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Can robots learn? Blooma and her friends in the Razzle-Dazzle Robot Club hope so. They build a robot and try to train it to clean up their workshop, but that turns out to be harder than it sounds. Will Clark the Cleaning Robot ever learn to clean up?
Robots are the future. But how can we teach them useful new skills? This work covers a variety of topics, all with the common goal of making it easier to train robots. The first main component of this thesis is our work on model-building sim2real transfer. When a policy has been learned entirely in simulation, the performance of this policy is usually drastically lower on the real robot. This can be due to random noise, to imprecisions, or to unmodelled effects like backlash. We introduce a new technique for learning the discrepancy between the simulator and the real robot and using this discrepancy to correct the simulator. We found that for several of our ideas there weren't any suitable simulations available. Therefore, for the second main part of the thesis, we created a set of new robotic simulation and test environments. We provide (1) several new robot simulations for existing robots and variations on existing environments that allow for rapid adjustment of the robot dynamics. We also co-created (2) the Duckietown AIDO challenge, which is a large scale live robotics competition for the conferences NIPS 2018 and ICRA 2019. For this challenge we created the simulation infrastructure, which allows participants to train their robots in simulation with or without ROS. It also lets them evaluate their submissions automatically on live robots in a ”Robotarium”. In order to evaluate a robot's understanding and continuous acquisition of language, we developed the (3) Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction benchmark (MHRI). This test set contains several hours of annotated recordings of different humans showing and pointing at common household items, all from a robot's perspective. The novelty and difficulty in this task stems from the realistic noise that is included in the dataset: Most humans were non-native English speakers, some objects were occluded and none of the humans were given any detailed instructions on how to communicate with the robot, resulting in very natural interactions. After completing this benchmark, we realized the lack of simulation environments that are sufficiently complex to train a robot for this task. This would require an agent in a realistic house settings with semantic annotations. That is why we created (4) HoME, a platform for training household robots to understand language. The environment was created by wrapping the existing SUNCG 3D database of houses in a game engine to allow simulated agents to traverse the houses. It integrates a highly-detailed acoustic engine and a semantic engine that can generate object descriptions in relation to other objects, furniture, and rooms. The third and final main contribution of this work considered that a robot might find itself in a novel environment which wasn't covered by the simulation. For such a case we provide a new approach that allows the agent to reconstruct a 3D scene from 2D images by learning object embeddings, since especially in low-cost robots a depth sensor is not always available, but 2D cameras a common. The main drawback of this work is that it currently doesn't reliably support reconstruction of color or texture. We tested the approach on a mental rotation task, which is common in IQ tests, and found that our model performs significantly better in recognizing and rotating objects than several baselines.
How to educate the next generation of college students to invent, to create, and to discover—filling needs that even the most sophisticated robot cannot. Driverless cars are hitting the road, powered by artificial intelligence. Robots can climb stairs, open doors, win Jeopardy, analyze stocks, work in factories, find parking spaces, advise oncologists. In the past, automation was considered a threat to low-skilled labor. Now, many high-skilled functions, including interpreting medical images, doing legal research, and analyzing data, are within the skill sets of machines. How can higher education prepare students for their professional lives when professions themselves are disappearing? In Robot-Proof, Northeastern University president Joseph Aoun proposes a way to educate the next generation of college students to invent, to create, and to discover—to fill needs in society that even the most sophisticated artificial intelligence agent cannot. A “robot-proof” education, Aoun argues, is not concerned solely with topping up students' minds with high-octane facts. Rather, it calibrates them with a creative mindset and the mental elasticity to invent, discover, or create something valuable to society—a scientific proof, a hip-hop recording, a web comic, a cure for cancer. Aoun lays out the framework for a new discipline, humanics, which builds on our innate strengths and prepares students to compete in a labor market in which smart machines work alongside human professionals. The new literacies of Aoun's humanics are data literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy. Students will need data literacy to manage the flow of big data, and technological literacy to know how their machines work, but human literacy—the humanities, communication, and design—to function as a human being. Life-long learning opportunities will support their ability to adapt to change. The only certainty about the future is change. Higher education based on the new literacies of humanics can equip students for living and working through change.
Deep Learning for Robot Perception and Cognition introduces a broad range of topics and methods in deep learning for robot perception and cognition together with end-to-end methodologies. The book provides the conceptual and mathematical background needed for approaching a large number of robot perception and cognition tasks from an end-to-end learning point-of-view. The book is suitable for students, university and industry researchers and practitioners in Robotic Vision, Intelligent Control, Mechatronics, Deep Learning, Robotic Perception and Cognition tasks. Presents deep learning principles and methodologies Explains the principles of applying end-to-end learning in robotics applications Presents how to design and train deep learning models Shows how to apply deep learning in robot vision tasks such as object recognition, image classification, video analysis, and more Uses robotic simulation environments for training deep learning models Applies deep learning methods for different tasks ranging from planning and navigation to biosignal analysis
Robots work in homes every day. Some vacuum floors or mow lawns. Others keep people company. And some help kids have fun! What robots might you find in someone's home? Read this book to find out!
From Gary Paulsen, the award-winning author of Hatchet, comes a laugh-out-loud eco-adventure about a boy, his free-thinking dad and the puppy-training pamphlet that turns their summer upside down. Twelve-year-old Carl is fed up with his dad; he may be brilliant, but bin-diving for food, scouring through rubbish for 'salvageable' junk and wearing clothes fully sourced from garage sales is getting old. Increasingly worried by what his schoolmates will think – and encouraged by his riotous best friend – Carl decides to use a puppy-training pamphlet to 'retrain' his dad’s mindset . . . a crackpot experiment that produces some hilarious results! How To Train Your Dad is a fierce and funny novel about family, friendship and green-living from middle-grade master Gary Paulsen.
Recent Advances in Robot Learning contains seven papers on robot learning written by leading researchers in the field. As the selection of papers illustrates, the field of robot learning is both active and diverse. A variety of machine learning methods, ranging from inductive logic programming to reinforcement learning, is being applied to many subproblems in robot perception and control, often with objectives as diverse as parameter calibration and concept formulation. While no unified robot learning framework has yet emerged to cover the variety of problems and approaches described in these papers and other publications, a clear set of shared issues underlies many robot learning problems. Machine learning, when applied to robotics, is situated: it is embedded into a real-world system that tightly integrates perception, decision making and execution. Since robot learning involves decision making, there is an inherent active learning issue. Robotic domains are usually complex, yet the expense of using actual robotic hardware often prohibits the collection of large amounts of training data. Most robotic systems are real-time systems. Decisions must be made within critical or practical time constraints. These characteristics present challenges and constraints to the learning system. Since these characteristics are shared by other important real-world application domains, robotics is a highly attractive area for research on machine learning. On the other hand, machine learning is also highly attractive to robotics. There is a great variety of open problems in robotics that defy a static, hand-coded solution. Recent Advances in Robot Learning is an edited volume of peer-reviewed original research comprising seven invited contributions by leading researchers. This research work has also been published as a special issue of Machine Learning (Volume 23, Numbers 2 and 3).
Start programming robots NOW! Learn hands-on, through easy examples, visuals, and code This is a unique introduction to programming robots to execute tasks autonomously. Drawing on years of experience in artificial intelligence and robot programming, Cameron and Tracey Hughes introduce the reader to basic concepts of programming robots to execute tasks without the use of remote controls. Robot Programming: A Guide to Controlling Autonomous Robots takes the reader on an adventure through the eyes of Midamba, a lad who has been stranded on a desert island and must find a way to program robots to help him escape. In this guide, you are presented with practical approaches and techniques to program robot sensors, motors, and translate your ideas into tasks a robot can execute autonomously. These techniques can be used on today’s leading robot microcontrollers (ARM9 and ARM7) and robot platforms (including the wildly popular low-cost Arduino platforms, LEGO® Mindstorms EV3, NXT, and Wowee RS Media Robot) for your hardware/Maker/DIY projects. Along the way the reader will learn how to: Program robot sensors and motors Program a robot arm to perform a task Describe the robot’s tasks and environments in a way that a robot can process using robot S.T.O.R.I.E.S. Develop a R.S.V.P. (Robot Scenario Visual Planning) used for designing the robot’s tasks in an environment Program a robot to deal with the “unexpected” using robot S.P.A.C.E.S. Program robots safely using S.A.R.A.A. (Safe Autonomous Robot Application Architecture) Approach Program robots using Arduino C/C++ and Java languages Use robot programming techniques with LEGO® Mindstorms EV3, Arduino, and other ARM7 and ARM9-based robots.
Learning from Demonstration (LfD) explores techniques for learning a task policy from examples provided by a human teacher. The field of LfD has grown into an extensive body of literature over the past 30 years, with a wide variety of approaches for encoding human demonstrations and modeling skills and tasks. Additionally, we have recently seen a focus on gathering data from non-expert human teachers (i.e., domain experts but not robotics experts). In this book, we provide an introduction to the field with a focus on the unique technical challenges associated with designing robots that learn from naive human teachers. We begin, in the introduction, with a unification of the various terminology seen in the literature as well as an outline of the design choices one has in designing an LfD system. Chapter 2 gives a brief survey of the psychology literature that provides insights from human social learning that are relevant to designing robotic social learners. Chapter 3 walks through an LfD interaction, surveying the design choices one makes and state of the art approaches in prior work. First, is the choice of input, how the human teacher interacts with the robot to provide demonstrations. Next, is the choice of modeling technique. Currently, there is a dichotomy in the field between approaches that model low-level motor skills and those that model high-level tasks composed of primitive actions. We devote a chapter to each of these. Chapter 7 is devoted to interactive and active learning approaches that allow the robot to refine an existing task model. And finally, Chapter 8 provides best practices for evaluation of LfD systems, with a focus on how to approach experiments with human subjects in this domain.
Do you suffer with mental health? Do you know how powerful your brain is? Do you know whilst you are battling those emotions it is coming from you, your brain? Labels do not serve a society, yet we are brainwashed into labels? Do you even know who you truly are? Then this book is for you, the tools to train your brain, the science, how to attract and manifest anything you want in your life. Stop self sabotaging your future happiness because its all you think you know.