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Integrating the work of leading therapists, the book covers both conceptual foundations and current treatment applications. The volume delineates a variety of experiential methods, and describes newly developed models of experiential diagnosis and case formulation.
Examining the actual moment-to-moment process of therapy, this volume provides specific ways for therapists to engender effective movement, particularly in those difficult times when nothing seems to be happening. The book concentrates on the ongoing client therapist relationship and ways in which the therapist's responses can stimulate and enable a client's capacity for direct experiencing and "focusing." Throughout, the client therapist relationship is emphasized, both as a constant factor and in terms of how the quality of the relationship is manifested at specific times. The author also shows how certain relational responses can turn some difficulties into moments of relational therapy.
Couple psychotherapy can be significantly deepened and expedited by using present-time experience in the assessment process and by incorporating experiential interventions, says Fisher. Presumably a practitioner himself, he explains to fellow therapists how to do it, detailing the application of a b
In process experiential psychotherapy, the therapist works to guide the client's affective and cognitive processing of experience through the use of appropriate active interventions that facilitate the resolution of painful emotions. This book demonstrates this emotion-focused approach to treatment.
A sensible and compassionate book that will help those involved in any form of therapy make the best possible use of their time, effort, and money. "A fascinating blend of Eastern spirituality, Western psychotherapy, feminist consciousness, and real caring."--Riane Eisler, author of The Chalice and the Blade 35 black-and-white photographs.
This voluminous book of 47 chapters offers a good cross section of what is burgeoing in the field of client-centered and experiential psychotherapy on the threshold of the nineties. it does not represent a single vision but gives the floor to the various suborientations: classics Rogerians; client-centered therapists who favor some form of integration or even eclecticism; experiential psychotherapists for whom Gendlin's focusing approach is a precious way of working; client-centered therapists who look at the therapy process in terms of information-processing; existentially oriented therapists... Remarkable is that - for the first time in the history of client-centered/experiential psychotherapy - the European voice rings through forcefully: more than half of the contributions were written by authors from Western Europe.Several chapters contain reflections on the evolution--past, present, and future--of client-centered/experiential psychotherapy. The intensive research into the process, which had a central place in the initial phase of client-centered therapy, is given here ample attention, with several creative studies and proposals for renewal. In numerous contributions efforts are made to build and further develop a theroy of psychopathology, the client's process, the basic attitudes and task-oriented interventions of the therapist. The chapters dealing with clinical practice typically aim at the description of therapy with specific client populations and paricularly severely disturbed clients. And finally a few fields are introduced which are new or barely explored within the client-centered/experiential approach: working with dreams, health psychology, couple and family therapy.
Adventure Group Psychotherapy: An Experiential Approach to Treatment explores what is necessary for an experiential therapy group to function effectively, and the practical skills needed to inspire success. The authors describe how to use activities in a manner that produces the greatest opportunity for clients to reach their goals. Issues such as how to actively assess client functioning in the group, how to select the appropriate activity, how to shape an effective environment, and how to help clients process their experience are a few of the aspects examined to help clients move toward their goals. The practical skills the authors describe enable readers to immediately learn and apply their practice with groups. This book will be an important tool in any group therapy class, in practice settings to train practitioners, and for any clinician trying to expand their group work capabilities.
How to Take a Friendly Perspective: Philosophy of Science and the Field of Psychotherapy; A Thumbnail Sketch of the Experiential Model of Human Beings; In-Session Goals, Objectives, and Directions of Change; For What Patients Is Experiential Psychotherapy Useful, Appropriate, and Appealing?; For What Kinds of Therapists Is Experiential Psychotherapy Suitable, and What Determines That the Session Will Be Effective?; Dealing with the Practicalities of Experiential Psychotherapy; Step 1 - Being in the Moment of Strong Feeling and Accessing the Inner Experiencing; Step 2 - Integrative Good Relationship with Inner Experiencing; Step 3 - Being the Inner Experiencing in Earlier Scenes; Being and Behaving as the Inner Experiencing in the Present.