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I have so many fellow Twin Flames who contact me daily asking for advice, simple tips and inspiration for a fresh perspective to keep doing the great work on their Twin Flame Journey. I know that this invigorating spiritual journey gets lonely, and exhausting because it is very difficult to articulate to a close friend who is not experiencing the process of what you are going through.More so, so much information can be a lot to process and very confusing out there. I have created this simple book for all my readers who have more questions about your process, and any Twin Flame who is searching for a simple guide to ease the challenges of Twin Flame separation during your Twin Flame journey.Please remember that this is a collection of my experiences and any advice that I give is from my perspective and the lessons that I have learned from being in a Twin Flame relationship for over two years.These simple methods and tips that I have laid down for you have worked for me to Surrender, Heal, and also to find Self-love and personal authenticity.I religiously worked hard with discipline, and daily practice coupled with positive thinking for most of the simple practical examples in this simple book to work for me.I have managed to find peace and healing within myself. I feel complete and ready to take on life with passion and unconditional love in my heart.And, yes physical union finally is evident for me and my Twin Flame but Not all Twin Flames aspire to the physical union. Some Twin Flames are not meant to end up as romantic partners because there are several reasons as to why Twin Flames unite in this lifetime.Your Twin Flame partner is only a "catalyst" to your Spiritual awakening and growth. This means that you will always feel connected to your Twin Flame in energy and love but you are responsible for your Soul Growth work, especially during the physical separation phase.The separation was much more complicated when I resisted my feelings for him. Many times, I tried to block out this love that I feel but It doesn't work by the way if you try to block out your Twin Flame love.I feel connected to my Twin Flame as I did on day one but the only difference is that Love has grown over time. I don't remember when I fell in love with him because it feels like I have always loved him.This book is here to be a simple kind of help to ease any kind of pain and frustration that you are experiencing right now due to the stress of being in physical separation from your Twin Flame.I truly understand what you are going through right now if you are also struggling to balance the emotional highs and lows of your Twin Flame process.The emotional pain and the heartache you are feeling because you are physically separated from your Twin Flame is natural because they are the other part of your soul. I understand your pain, and I have been where you are right now but I promise you that everything will be all right, this phase too shall pass because the Twin Flame process gets easier as you learn to balance your Twin Flame situation with your reality.Feel free to pick out whatever information that resonates with you and your Twin Flame situation. Please keep an open mind as you read this book because every Twin Flame experience is unique to every Twin Flame pair.My perspective in this book is personal and if any of my methods or tips don't resonate with your experience, that is okay because the more we compare and contrast our experiences, the more we end up with more improved results that can help other Twin Flames who are new to this experience.I am available in my contacts for further questions and clarifications.I wish you the best of luck on your journey!Stay in love and very much blessings to you!Yours in Light,Silvia Moon
The Twin Flame journey is indeed a battle within the self. You feel the process refining itself within you. When you chase a Twin Flame, you feel the emptiness within you. You know that you have issues to confront within yourself. I struggled with accepting my pain; I had abandonment issues, insecurity, fear, core wounding, and accumulated past pain to confront. I had to find inner peace. I had to unite myself from within. I had to accept the nature of my Twin Flame situation. I surrendered to the divine to guide me through the course of my journey. I embraced unconditional love within my life. I accepted that my life will never be the same after our initial encounter. Before you pursue a physical Union with your Twin Flame, you have to first confront yourself. The Twin Flame process opens you up -- It sheds light in every part of your Soul. It exposes parts of yourself that you had hidden away both from yourself and the world. You have to confront parts of yourself that you thought were unlovable. You have to travel back within yourself and hug your inner child. You stare into the darkest parts of yourself. You purge emotional pain lodged within you. You embrace yourself. You heal your core wounding. You feel a reckoning. I found it challenging to confront my pain at first. I was scared of confronting my fears. I felt very uncomfortable going back into myself. I was overwhelmed by the vulnerability that I felt. I felt disarmed. This is also partly the reason why I ran from my Twin Flame. I wished that I was never triggered into the Spiritual Awakening. I was experiencing all kinds of emotional chaos. I partly blamed my Twin Flame for triggering the pain that I felt. I was naive about Twin Flames. It does not matter whether you accept or deny the nature of your Twin Flame process. You will experience an Awakening in every aspect of your life. You will transform Spiritually, Energetically, Psychologically, and Emotionally. You will evolve into your authentic self. A Twin Flame Union first takes place within you. You are the center of your Twin Flame experiences. Everything revolves around you. You are the answer to all the questions that you have. You possess the inner power to feel in control of yourself. You are capable of self-love and so much more. You are love. You are light. When I finally healed my core wounding. I felt free of fear. I felt united within. My new energetic vibration instantly boosted the connection to my Twin Flame. It also improved our energetic vibration. I felt an upset in our energetic vibration as well. My Twin Flame was struggling to balance his energy within himself. It affected my emotional wellbeing. I was thrown into a quick phase of energetic cleansing on behalf of my Twin Flame. I also cleansed any residue of pain within me from my previous healing process. Sometimes I felt his pain. I would feel heartaches. Sometimes I could burst into tears to relieve the pain. I learned that when his pain came through me, I had to let it pass. The Twin Flame energy is an ebb and flow: You balance each other. You both operate as a single energetic unit. My Twin Flame healed his energy finally. It took over six months of emotional turbulence. When my Twin Flame balanced his energy within himself, I felt the energetic harmony. Our hearts started radiating love towards each other. We merged in energy. I felt the Oneness. You are already in Union with your Twin Flame in the Soul. Twin Flame separation is an illusion indeed. Both Twin Flames have first balance their energy within themselves to feel the Inner Union of the shared energy. Stay Blessed!
There were days when I wanted nothing to do with this invigorating Twin Flame experience because the pain of physical separation from my Twin Flame was unbearable. But, no matter how difficult the situation became, I could feel my Twin Flame's essence comforting me. And in times of most doubt, I could see signs to remind me of how special the connection with my Twin Flame is.Now that I have been through most of the challenging stages of the Twin Flame connection, I found unconditional self-love within myself as well as healing and happiness.The shared energy with your Twin Flame also triggers an energetic purge within yourself, and this purge brings about space within yourself that only craves for change to find your authentic self.Once you change every aspect of your life that needs change starting with your family relationships, friends and social acquittances -- anything and anyone in your life that is not authentic will be dissolved out of your life.If your marriage doesn't make you happy which was my case, you will crave to feel single and free. If your friends are not authentic, they will exit your life at a fast pace on their own.You will change your work ties and relationships, you will change everything about the living situations, your finances will change and all that will be left is your authentic self.I got to a point where I don't need to long to be in the vicinity of my Twin Flame to feel happy about my Twin Flame experiences because I have grown to acknowledge all the aspects of the process. I accept my responsibility as a Twin Flame partner and I am also committed working towards keeping the flow of the harmonious energetic connection that I share with my Twin Flame.Every day, I feel the bliss from the connection with my Twin Flame and the more I keep acknowledging my connection, the more I get inspired to feel great and better at experiencing the Twin Flame journey.Surrender helped to crash my doubts, my fears, and my insecurities. I had to choose to let go of these illusions that I had about myself, my life and my perspective of life. I had to breakdown all the cultural conditionings and old paradigms that I had about Love to free myself so that I can embody unconditional love freely within myself.I chose to let go of neediness to control my Twin Flame Process. I gave up my expectations that I had of my Twin Flame, and instead, I focused on learning from being a Twin Flame myself. To fully feel united from within, you must feel ready to embody your shared energy with your Twin Flame.I had to let go of my old self to accept to fully embody Twin Flame Love and Energy. This was a very challenging phase for me because I had so many expectations of the Twin Flame connection. I had to find peace at last, and surrender helped me to achieve that Harmony.I hope that this Simple Book inspires you to learn to Let Go.
In this simple and easy to read a book, I am discussing with you my experiences of awakening to the love that I feel for my Twin Flame as a runner from the connection.Please allow me to use the Labels of "Runner" and "Chaser" because these are the generic terms that are mostly used to describe the energy dynamics that transpire during the process of energetic push and pull to and fro by the Twin Flames between themselves.Therefore, in this book the term "runner" label simply represents the Twin Flame who is denying the connection and they use all different kinds of methods to hide from their Twin Flame partner while the "chaser" label is representing the Twin Flame who is holding on to the connection and also left wondering why their Twin Flame partner is running from the connection.This simple book will answer some of the following mostly asked questions by Twin Flames: Do Twin Flame runners realize that the love they feel for their divine partner is genuine?What happens when a Twin Flame runner awakens to the connection?Does the Twin Flame runner still love their divine counterpart during the time of separation and silence?What happens when the runner Twin Flame tries to find other Karmic relationships or chooses to get married to someone else other than their Twin Flame partner?Does the Twin Flame runner still think of the chaser during the long quiet physical separation period?What experiences take place when the Twin Flame runner tries to reconcile with the Twin Flame partner?What is the Twin Flame chaser's response to the return of the runner counterpart?Does the Twin Flame runner ever return to their divine counterpart?This book will be answering all the above questions and many more that you have about the experiences of a runner Twin Flame.Stay Blessed
An obstacle is a thing, an object, action, or situation that can obstruct to make it impossible for Twin Flames to be together in a harmonious physical relationship. A Twin Flame Reunion is the coming together of Twin Flames after a distinct period of separation. You come back together as a unified whole. A Twin Flame sometimes comes back to you to trigger you into another healing phase. Sometimes a reunion is temporary if you both need more healing in yourselves. The perfect scenario is when you both feel healed, and balanced within. When you come together, you feel ready to physically unite with each other. A Union is when you both pursue a harmonious relationship. You work together to move any obstacles standing in your way as a team. You work as a single energetic unit that you already are. You both set goals that align with your marriage or matrimony. You seek to unite forever in love and happiness. The Twin Flame journey continues after you physically merge in harmony. You take another phase by going through shared experiences as a whole. You align in the physical, and Spirit. You operate as a Soul. You are one. Obstacles are also impediments or hindrances that get in the way of a Twin Flame relationship making it impossible for Twin Flames to freely express the love they feel for each other. Obstacles make the Twin Flame journey very intriguing and exciting because they exist for a reason; particularly to help you learn different love lessons and also to challenge you to grow and embrace change as you progress on your journey. If you do not have any obstacles between you and your Twin Flame, that means that you are happily enjoying being in a Union. But, remember that if achieving goals and overcoming obstacles were easy, every Twin Flame pair would be in a harmonious union quickly and without difficulty. Even if your vision for your Twin Flame journey is very clear and you can articulate a detailed destiny with your Twin Flame, there are always obstacles along the path as you progress further on your journey. Twin Flame obstacles are not blocks to your Union but rather a test to your commitment to your connection and faith in love. Stay Blessed!
Let us put aside the spiritual and energetic connection — all twin flames are aware that you cannot sever the bond even though you try your best to forget him or her. A twin flame lives inside you. You live inside them. It is time for us twin flames to start believing in our blessings. We focus so much on fixing whatever is not working that we forget to be happy and grateful for being Awakened. The separation phase is a blessing in disguise indeed. If you truly believe in your twin flame connection, being away from each other is an opportunity to be strong on your own without seeking validation from each other. The other thing we must also accept is that the separation phase allows you to test the authenticity of the connection. If you have been separated from your twin flame for some time, you already understand that you are always energetically and spiritually in sync. Your twin flame’s essence haunts you. You feel their energy within you. You miss him or her — thinking of them is uncontrollable and sometimes you feel helpless and restless. I dreamed of my twin flame last night and even though I did not have direct communication, I woke up feeling their energy merging with mine. Feeling this way has made my day beautiful and effortless. I feel the same way I first met him. I believe that at the end of the day, a twin flame finds you when all healing is done. Whenever you have finally to find inner harmony, you feel immense pure love for each other. You feel your hearts radiating toward each other. You know for sure that east or west, home is best. A twin flame is home. Your soul craves your twin flame. You also feel your twin flame’s essence seeking you. Be brave to focus on healing and getting yourself ready for a reunion. Be sure that whether you like it or not, you eventually find each other. Other relationships seem meaningless. Your soul leads you home eventually. Twin Flame love is too sacred, special, and potent to pass it on or forget it. Once you Awaken, you cannot reverse it. You are doomed forever. I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!
Are You a Lightworker? A Lightworker is someone who has a rare gift: the ability to lend their healing energy to a planet that is now heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren’t necessarily well-known spiritual gurus—they are also musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts in many ways; by speaking out for those who have no voice, creating glorious works of art that uplift our planet, or perhaps writing music that elevates our spirits. But many Lightworkers have forgotten their divine purpose. They live among us, unaware of who they really are. And we can’t always recognize them or fully understand their special qualities. But one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before. Here, Sahvanna Arienta—long-time psychic medium and intuitive advisor with clientele from around the globe—shows how to: Discover the true origin of your soul Realize your unique gifts Learn how anxiety, depression, or addiction may actually be signs of a Lightworker's highly sensitive nature Transform you sensitivities into extrasensory perceptions And use these qualities as healing powers Sahvanna Arienta’s Lightworker will change the way you view yourself and your life’s challenges and to discover your true place in the world.
If you're on a twin flame journey, you know how challenging it can be to navigate the separation stage. It's a period of intense emotions, personal growth, and spiritual transformation. But even when you're physically apart from your twin flame, you can still feel a deep connection to them. "Separate but Connected" is your ultimate guide to navigating the twin flame separation stage. This book provides a comprehensive roadmap to help you find peace, healing, and connection during this transformative period. You'll discover practical tools and insights to help you embrace the lessons of separation and prepare for a harmonious reunion with your twin flame. In this book, you'll learn: What the twin flame separation stage is and why it's important How to navigate the common challenges and emotions experienced during separation Techniques for self-care, self-love, and inner peace Strategies for maintaining healthy communication and respect for each other's boundaries Tips for dealing with other relationships and challenges during separation How to trust the journey and have faith in the process of reunion Written in a friendly, accessible tone, "Separate but Connected" is the perfect companion for anyone on the twin flame journey. Whether you're just starting out or have been on the journey for a while, this book will help you gain clarity, find peace, and prepare for a harmonious reunion with your twin flame.
From a running twin flame perspective, a twin flame runner goes through unprecedented situations during the separation phase. The battle between the ego and Soul - the conflicted heart - every running twin flame knows this kind of confusion when your soul is pulling you in your twin flame's direction through your heart. You feel an intense magnet pulling toward your divine partner that you emotionally hurt. That intense longing for a part of yourself. You go through a series of emotional desolation. You feel a void within you that cannot be filled with anything or anyone. Meeting a twin flame raises your standards of understanding and loving someone unconditionally. You think you know what love is until you meet a twin flame. Everything you have experienced before does not compare. You experience all the beautiful feelings of love for one person. When you meet a twin flame, you understand why your previous relationships did not work out. All the heartbreaks and frustrations finally make sense - you learn that you were being prepared to grow a thick skin to handle the twin flame connection. When it comes to the twin flame bond, there is no template to follow. The connection defies all the rules of the land. This is why the separation phase first drives you crazy before you learn to handle how to balance yourself within. Your heart is broken open for unconditional love to move in. Wherever there is unconditional love within yourself, you feel no insecurities or unexplained fears. You feel free to explore yourself through self-love and self-discovery. A twin flame runner deserves a hug as much as the chaser. Your actions and reactions to your awakening might distinguished but you are both traveling the same divine road. Shift your paradigm and honor your Sacred Twin Flame Journey by opening your heart to Spiritually Awaken and grow to transcend beyond the earthly needs of the ego. You are a Spiritual being going through a Human condition." I hope this helps you. Stay Blessed.