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A contemporary and detailed look at the reality behind the PhD degrees and postdoctoral fellowships in academia. The book explores some of the most pressing issues and unique challenges currently facing the doctoral and postdoctoral programs both on a local institutional level and on a global one where multiple complex factors influencing and governing the academic environment take place. The interrelated nature of these challenges together with discussions over certain historical trends and demographics offer a unique perspective on some often overlooked topics such as academic advisors and mentoring, increasing job insecurity, career prospects, mental issues, discrimination and women in science, ever growing need for funding, increasing pressure for high-profile research, internationalization of science, trends in university management, higher education dynamics, and government policies, backed with references to published research, national and international surveys, and census data. Today, most of the PhD programs have been accommodated to the benefit of the university with disregard to any sustainable demand-and-supply job market strategies, contrary to the original ideas behind their inception. The result is an over-flooded job market and huge underemployment rates among doctorate holders. Infused with a narrative of a rich mix of personal experiences, observations, and impressions, all dressed in humor (mostly dark), sarcasm, irony, disbelief, and often outright criticism, this text does not shy away from asking uncomfortable questions and even attempts to provide answers to some of them. At the same time it also offers practical advice for those considering and those who already have dared to tread the PhD path.
Introduction to Rocket Science and Engineering, Second Edition, presents the history and basics of rocket science, and examines design, experimentation, testing, and applications. Exploring how rockets work, the book covers the concepts of thrust, momentum, impulse, and the rocket equation, along with the rocket engine, its components, and the physics involved in the generation of the propulsive force. The text also presents several different types of rocket engines and discusses the testing of rocket components, subsystems, systems, and complete products. The final chapter stresses the importance for rocket scientists and engineers to creatively deal with the complexities of rocketry.
Popular Mechanics inspires, instructs and influences readers to help them master the modern world. Whether it’s practical DIY home-improvement tips, gadgets and digital technology, information on the newest cars or the latest breakthroughs in science -- PM is the ultimate guide to our high-tech lifestyle.
Engineering skills and knowledge are foundational to technological innovation and development that drive long-term economic growth and help solve societal challenges. Therefore, to ensure national competitiveness and quality of life it is important to understand and to continuously adapt and improve the educational and career pathways of engineers in the United States. To gather this understanding it is necessary to study the people with the engineering skills and knowledge as well as the evolving system of institutions, policies, markets, people, and other resources that together prepare, deploy, and replenish the nation's engineering workforce. This report explores the characteristics and career choices of engineering graduates, particularly those with a BS or MS degree, who constitute the vast majority of degreed engineers, as well as the characteristics of those with non-engineering degrees who are employed as engineers in the United States. It provides insight into their educational and career pathways and related decision making, the forces that influence their decisions, and the implications for major elements of engineering education-to-workforce pathways.
A guide to the trends and leading companies in the engineering, research, design, innovation and development business fields. This book contains most of the data you need on the American Engineering & Research Industry. It includes market analysis, R&D data and several statistical tables and nearly 400 profiles of Engineering and Research firms.
A guide to the trends and leading companies in the engineering, research, design, innovation and development business fields: those firms that are dominant in engineering-based design and development, as well leaders in technology-based research and development.
As the magazine of the Texas Exes, The Alcalde has united alumni and friends of The University of Texas at Austin for nearly 100 years. The Alcalde serves as an intellectual crossroads where UT's luminaries - artists, engineers, executives, musicians, attorneys, journalists, lawmakers, and professors among them - meet bimonthly to exchange ideas. Its pages also offer a place for Texas Exes to swap stories and share memories of Austin and their alma mater. The magazine's unique name is Spanish for "mayor" or "chief magistrate"; the nickname of the governor who signed UT into existence was "The Old Alcalde."
Vol. for 1955 includes an issue with title Product design handbook issue; 1956, Product design digest issue; 1957, Design digest issue.