical world. His moods, which are always moved by his feelings and which never leave him in peace, are what create the opinions and different attitudes within him, which give birth to them, maintain them and let them die again. Every person has his very own moods and feelings, and these colour him in his special, very personal light, yet they are also able to darken him. They are like the mercury in the small glass tube that indicates the temperature, and, whether we want this or not, these moods repeatedly interconnect with the people around us, forming an alliance with each other. We all form a large net of feelings and, naturally, this also influences and shapes our common spiritual net. Feelings and emotions chain us, and they sometimes bind us together very strongly, and often very painfully. If we start to clear them, however, they will help us to practice our ability to exercise understanding and tolerance. In this way, we will learn that our ability to love can free us from one another. Detachment becomes the foundation-stone for a new kind of living in a loving manner and, at the end of this process, we will have fully understood it: our heart has given us freedom; we have found it again through our heart.
A helpful, inspiring planning guide for brides and grooms, officiants, and wedding consultants. This e-book edition of A Wedding Ceremony to Remember now offers even more choices to create a wedding ceremony that’s both memorable and meaningful. Choose from nine complete ceremonies, a variety of Vows, Readings, Prayers and Blessings, Wedding Traditions, and other Special Touches to design your ceremony and make it uniquely you. In addition, an Order of Service, Program Samples, Diagrams, and Rehearsal and Ceremony Worksheets assist you with all the details—and help make your decisions a piece of cake.
The opening of the story vividly follows the author's relocation to Detroit, Michigan from Seattle, Washington. Munson crosses the plains in his Volvo, pulling his sailboat to his new home in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. He, a teacher, is moving there because his wife, a pathologist has found a new job at Detroit Medical Center. As he drives he reflects on the land he crosses and the experiences he had in school in rural South Dakota and how it shaped his outlook. As he drives, he has great doubts about moving to Michigan and questions his future there. Yet, he is on the road with no way to turn back. Finally, he arrives in Detroit, entering the rustbelt city that looks like a new planet to him -- poverty stricken, destroyed and hopeless. The scene shifts to his experiences while moving in and getting settled and the adjustments he has to make to live in a large, crime-ridden Midwestern city. After a discouraging job hunt he is suddenly employed by Detroit Public Schools as a chemistry teacher and enters the classroom. The experience is so incredibly different than anything else that he has previously seen in education that he decides to start keeping a diary of relevant day-to-day activities. Months lead to years and he describes the dynamics of teaching in a inner-city school. Corruption, abysmal administrative incompetence and even great, but not-to-numerous, educational triumphs go down in print. His journal is that of an observer from the outside looking in. The diary becomes the stream of consciousness of a hard-working, dedicated teacher who is tormented by what he sees and cannot change. There are successes, but the climb is constantly uphill due to administrative bungling, a pathetic lack of supplies and low expectations placed on students by the system. As the years go by, the school is engifted with a huge grant from the Kellogg Foundation. It is supposed to reform the school and result in a turn-around that never happens. Funds disappear, not very much appears in the classrooms and nobody seems to notice any appreciable difference in the quality of education. After all is spent, there is only disillusionment and anger in the school over the project. A new principal takes over and the school further declines into violence and chaos. Yet, through all of this, Munson finds that education can and does take place in his classroom if he works hard with what he has available and does the best he can under the worsening circumstances. In the end, his main positive experience is the students themselves, those who could be changed and enabled. After thirteen years in Northern High School, the environment becomes so violent, dangerous, and hopeless that Munson seriously contemplates transferring out to another school. In this last year, he describes a crumbling, lawless school so vividly that you can smell the smoke from the fires and hear the screams of students beating and being beaten. August 2004 finds Munson in Finney High School, just a bit over a mile from his home. He finds more of the same there, but the commute is at least short. He surprisingly teaches quite successfully there for three years and then on June 22, 2007, he retires from thirty years of public school teaching. On that very same day, Northern High closes its doors due to lack of enrollment. At the end of the day the lights were turned out.