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Introduction to How to Create Kenpo Karate There is a school of thought, in the martial arts, that to be good one must do as they are told, must memorize long and laborious forms, must memorize endless strings of random techniques. Kenpo is one of these schools, and, I hate to say it, perhaps the worst. There are hundreds of random strings of moves to memorize, the forms are more for dance than creating power, and freestyle is a thing apart. And, sad to say, nobody objects, they treat the art as if sacred, never to be questioned. Yet, if you examine those who brought it to us, they questioned the heck out of it. Mitose was interested in self defense techniques, Chow was interested in street fighting techniques, and Parker...Parker was interested in creating a lasting ode to himself. So we are left with something that worked for them, but which has become a mish mash to us. The purpose of these three books, 'How to Create Kenpo, ' is to cause you, the student, to question. To question the masters, to question the system, to question yourselves. To do this, to raise these questions, we will examine Kenpo using something called Matrixing. Matrixing is a form of logic. What matrixing does is enable the student to see a martial art with such clarity that he or she can tailor that art to his or her own specific lights; in this case, to create kenpo so that it is not a series of memorized techniques, but rather a creation of the self. To reach this point, where you create the art, is the essence of all arts, it is the mark of the true artist. How to Create Kenpo Karate consists of three volumes. The first volume has the history, including the mistakes of the pioneers, and the analysis of 54 kenpo techniques. The second volume continues with the analysis of techniques, and includes a short section on how to revise and recreate the forms of Kenpo. The third volume concludes the analysis of techniques, then presents a complete revision of Kenpo, including all belts, and the matrixing theory behind this. You will learn how to write a matrix of your own at this point, though for complete information on how to make and use matrixes you are recommended to view the series called 'Matrixing Karate.' Now, enjoy, and have a great work out! Al Case
This book contains information on my life in finding the right martial art, for me. I discuss the law, training, weapons, injuries, Katas, techniques, women training, principles, choosing the correct martial art for you and much more. Yes, there are some pictures, though not really needed. It should be interesting to martial artists and non-martial artists and informative where you could use much of the material in defending yourself. There is the mental aspect to consider and more.
With over 450 photos, this comprehensive and insightful guide to the forms and history of Kenpo Karate is ideal for martial arts students of all levels The Kenpo Karate Compendium details the forms of American Kenpo as prescribed by the “Father of American Karate,” Ed Parker. Author Lee Wedlake, 9th degree black belt, world-class instructor and competitor, brings his acclaimed training and teaching experience to bear in this unique resource for all who practice and teach American Kenpo and its offshoot systems. The American Kenpo system is taught worldwide and this reference will become a standard for thousands of Kenpo practitioners in various lineages. It will also serve as a stimulus for all martial artists by providing a sense of the logical framework of American Kenpo. Having collected the general rules of motion and the numerous fine points of Kenpo, the book is a standout in the genre. • COMPREHENSIVE TREATMENT of the Kenpo Karate system provides a progression of teaching curricula for beginning, intermediate, and advanced students and instructors • COVERS history, fundamentals, forms, solo and partner practice, and advanced technical skills • INCLUDES over 450 black and white photos detailing forms and techniques • SOMETHING FOR ALL STUDENTS, whether pursuing martial arts for health, competition, self-defense, or personal improvement Table of Contents Introduction Preface Chapter 1: What the Beginner and the Black Belt Should Know Chapter 2: The Basics and Exercise Forms: Short and Long 1 and Short and Long 2 Chapter 3: The Intermediate Forms: Short Form Three and Long Form Three Chapter 4: Form Four Chapter 5: Form Five Chapter 6: Form Six Chapter 7: Form Seven Chapter 8: Form Eight Chapter 9: The Sets Now What? Legal viewpoint by Frank Triolo Capstone--The Thesis Form General rules of motion Recommended Reading About the Author
With the accumulation of over thirty years of practical Martial Arts experience the Sr. Grandmaster of American Kenpo Karate Ed Parker Sr. decided to document and share his findings in a monumental series of books. Writing with the intent to expound upon the merits of his American KENPO Martial Arts system, he wrote of it's many facets as, "a discipline, a way of life, a philosophy, and an art and a science." With each book intended to offer a unique and exciting adventure into KENPO knowledge, he called the series of five volumes " Infinite Insights Into Kenpo." Early in 1982, Mr. Parker completed and published the first book in the "Infinite Insights Into Kenpo" series, titled "Mental Stimulation". He wrote, "I was sensitive to the need of innovations during my early years of training. Analyzing the methods of fighting in Hawaii, the place of my birth and early rearing, verified the unquestionable need for an updated approach to the Martial Arts." Mr. Parker broke the bonds of tradition and experimented with more logical and practical means of combating modern day methods of fighting. What emerged was, in his own words, "my own interpretation of the Art." It was this perspective that he introduced in this initial volume and developed and expanded upon through his subsequent works. Mr. Parker introduced an unparalleled number of combative predicaments, indicating the need for several viewpoints. Thee mystic "Universal Pattern", introduced to the public for the first time some twenty years earlier, was put into context. In an effort to develop and articulate definable qualities in the Martial Arts, he sought to set the backdrop for the unknown to become known, the intangible to become tangible and for the mysticism to disappear.
New Manuals (Version 2.0). These new manuals are geared to aid the new and advanced Instructors of the Lacerte's Kenpo Karate Academy in following a set, and stylized method of teaching Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate system. The material found within these pages where the results of different manuals from the I.K.K.A. manuals, Skip Hancock's Kenpo 2000 manuals, Ed Parker's many Books, and my many Notes that where taken within the 20 plus years that I have been studying Kenpo Karate. It is with no disrespect to the above Associations or to those Instructors that I have used their knowledge and formats and words to make these manuals. I hope that these manuals aid you in understanding not only the "How" of Kenpo but also the "Whys" of Kenpo. Remember; The man who knows "How" will always be a student, but the man who knows "Why" will continue to be the Instructor. Ed Parker; "The Zen of Kenpo" Welcome to the second Manual of the Lacerte's Kenpo Karate Academy series of the Instructor's Master Text Manuals. As stated in all of these Manuals, It is with no disrespect to any Kenpo Association, to Mr. Ed Parker. Or to any of the many First Generation Black Belt that I have trained under and have taken Notes from, nor to my Current Instructor Mr. Skip Hancock., in to which I have utilized their formats, ways of Teaching, or their wisdom, to put together these Manuals. By utilizing all these people's knowledge under one book aided me in creating a complete and knowledgeable Manual that my students and Instructors may use to understand what should be taught within a structured class, that will be accepted in any Kenpo Studio that teaches Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate.
In 1960, Senior Grandmaster Ed Parker Sr. first book, entitled, Kenpo Karate, Law of the Fist and the Empty Hand was completed and published. Mr. Parker introduced the reading public to the art of Kenpo Karate, a formidable system of logical and practical self-defense. He Believed that Kenpo could "do much to deter juvenile delinquency" steering young people away from stealing, street fighting and other vices. Through studying Kenpo young people could gain self-confidence, and self-respect, as well as developing humility and self-restraint. Kenpo was presented as a self-defense system to combat unethical fighting methods prevalent on the streets. Through a series of anatomical illustrations drawn by Mr. Parker himself, natural body weapons and targets that could be struck with a devastating effect were identified. Mr. Parker's reasoning for including an anatomical study was simply, "That knowledge of our own points of weakness, as well as those of our opponent, can determine our own victory or defeat." It was clear that with a thorough knowledge of the location of the major nerve centers and critical areas, Kenpoists would be able to defend their own vital areas as well as deliver blows to vital points on an opponent. Vital areas, pressure points sensitive to various methods of attack, along with individual natural weapons were all clearly presented and illustrated on simple to read charts. It is interesting to note, that many of the self-defense techniques presented in this pioneering publication, show embryonic movement patterns that would establish the foundation for subsequent techniques that would be prefixed, suffixed, altered, adjusted, expanded and refined by Sr. Grandmaster Ed Parker Sr. over time.
This book is a thesis with research done on the Fundamental Basics of Ed Parker's American Kenpo Karate as taught at the Lacerte's Kenpo Karate Academy. This shows a breakdown of what the Basics of Kenpo contain and when and where they are taught. This will be a Color-coded Manual that will enable you to find the Basic Technique, Form, Set, and Freestyle that the author is describing for the particular fundamental so that the reader may utilize the Lacerte's Kenpo Karate Academy's Instructor's Master Text Manuals in doing more research of your own to enhance your understanding of the Basics.
Introduction There is a school of thought, in the martial arts, that to be good one must do as they are told, must memorize long and laborious forms, must memorize endless strings of random techniques. Kenpo is one of these schools, and, I hate to say it, perhaps the worst. There are hundreds of random strings of moves to memorize, the forms are more for dance than creating power, and freestyle is a thing apart. And, sad to say, nobody objects, they treat the art as if sacred, never to be questioned. Yet, if you examine those who brought it to us, they questioned the heck out of it. Mitose was interested in self defense techniques, Chow was interested in street fighting techniques, and Parker...Parker was interested in creating a lasting ode to himself. So we are left with something that worked for them, but which has become a mish mash to us. The purpose of these three books, 'How to Create Kenpo, ' is to cause you, the student, to question. To question the masters, to question the system, to question yourselves. To do this, to raise these questions, we will examine Kenpo using something called Matrixing. Matrixing is a form of logic. What matrixing does is enable the student to see a martial art with such clarity that he or she can tailor that art to his or her own specific lights; in this case, to create kenpo so that it is not a series of memorized techniques, but rather a creation of the self. To reach this point, where you create the art, is the essence of all arts, it is the mark of the true artist. How to Create Kenpo Karate consists of three volumes. The first volume has the history, including the mistakes of the pioneers, and the analysis of 54 kenpo techniques. The second volume continues with the analysis of techniques, and includes a short section on how to revise and recreate the forms of Kenpo. The third volume concludes the analysis of techniques, then presents a complete revision of Kenpo, including all belts, and the matrixing theory behind this. You will learn how to write a matrix of your own at this point, though for complete information on how to make and use matrixes you are recommended to view the series called 'Matrixing Karate.' Now, enjoy, and have a great work out! Al Case
Introduction There is a school of thought, in the martial arts, that to be good one must do as they are told, must memorize long and laborious forms, must memorize endless strings of random techniques. Kenpo is one of these schools, and, I hate to say it, perhaps the worst. There are hundreds of random strings of moves to memorize, the forms are more for dance than creating power, and freestyle is a thing apart. And, sad to say, nobody objects, they treat the art as if sacred, never to be questioned. Yet, if you examine those who brought it to us, they questioned the heck out of it. Mitose was interested in self defense techniques, Chow was interested in street fighting techniques, and Parker...Parker was interested in creating a lasting ode to himself. So we are left with something that worked for them, but which has become a mish mash to us. The purpose of these three books, 'How to Create Kenpo,' is to cause you, the student, to question. To question the masters, to question the system, to question yourselves. To do this, to raise these questions, we will examine Kenpo using something called Matrixing. Matrixing is a form of logic. What matrixing does is enable the student to see a martial art with such clarity that he or she can tailor that art to his or her own specific lights; in this case, to create kenpo so that it is not a series of memorized techniques, but rather a creation of the self. To reach this point, where you create the art, is the essence of all arts, it is the mark of the true artist. How to Create Kenpo Karate consists of three volumes. The first volume has the history, including the mistakes of the pioneers, and the analysis of 54 kenpo techniques. The second volume continues with the analysis of techniques, and includes a short section on how to revise and recreate the forms of Kenpo. The third volume concludes the analysis of techniques, then presents a complete revision of Kenpo, including all belts, and the matrixing theory behind this. You will learn how to write a matrix of your own at this point, though for complete information on how to make and use matrixes you are recommended to view the series called 'Matrixing Karate.' Now, enjoy, and have a great work out! Al Case
The oldest and most respected martial arts title in the industry, this popular monthly magazine addresses the needs of martial artists of all levels by providing them with information about every style of self-defense in the world - including techniques and strategies. In addition, Black Belt produces and markets over 75 martial arts-oriented books and videos including many about the works of Bruce Lee, the best-known marital arts figure in the world.