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This book dares believers to dream in line with God's Word and work toward fulfilling their dreams!
The purpose of this book is to encourage readers to never give up. With God on your side, your dreams will come true. The author is a United States veteran who fought during the Korean War, serving the country on a destroyer, USS Mansfield DD728 in the service. He returned to America at the age of twenty-three and became a Christian. He received a call to serve others in the ministry. With his family, they pioneered a work beginning in his home in 1969 that led to establishing a church work among the Chinese and Vietnamese in San Jose, California. God miraculously provided several properties worth over $1,500,000 and a local church now worth several million dollars in cash today. The church is debt free and completely paid in full. This is all due to a God who led the journey of a poor boy who started with nothing and became a dreamer. With the help of God, he made it all come true. I hope you enjoy reading this book. Thank you, Richard Shinn
Are you overdue for a life-changing makeover? The principles and steps outlined in Making Your Dream Come True will light a fire in you that will bring a positive change in your destiny. Join author Segun Olusola in this liberating, practical, simple step-by-step journey to success in life; it's as exciting as it is compelling and life-transforming! Break the barrier of tradition and unlock the mysteries of how to make your dream come true. All you need to succeed in life is within you. It's time to say goodbye to failure and mediocrity forever.
If God has placed a dream on your heart, this book will help you overcome the obstacles and cooperate with Him to fulfill it. Have you dreamed about doing something but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you just need a little nudge (or a firm yet loving shove) to get you moving toward what God has in store for you. Dream Come True shows you how to ditch the doubts, eliminate the excuses, and prevent the procrastination keeping you from achieving your greatest goals. You’ll discover how God pours passion and vision into your life, and you’ll find practical answers to that all-important question “What do I do next?” This guide leads you on the path to pursuing what matters most to you and empowering you to identify and answer God’s call on your life. Dreams do come true when you partner with God to make them a reality. This book shows you how.
From the foreword by Dr. Dave Duell: At 75 years of age, as a visionary and dreamer who has lived out what is written in this great book, I have been in ministry for most of my life. I have been working on a specific vision that God gave me over 60 years ago when I was a teenager, and I believe it is soon coming to pass. It can sometimes take most of a lifetime to see your dreams come to pass. Read this book and absorb the keys to your divine destiny. Then I encourage you to get started on what God has called you to do with your life-and don't quit!
Franklin brings a powerful message of hope using examples from biblical characters who knew the power of grabbing hold of the dreams and visions God gave them, and not letting go until they came to pass. The book also reveals three hindrances that can stop a dream from being fulfilled. (Christian)
If you are reading this book, my mission has been accomplished. My prayer is that this book will equip you with the necessary tools that will lead you to a place of forgiveness. Life consists of "what was, what is and what will be" events. These three components create the landscape for this book. We are able to grow through challenges and accomplishments. I pray that my story will allow you to continue in faith, trusting God to "ARRIVE", and not to be defeated or destroyed by bitterness and/or unforgiveness. It doesn't matter what your parent(s) did or didn't do. God says, honor your mother & father so that your days may be long upon the land..." Exodus 20:12 (KJV). He didn't say whether they were good or bad or right or wrong, He said honor them. With His help, I was able to do just that, even through hurt and pain. I believe my obedience to His Word has allowed me to experience my days in prosperity and my years in pleasure according to Job 36:11.Forgiveness allows you to walk in the plan that God has ordained for you according to Jeremiah 29:11. No matter what has happened in your life, God wants you to dream and dream "BIG" because God Will Make Your Dreams A Reality!
Now Is the Time to Live God's Dream for Your Life! Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers: Letting God Make His Dreams for You Come True is a message about love, grace, forgiveness, and the calling of God. It's about living BIG dreams. It is also about overcoming the scary giants you will face while pursuing your dream and defeating the "I'm just a grasshopper" feelings that will attempt to hold you back. Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers will... - Inspire you as you marvel at who God is and the wondrous ways He intervenes in the lives of His children - Reveal the depths of God's love for you and His deep desire to establish a life-transforming relationship with you - Encourage you to pursue God's big dream and perfect plan for your life Through the enthralling and dynamic story of the BIG dream God gave to author Kristin Johnson for The Shepherd's Haven Ranch, you will be stirred to envision God's BIG dream for your own life. Prepare yourself! It will not be a manageable dream you can accomplish on your own. It will be a huge, giant-sized dream that you could never accomplish in your own strength, or through your own knowledge, wis¬dom, capability, or resources. You will have to depend on Him every step of the way to accomplish it. Big Dreams, Scary Giants, and Itty-Bitty Grasshoppers will show you how. Start living your dream today! Kristin Johnson has an M.P. Admin from Drake University, and is the founder and executive director of The Shepherd's Haven, Inc. as well as The Shepherd's Haven Ranch Publishing House and The Shepherd's Haven Ranch in northeastern Arizona, where she resides with her husband, John. The mission of The Shepherd's Haven is to lead people to their Heavenly Father through His Son, Jesus Christ, by way of Christian education, ministry, and entertainment.
In Life, we can be everything God created us to be and prosper beyond our imagination. Sadly, some people face so many limitations because they do not operate under the authority of God’s word. The power of God is unlimited to change the circumstances of our lives. We can reshape our lives and effect positive changes, be it in our profession, marriage, finances, health or ministry if we abide to the principles elaborated in this book.Whatever your dream may be, you can fulfil it. In fact, it is your responsibility to fulfil your dream and effect changes in your life, even from glory to glory.