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(Black & White Version.) See eyecharts, 'everything' clear at all distances, close and far. Entire Natural Eyesight Improvement Course as is in the author's larger books. Pass eye exams with clearer than 20/20 vision. Retain clear vision for life. Remove astigmatism and blurry vision. Eyechart, Test Card and Basic Natural Eyesight Improvement Training by Ophthalmologist Bates Better Eyesight Magazine and Clark Night Natural Eyesight Improvement teacher. This book includes 20 E-Books, printable with Ophthalmologist William H. Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine' collection teaching his many different natural treatments for clear eyesight, healthy eyes. Dr. Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, cured his own eyesight, then other doctors and patients eyesight using natural treatments, without eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. Treatments for; Clear Distant, Close and Reading Eyesight, Astigmatism, Cataract, Glaucoma, Crossed, Wandering Eyes, Conical Cornea and other conditions. Hidden from the public by Opticians, Eye Doctors, Eye Surgeons for over 100 years because it works, is safe and people can do It 'On Their own' with basic training. Many children, cured of defective eyesight by Dr. Bates, then on to cure their friends, parents, teachers eyesight. After a neck injury caused by a chiropractor in 2009; my eyes developed double, triple vision, strabismus, dark and white-out hazy vision, astigmatism and low clarity. Natural Eyesight Improvement, Physical Therapy brought the eyes back to normal function, clear vision. I passed the drivers eye exam. E-Books include; +Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method-Book with 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-Read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. + Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates-(Unedited, Full Set -132 Magazine Issues-11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. + Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates-Photo copy of all the Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set 132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) A History Book. Learn Natural Eyesight Improvement directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, method! Magazines & Method Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, optometrists, optical business for over 100 years because this method works, frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs,unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts and other eye conditions! + The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates with Pictures. Dr. Bates First, Original Book. + Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures. + Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.) + Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.) + Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. + Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden & Dr. Bates - with Pictures and Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the First Physical Fitness Teachers.) + EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance, strengthening, Positive Emotions. + Seeing, Reading Fine Print Clear, Clear Close Vision (Presbyopia Treatments. + Astigmatism Removal Treatments. + Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts, Eyechart Video Lessons. + Audio Lessons in Every Chapter. + 100 Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Videos. Read entire description, Video of internal book pages, free Natural Eyesight Improvement Training and Dr. Bates life story on William H. Bates Author's page;
(Black and White) This book is a short condensed version of our large book; 'Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method'. Book is written by Clark Night, a Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement teacher. I have kept my eyesight clear since teen years 1974 to present age of 62. The practices in this book produce relaxation, normal, natural, healthy eye function. The large book contains in depth study of Natural Eyesight Improvement and is included with this paperback by internet download as a PDF E-book. Printable. Includes Ophthalmologist William H. Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazine' collection teaching his many different natural treatments for clear eyesight, healthy eyes. Dr. Bates discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement, cured his own eyesight, then other doctors and patients eyesight using natural treatments, without eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. Treatments for; Clear Distant, Close and Reading Eyesight, Astigmatism, Cataract, Glaucoma, Crossed, Wandering Eyes, Conical Cornea and other conditions. Hidden from the public by Opticians, Eye Doctors, Eye Surgeons for over 100 years because it works, is safe and people can do It 'On Their own' with basic training. Many children, cured of defective eyesight by Dr. Bates, then on to cure their friends, parents, teachers eyesight. After a neck injury caused by a chiropractor in 2009; my eyes developed double, triple vision, strabismus, dark and white-out hazy vision, astigmatism and low clarity. Natural Eyesight Improvement, Physical Therapy brought the eyes back to normal function, clear eyesight. Video of internal book pages, free Natural Eyesight Improvement Training, Dr. Bates' life story is on William H. Bates' Author's page; 20 E-Books included; +Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method-Book with 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-Read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. + Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates-(Unedited, Full Set -132 Magazine Issues-11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. + Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates-Photo copy of all the Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set 132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) A History Book. Learn Natural Eyesight Improvement directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, method! Magazines & Method Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, optometrists, optical business for over 100 years because this method works, frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts and other eye conditions! + The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates with Pictures. Dr. Bates First, Original Book. + Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures. + Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.) + Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.) + Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. + Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden & Dr. Bates - with Pictures and Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the First Physical Fitness Teachers.). + EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance, strengthening, Positive Emotions. + Seeing, Reading Fine Print Clear, Clear Close Vision (Presbyopia Treatments. + Astigmatism Removal Treatments. + Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, Astigmatism Test & Removal Charts, Eyechart Video Lessons. + Audio Lessons in Every Chapter. + 140 Natural Eyesight Videos.
Natural Treatment for obtaining Clear Close, Reading, Distant & Night Vision. Black and White available for a lower price. Also in Color.) Discontinue need for eyeglasses, reading glasses. Treatments for Presbyopia-'Middle Age Vision'. Natural Cataract prevention, reversal. Bates Method by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. William H. Bates M.D. The author of Better Eyesight Magazine, Medical Articles, The Cure Of Imperfect Sight By Treatment Without Glasses, Perfect Sight Without Glasses. (Also see; William H. Bates M.D. and Clark Night's Author's Pages for more videos of internal book pages; Eyecharts and 1st 6 Issues of Better Eyesight Magazine included in the Paperback book. 20 Free Natural Eyesight Improvement PDF E-Books, Printable, in color with any Kindle or Paperback book purchase. See William H. Bates Authors Page for Bio., videos of internal book pages, full description of all Paperback and 20 free E-books. Videos contain free Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. This book includes 20 Free PDF E-Books; Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement Training; +Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method-Book with 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-Read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. (Many of Dr. Bates, Clark Night's Kindle, PDF & Paperback books are in this E-Book.) + Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - (Unedited, Full Set-132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional, up to date Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. + Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Photo copy of all his Original Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set 132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) A History Book. Learn Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, natural method! Magazines & Method Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, Optometrists, optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts and other eye conditions! + The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (Photo Copy of the Original Antique Book Pages) with Pictures. Dr. Bates First, Original Book. (Text version with Modern Treatments included.) 2nd Printing Title: Perfect Sight Without Glasses. + Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures. + Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.) + Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.) + Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. + Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden & Dr. Bates - with Pictures and Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the First Physical Fitness Teachers.) + EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance, strengthening, Positive Emotions. Easy step by step directions with Pictures. + Seeing, Reading Fine Print Clear, Clear Close Vision (Presbyopia Treatments) with Videos. + Eight Correct, Relaxed Vision Habits- A Quick Course in Natural Eyesight Improvement. + Astigmatism Removal Treatments + Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Tumbling E Chart, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts, Behavioral Optometry Charts. Eyechart Video Lessons. + Audio, Video Lessons in Every Chapter. Learn a Treatment, Activity Quick and Easy.
(Black & White Version.) Dr. Bates Original book. Natural Eyesight Improvement. Better Eyesight Magazine; July, 1919 to December, 1919 and Eyecharts attached in this Paperback book.Ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered and perfected Natural Eyesight Improvement, The Bates Method'. He discovered the natural principles, true, normal function of the eyes (visual system) and applied natural methods, relaxation to return the eyes, eye muscles to normal function with healthy eyes, clear vision. He cured; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, crossed, wandering eyes, cataracts, glaucoma & other eye conditions. Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement was practiced years before Dr. Bates discovered it. It is the normal, natural function of the eyes. Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, Optometrists, optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works, is easy, anyone can learn, teach it, including children. It produces healthy eyes, clear vision and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. This book includes 12 Free PDF E-Books; Natural Eyesight Improvement Training; Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method. 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-Read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. (All of Dr. Bates, Clark Night's Kindle, Paperback books are in this E-Book.)+ Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - (Unedited, Full Set -132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional, up to date Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training.+ Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Photo copy of all his Original Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set 132 Magazine Issues-11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) A History Book. Learn Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, natural method! Magazines &Method Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, Optometrists, optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts and other eye conditions!+ The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (Photo Copy of the Original Antique Book Pages) with Pictures. Dr. Bates First, Original Book. (Text version with Modern Treatments included.) 2nd Printing Title: Perfect Sight Without Glasses.+ Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures.+ Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.)+ Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.)+ Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D.+ Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden & Dr. Bates - with Pictures and Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the First Physical Fitness Teachers.)+ EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance, strengthening, Positive Emotions.Easy step by step directions with Pictures.+ Seeing, Reading Fine Print Clear, Clear Close Vision (Presbyopia Treatments) with Videos.+ Eight Correct, Relaxed Vision Habits- A Quick Course in Natural Eyesight Improvement.+ Astigmatism Removal Treatments+ Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Tumbling E Chart, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts, Behavioral Optometry Charts. Eyechart Video Lessons.+ Audio & Video Lessons in Every Chapter - Learn a Treatment, Activity Quick and Easy.+ Videos Page; Links to 35+ Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Videos.See 'William H. Bates, Author's Page', for Video of internal book pages, full description of the Paperback & 12 free E-books.
This is the text version of Perfect Sight Without Glasses. A smaller book to provide a lower price in color, black and white. It contains only Dr. Bates' book, Better Eyesight Magazine and extra eyecharts. Black and White Edition. A 480 page version of this book in scans of the original antique pages, with additional training, magazines, many pictures by a Bates Method teacher is available in color, black and white paperback. Dr. Bates' Amazon page; Dr. W. H. Bates started his career as an orthodox ophthalmologist following the old, long time rules of the practice; prescribing eyeglasses... During his practice, working with different patients, eye conditions, he realized that unclear close, distant vision, astigmatism and other conditions often cured itself, reversed back to clear vision, especially when his patients stopped wearing their eyeglasses and relaxed. He noticed that wearing glasses 'tensed' the eyes, eye muscles, lowered the vision and resulted in stronger and stronger eyeglass lens prescriptions being needed in order to see clear through the glasses. He began his own studies on the eye and its function. This led him to discover that many of the old ophthalmology, optometry 'supposed facts' about the eye, lens and its function and cause of unclear vision... are incorrect. Dr. Bates began teaching his patients to stop wearing their glasses. He taught them natural methods, including relaxation, correct use of the eyes/vision (shifting...) to produce clear vision. Dr. Bates cured his own eyesight, close vision, presbyopia. Distant vision also clear. He wrote an article in his book, magazine describing how he did it with Memory, Imagination, Relaxation. 'He controlled, changed the focus of light rays in his eyes with his mind.' Dr. Bates performed experiments on the eyes of animals, and observed the function of animal, patient's eyes under different conditions. He used the retinoscope to see the refraction of light rays in the eye under various conditions. He proved that the refraction, clarity of vision changes often. And when the eyes are left alone, eyeglasses avoided; the refraction, clarity returns to normal-clear vision. He proved that the state of the mind, thoughts, emotions, body change the refraction of the eye, clarity of vision. Example: when the mind, body is relaxed, positive, happy thoughts, emotions; the refraction is normal and vision is clear. When the mind, body is under stress, strain; the refraction is abnormal and vision is unclear.Dr. Bates discovered that the main cause of unclear vision and other eye problems is; Wearing Eyeglasses, Mental Strain, Mental, Visual Effort to See, Poor Vision Habits-incorrect use of the eyes/vision; squinting, staring, not shifting-lack of normal, relaxed eye movements, lack of central-fixation, poor memory and imagination...Perfect Sight occurs with Perfect Relaxation (deep or active/dynamic relaxation). Relaxation occurs first, and then the eyesight becomes clear. Practicing normal, relaxed eye/vision function induces relaxation of the mind, eyes and perfect clarity. Dr. Bates' experiments on the outer eye muscles proved that tension in these muscles (mainly caused by eyeglasses, strain in the mind, incorrect vision habits) disrupts their function, the eyes movement, accommodation, convergence, un-accommodation, divergence, causes pressure, tension, pulling on/in the eye, alters the eyes' shape, (and lens, retina...), disrupts refraction, focus of light rays in the eye, on the retina and the clarity of vision. Blood, oxygen, fluid, tear circulation, production, nerve function in the eyes is impaired. When the mind is strained, tense, the brain and retina do not communicate/function together at optimum level. Function of the retina is lowered. Relaxing the mind, returning normal eye movement relaxes the outer, inner eye muscles, returns the eyes, lens, retina... to normal shape with clear vision.
Natural Eyesight Improvement based on the Method, Treatments of Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. (Color Version) Paperback contains popular EFT book and Dr. Bates books, Magazines in the E-Book. Amazon 'look inside' will soon have the color preview.Includes 20 Color Printable PDF E-Books with this Paperback book, Eyecharts, Audio, Video Lessons, 600+ color pictures, all the Author's and Ophthalmologist Bates 50 books. Contact the Author for the download link; Address is on the 'Thank-You Page' inside the book. E-Book contains 'Word Search''- type in any word, Example; Myopia to see 50-100 Treatments for unclear distant vision. Adobe Translates to Italian, Spanish, German... Activities; Shifting-Natural Eye Movement, Central Fixation, Relaxation, Memory & Imagination, Switching Close, Middle, Far for perfect equally clear vision, convergence, accommodation, divergence, un-accommodation in the left and right eyes at all distances, Left and Right Brain Hemisphere Activation & Integration, Color Treatment, Visualization, Alpha, Theta, Delta Brain Wave Deep Relaxation, Palming, Positive Thinking, Posture, Body Movement, Physical Therapy, Abdominal Breathing, Chi Energy Circulation, Strengthening, Sunning, Saccadic Sunning, Seeing, Reading Fine Print and Eyecharts Clear, EFT, Acupressure, and other Activities for clear Close and Distant, Day and Night Vision, Healthy Eyes. E-mail, phone support. 20 E-BOOKS CONTAIN; +This Paperback Natural Eyesight Improvement Book in Color, with 100 pictures. Less reading, Easy to learn steps; Read the directions printed on the pictures for Fast Vision Improvement. +Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Unedited, full set: 132 Magazines -July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 pictures and additional, up to date Modern Training. +Original Antique Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Photo copy of all his Original Magazine Pages. (Unedited, full set: 132 Magazines - July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Learn the Method, Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement! +The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (photo copy of all the original book pages) with pictures. +Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with pictures. +Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. Lierman/Bates. +Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken. +Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken. +Strengthening The eyes-A New Course In Scientific Eye Training In 28 Lessons by Bernarr MacFadden - with pictures & modern training. +EFT Training Book. +Clear Close Vision - Seeing Fine Print Clear. +Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight without Glasses. +Astigmatism Removal Treatments. +New additional books.+Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Charts for Clear Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts. +Audio and Video lessons in training chapters. Dr. Bates discovered the natural principles, true function of the eyes and applied relaxation, natural methods to return the eyes, eye muscles, mind/brain, body (entire visual system) to normal function with healthy eyes and clear vision. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine stories, articles describe how Dr. Bates, Emily Lierman Bates, other Doctors, School Teachers, Bates Method Students/Teachers, Children and Parents used Natural Treatments to remove, correct, prevent many different eye problems without use of eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. The natural treatments they applied removed/prevented; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, conical cornea, cornea scars, retinitis pigmentosa, detached retina, wandering/crossed eyes (strabismus) and other conditions. See 'William H. Bates Author's Page' for entire Biography, Videos of internal book pages, description of the Paperback, 20 E-books.
William B. MacCracken, a Medical Doctor, trained in Natural Eyesight Improvement by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Dr. MacCracken cured his patients of unclear eyesight and other eye conditions with the Bates Method. (Black & White Version.) This book contains MacCracken's two books, Bernarr MacFadden's book 'Strengthening The Eyes - A System of Scientific Eye Training in 28 Lessons' & Treatments from Ophthalmologist William H. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine, 10 Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments with 1-3 magazine articles for each treatment. Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments by Clark Night, Natural Eyesight Improvement Teacher. 20 E-Books contain; +This Paperback Natural Eyesight Improvement Book in Color, with 100 pictures. Less reading, Easy to learn steps; Read the directions printed on the pictures for Fast Vision Improvement. +Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates (Unedited, full set: 132 Magazines -July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 pictures and additional, up to date Modern Training. +Original Antique Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Photo copy of all his Original Magazine Pages. (Unedited, full set: 132 Magazines - July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Learn the Method, Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered Natural Eyesight Improvement! +The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (photo copy of all the original book pages) with pictures. +Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with pictures. +Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. Lierman/Bates. +Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken. +Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken. +Strengthening The eyes-A New Course In Scientific Eye Training In 28 Lessons by Bernarr MacFadden - with pictures & modern training. +EFT Training Book. +Clear Close Vision - Seeing Fine Print Clear. +Ten Steps For Clear Eyesight without Glasses. +Astigmatism Removal Treatments. +New additional books. +Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Charts for Clear Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts. +Audio and Video lessons in training chapters. Dr. Bates discovered the natural principles, true function of the eyes and applied relaxation, natural methods to return the eyes, eye muscles, mind/brain, body (entire visual system) to normal function with healthy eyes and clear vision. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazine stories, articles describe how Dr. Bates, Emily Lierman Bates, other Doctors, School Teachers, Bates Method Students/Teachers, Children and Parents used Natural Treatments to remove, correct, prevent many different eye problems without use of eyeglasses, surgery, drugs. The natural treatments they applied removed/prevented; unclear close and distant vision, astigmatism, cataracts, glaucoma, conical cornea, cornea scars, retinitis pigmentosa, detached retina, wandering/crossed eyes (strabismus) and other conditions. See William H. Bates Author's Page for entire Biography, Videos of internal book pages, description of the Paperback, 20 E-books;
The Sisterhood: a group of women from all walks of life bound by friendship and a quest for justice. Armed with vast resources, top-notch expertise, and a loyal network of allies around the globe, the Sisterhood will not rest until every wrong is made right. It’s been three months since Countess Annie de Silva slipped away from her home before dawn, leaving a cryptic note and no clue as to her destination. That’s an eternity for friends as devoted as the Sisterhood. Now they’re desperate to ensure that their founding member is alive and well, and that means tracking her down—wherever in the world she might be. Myra Rutledge, Annie’s closest confidante, knows the secrets of Annie’s past, including the remote mountain in Spain where Annie spent some of the best—and worst—days of her life. Annie vowed that she’d never return to the mountain or the stunning monastery there. But the memories of the past have called her back. Now, she needs allies who are fearless, loyal, and willing to do whatever it takes to see justice done. And with the safety of one of their own on the line, the Sisterhood won’t let her down . . . THE 30TH SISTERHOOD NOVEL
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