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Art Palumbo presents the origin and purpose of America's great foundational document and explores the founding principles of the American republic. He details and clarifies its provisions for the proper powers of Congress, monetary policy and taxation, the government's role in regulating commerce, in war, and in foreign policy, the right to bear arms, immigration and other hot-button issues in a way that cuts through many of the misconceptions that confuse citizens and leave them confounded.The book strictly supports "originalism," which is the idea that the Constitution should be understood in accordance with the meanings advanced by those who wrote and ratified it. However, it also takes account of how far we have gone off course and recognizes that the changes required to get us back on track again cannot be made all at once.In 2008, Alan Keyes, a Republican presidential candidate in 1996 and 2000, described the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States in the following way: "The doctrine of unalienable rights is to the Constitution what the laws of physics are to architecture or engineering. Those laws are not repeated in every plan or architect's drawing, but they are assumed and must be respected or the results will be defective and dangerous." It is clear that the founding principles of the Declaration are intimately connected with the Constitution and it would be unwise to ignore them or the bond that the two documents share.The style of the book is scholarly, but not overly so. It is well documented and contains illustrations and tables. In several cases, documents are transcribed from the originals. The approach is generally as follows: First, an explanation of the original meaning of a particular section of the Constitution is provided. Second, the consequences of not following it are revealed. Third, a solution is offered to get the country back on course, always with a focus on returning to our founding principles and the Constitution.The Authentic Constitution (1) Provides detailed evidence to support the contention that the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, and Seventeenth Amendments were not properly ratified; (2) It unreservedly supports the view that the judiciary is not the sole arbiter of the Constitution and that only the parties to the case are ever bound by a court s decision; (3) It supports the view that the Bill of Rights is applicable only to the federal government and that each state has its own enumeration of rights that is applicable to each state; (4) It maintains that complete control over immigration was never constitutionally transferred from the states to the federal government and that this transfer could only have been accomplished properly by a constitutional amendment; and (5) It supports the view that although the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, ... [cannot] be infringed (Second Amendment), it equally supports the notion that each state must maintain an active militia, composed of the armed citizenry of the state (the well regulated Militia of the Second Amendment), as the Constitution requires. 'In questions of power then let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution' - - Thomas Jefferson
The Best of Besen! Bashing Back: Wayne Besen on GLBT People, Politics & Culture is a compilation of 72 columns from the outspoken GLBT activist and author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth. Funny, provocative, and informative, this unique book puts a progressive spin on hot-button topics in the political, cultural, and social arenas, covering everything from AIDS and African-Americans to Zach Stark. Bashing Back presents an A-to-Z look at Besen's worldview on a wide range of topics, including Bill O'Reilly, Brokeback Mountain, Ellen DeGeneres, gay pride parades, marriage rights, Mary Cheney, overhauling the gay movement, religion and politics, sports and homophobia, The Passion of the Christ, the pitiful state of TV news, the Vatican's war on gays, the World Trade Center, and New Orleans. Smart and funny, Besen delivers a knockout punch to the notion that liberalism stands for nothing and progressive means passive. From the author: “The columns I have chosen for this book touch on politics and people, comedy and culture. But most of all, they are a strong defense of the liberal values that have made this nation strong. It is time we proudly stand up for what we believe in. If we don't defend our values, our opponents will define them. . . . Bashing Back is the first punch in a fight to take back our culture and restore progressive values for the good of the nation.” An excerpt from “Bill O'Reilly:” Once upon a time I actually enjoyed The O'Reilly Factor. While I almost always disagreed with him, he was at least entertaining. Lately, however, he has morphed into just another Bush mouthpiece. The master of the “No Spin Zone” is suddenly spinning so hard he is in the Twilight Zone, dizzy in his own deception. He even had the audacity on CNBC to suggest that Fox isn't a conservative news outlet. That's beyond spin. If it were closer to Hanukah I'd think O'Reilly was a dreidel. My other problem with his show is that it's unnaturally obsessed with gay issues. More gay people appear on The O'Reilly Factor than on Showtime's Queer as Folk. I know that sounds strange coming from a gay columnist who has twice appeared on his show. But it seems like he's had on every gay person in America to use as his personal political piñata. When even gay activists are tired of watching gay segments, it's time to find a new culture war issue. Bashing Back is an invaluable compilation of Besen's best columns from Planet Out,, and the Washington Blade. It's an essential resource for longtime Besen readers and an entertaining introduction for newcomers.
Republican Gomorrah - Blumenthal's remarkable, muckraking debut - is a bestiary of dysfunction, scandal, and crime from the heart of the movement that runs the Republican Party. Blumenthal describes with no-holds-barred detail the people and the beliefs that establishment Republicans - like John McCain - have to kowtow to if they have any hope of running for president, and how moderates have been systematically purged from party ranks. He shows why the unqualified Sarah Palin was the party's only logical choice and how her most fanatical supporters will be setting the strategy for the Republican assault on the Obama administration. Blumenthal warns that the Christian right will quietly exploit the widespread financial misery caused by the economic meltdown while mainstream media pundits churn out faddish and unfounded tales of the movement's death. More than just an expos, Republican Gomorrah reveals that many of the movement's leading figures are united by more than political campaigns; they are bound together by a shared sensibility rooted in private trauma. Their lives have been stained by crisis and scandal - depression, mental illness, extra-marital affairs, struggles with homosexual urges, addiction to drugs and pornography, serial domestic abuse, and even murder. For the most zealous foot soldiers of the right, the crusade to cleanse the land of sin was in fact a quest to purify their souls.
The most important constitutional issues of this generation concern the meaning of the rule of law and the ability of the people to enforce true law by restraining runaway activist judges. For decades, such judges have been simply making up law. What is worse, liberal and conservative lawmakers have been reinforcing such behavior by treating such rulings as if they are legitimate. Today, one in every three Americans have been killed by abortion simply because a handful of unelected officials said it was acceptable for these Americans to be killed. But issues like abortion and homosexual marriages can be resolved immediately, without special constitutional amendments, if we will simply avail ourselves of the measures given to us by our Founding Fathers to hold renegade and lawless judges accountable for their behavior. In this brilliant, accessible, and documented work, Dr. Edwin Vieira offers us the best researched and clearest overview to date of the power of the people to control a runaway judiciary. Author: Dr. Edwin Vieira Format: Paperback (328 pages)
Tracing the troubled roots of American capitalism and imperialism Coedited by noted Masters scholar, Jason Stacy, and his class, “Editing History,” this annotated edition of Edgar Lee Masters’s The New Star Chamber and Other Essays reappears at a perilous time in US history, when large corporations and overseas conflicts once again threaten the integrity of American rights and liberties, and the United States still finds itself beholden to corporate power and the legacy of imperial hubris. In speaking to his times, Masters also speaks to ours. These thirteen essays lay bare the political ideology that informed Spoon River Anthology. Masters argues that the dangerous imperialism championed by then-President Theodore Roosevelt was rooted in the Constitution itself. By debating the ethics of the Philippine-American War, criticizing Hamiltonian centralization of government, and extolling the virtues of Jeffersonian individualism, Masters elucidates the ways in which America had strayed from its constitutional morals and from democracy itself. The result is a compelling critique of corporate capitalism and burgeoning American imperialism, as well as an exemplary source for understanding its complicated author in the midst of his transformation from urban lawyer to poet of rural America. In print again for the first time since 1904, this edition includes an introduction and historical annotations throughout. Edited and annotated by students at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and designed and illustrated by students at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, this volume traces economic and political pathologies to the origins of the American republic. The New Star Chamber and Other Essays is as vital now as it was over 100 years ago.