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Loving God means loving His Word. If you’re feeling distant from God, could it be because you’re ignoring His Word? But maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe the long books and strange names feel overwhelming. Maybe you just don’t like reading. Whatever the case, How to Eat Your Bible will help you cultivate an appetite for life-long study of God’s Word. Find practical guidance for overcoming the hurdles that have kept you from making Bible study a regular part of your life. You’ll also become encouraged to pursue God’s Word by learning how other Christians throughout time maintained this crucial practice. Pastor Nate Pickowicz also includes a unique Seven Year Bible Plan so that you can apply what you’ve learned and continue drawing near to God as you consume His Word.
"Eugene Peterson maintains that how we read the Bible is as important as that we read it. The second volume of Peterson's momentous five-part work on spiritual theology, Eat This Book challenges us to read the Scriptures on their own terms, as God's revelation, and to live them as we read them. Countering the widespread practice of using the Bible for self-serving purposes, Peterson here serves readers with a nourishing entrée into the formative, life-changing art of spiritual reading." - from the back of the book.
One weekend, a decade ago, author Rena Rossner was served a bowl of lentil soup at dinner. The portion of the Bible that had been discussed that week was the chapter in which Esau sells his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of red lentil soup. Rossner was struck by the ability to bring the Bible alive in such a tactile way and decided on the spot to see whether she could incorporate the Bible into a meal each week. And so she has. The result, Eating the Bible, is an innovative cookbook with original, easy-to-prepare recipes that will ignite table conversation while pleasing the stomach. Every meal will become both a tactile and intellectual experience as the recipes enrich both the soul of the cook and the palates of those at the table. Every cook must glance at a recipe countless times before completing a dish. Often recipes involve five- to ten-minute periods during which one must wait for the water to boil, the soup to simmer, or the onions to sauté. It is Rossner’s goal to help enrich those moments with biblical verse and commentary, to enable cooks to feed their souls as they work to feed the members of the household and guests. From the zesty “Garden of Eden Salad” to the “Honey Coriander Manna Bread,” each recipe will delight the palate and spark the mind.
Are you longing to hear from God, aching to know who He really is? The beautiful truth is this—we can encounter the living God today and every day in the pages of His Word. Whether you are a seasoned Bible reader or struggle to keep up with studying Scripture, Open Your Bible will leave you with a greater appreciation for the Word of God, a deeper understanding of its authority, and a stronger desire to know the Bible inside and out. Using powerful storytelling, real-life examples, and scripture itself, Open Your Bible will quench a thirst you might not even know you have, one that can only be satisfied by God's Word.
How to lose weight, lower cholesterol, prevent cancer, eat more, get fit, and feel great!
They say it takes 21 days to develop a habit. But we all know how hard it is to make through those first 21 days. Taste for Truth will help you get through those first few weeks when you'd like nothing better than to give up. Taste for Truth offers 30 days of Bible study and hands-on renewing of the mind help. You'll be taking off the lies that make you overeat and putting on the truth that will make you actually want to eat with control. Taste for Truth is a companion Bible study to I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat).
Want to start a Christian weight loss program at your church? The Take Back Your Temple Member Guide gives your support group the wisdom they need to reach their ideal weight and maintain it for life. Includes Christian health scriptures for motivation, delicious recipes, and a survival plan for handling common weight loss barriers like emotional eating, bottomless food pits, and more.
There are a lot of Bible study methods available online and in print but it isn't so easy to find a simple Bible study method that does not require extra materials and access to resources beyond your Bible. This Bible study method was born out of necessity - how to help someone with no background or preexisting knowledge of the Bible, study it in a meaningful way without access to additional resources and materials. When choosing a method for studying your Bible, your goal or motivation is important to consider. You can always read the Bible just to know what it says, which is often what happens when people tackle intense Bible-reading plans that require you to read multiple chapters a day. However, at some point in your faith journey, the goal should shift and be to go deeper than just "head knowledge" and, instead, chew on it and take it into yourself and digest it, like food. That is why this Bible study method is organized around the acrostic E.A.T. It is meant to encourage every believer to learn how to EAT their Bible because, as Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:4)