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The current institutional arrangements which govern the Caribbean Single Market and Economy are fully realized based on attempts of preceding Caribbean economic integration. The first significant attempt was disastrous. With myopic dreams of unification, the West Indies Federation was formed in 1958 and consisted of 10 British West Indian territories, where Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, and Barbados were the principal members. Most of the Leeward and Windward islands, which were then under British control, were also apart of the federation. The seat of government was in Port of Spain, Trinidad who was then, slated for independence in 1962. Consequently, the federation saw little hopes of surviving its troubled infancy because it was an institution built on self interest, rather than symbiosis. Before Trinidad left, however, Jamaica, the most populous and prosperous member, voted (1961) to leave the federation, fearing that it would have to shoulder the burdens of the economically underdeveloped members. Trinidad and Tobago, inevitably, followed suit and the federation disintegrated in May, 1962. Further attempts date back 1968, with the establishment of the Caribbean Free Trade Area (CARIFTA) to serve the purpose of only removing the tariff and other barriers to intra regional trade in goods. This resulted in a reticent ten percent (10%) growth in intra- regional trade of the Caribbean economies. The integration process was later intensified through the Treaty if Chaguaramas which outlined directives to create a Common Market in the region. Added to the existing agenda of supporting liberalization on trade in goods, was the establishment of a common external tariff, intended to provide protection to regional industries. The 1973 treaty contained further provisions for the removal of restrictions in the establishment of businesses, provisions of services, the movement of capital and the coordination of economic policies. These stipulations barely made a difference to the volume of intra- regional trade which still lingered at 10% mark of total trade. It failed to catalyze new investments and though it intended to support regional import substitution, it miserably addressed evolving and pressing issues concerning international competitiveness and export penetration. In the following years the Caribbean economies, under the auspices of multilateral lending institutions, implemented structural adjustment programs that targeted of economic, financial and trade liberalization which surpassed their commitments as expressed by the treaty of Chaguaramas. By the end of the 1980's, through precipitating trading blocs and the inception of economic globalization, there was ubiquitous face-lifting of economies. This accommodated the working of free and private market forces to construct robust capital and other factor flows, and to endorse an export oriented growth and international competitiveness. Henceforth, at Grand Anse Grenada, 1989, Heads of Government, being properly convinced of the necessity to reinforce and extend the Caribbean Community in all of its dimensions, decided to convert the limited Common Market as conceived in 1973, into a Single Market and Economy in as short a time as possible.
"The CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME) has for years been touted as the most critical pillar in Caribbean regional integration. Yet, for years, the implementation of the CSME stalled due to the absence of a common view as to its feasibility, the speed of its implementation, the institutional capacity, programming for public education and ultimately, its benefits. In this work, a special edition of the Integrationist, and put together by the UWI-CARICOM project, the CSME is explained in all its dimensions. The contents cover the background to the establishment of the CSME and perspectives on its implementation. The main provisions and expected benefits of the Single Market are also presented along with the strategic framework and efforts at resource mobilisation to make the CSME a reality. The importance of the Caribbean Court of Justice to the effective functioning of the CSME is also outlined. The book concludes with a call to the member states for a unity in both understanding and action in the pursuit of integration, not as choice, but rather as necessity. The work is complemented by the inclusion of several appendices notably the original 1989 Grand Anse Declaration, the 2005 PetroCaribe Agreement as well as an indicative plan of action by priorities and an outline of major technical assistance resource gaps. "
Deeper economic integration within the Caribbean has been a regional policy priority since the establishment of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the decision to create the Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME). Implementation of integration initiatives has, however, been slow, despite the stated commitment of political leaders. The “implementation deficit” has led to skepticism about completing the CSME and controversy regarding its benefits. This paper analyzes how Caribbean integration has evolved, discusses the obstacles to progress, and explores the potential benefits from greater integration. It argues that further economic integration through liberalization of trade and labor mobility can generate significant macroeconomic benefits, but slow progress in completing the institutional arrangements has hindered implementation of the essential components of the CSME and progress in economic integration. Advancing institutional integration through harmonization and rationalization of key institutions and processes can reduce the fixed costs of institutions, providing the needed scale and boost to regional integration. Greater cooperation in several functional policy areas where the region is facing common challenges can also provide low-hanging fruit, creating momentum toward full integration as the Community continues to address the obstacles to full economic integration.
The Caribbean Single Market and Economy: Towards a Single Economic Space This publication offers essays that represent an attempt to satisfy the needs of laypersons busy with daily survival and progress issues, students, seeking to understand the nature of the evolution towards a CARICOM Single Market and Economy, academics, interested in the comments of their peers and politicians needing to improve the acuity with which they perceive the efforts of and prescribe actions for their individual countries. The Most Honourable Professor Sir Kenneth, former Governor-General of Jamaica, is a well known and respected Caribbean academic who utilised the skills of his profession to analyse the main factors leading to the success of the Caribbean Integration process. Professor Sir Kenneth joined his academic work to a passion for education and has held positions of Chairman of the Caribbean Examination Council(CXC), Pro Vice Chancellor and Principal, UWI, Chancellor, University College of the Caribbean and Deputy Secretary-General, Caribbean Community. He is currently a Distinguished Research Fellow of the University of the West Indies. Myrtle Veronica Chuck-A-Sang, M.A. has co-edited several publications with Professor Sir Kenneth Hall on a range of issues relating to Caribbean Regional integration and International Relations. She was the former Director of the UWI-CARICOM Institutional Relations Project, Caribbean Community Secretariat and is currently the Editor and Managing Director of the Integrationist, Editor of the Integration Quarterly and Company Secretary, Caribbean Fellowship Inc.
This publication contains a number of papers on issues which are key to Caribbean survival and prosperity. They critically review the challenges facing Member States of CARICOM. Written by a number of outstanding authors of recognized academic pedigree, these analyses look at the Region across a spectrum of issues: political, economic, social and environmental, among others. Attention is focused on efforts at regional integration as well as on the options to be pursued be CARICOM if it is to survive in the new political, economic and social dispensation. The book is replete with insightful; presentations on the evolution of the Community at this point in its history.
"With the launch of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy and the Caribbean Court of Justice, the Caribbean Community has taken major steps to promote closer and more intensive forms of economic cooperation among its constituent members. This effort requires the adoption of innovative approaches to regional governance and creative regional development strategies aimed at maximizing the exercise of sovereignty within the Community and also optimizing the development possibilities of the region. The 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Caribbean Community in 2003 marked an important milestone in the historical evolution of regional integration in the Caribbean. Caribbean Imperatives focuses on several important topics relevant to the future of the community by addressing issues such as the conception of the Caribbean Community; integration theory; the exercise of sovereignty; the Single Market and Economy; production integration; the external relations of the community; and the importance of multilateralism for the viability of small states in the international system. The analysis contained in the volume is extremely relevant to policy makers in the region in managing the transition to more intensive forms of regional integration aimed at improving the well-being of the people of the Caribbean. "
This book provides a diagnosis of the central economic and financial challenges facing Caribbean policymakers and offers broad policy recommendations for promoting a sustained and inclusive increase in economic well-being. The analysis highlights the need for Caribbean economies to make a concerted effort to break the feedback loops between weak macroeconomic fundamentals, notably pertaining to fiscal positions and financial sector strains, and structural impediments, such as high electricity costs, limited financial deepening, violent crime, and brain drain, which have depressed private investment and growth. A recurring theme in the book is the need for greater regional coordination in finding solutions to address the Caribbean’s shared and intertwined macroeconomic and structural challenges. The analysis suggests that strengthening regional and global market integration of Caribbean economies would provide an impetus to sustained growth in incomes and jobs. Greater regional and global economic integration would also facilitate structural transformation and a shift toward new economic activities, resulting in more diversified and less vulnerable economies. A central challenge for the Caribbean is thus to come together as a region, overcome the limitations posed by size, and garner the benefits of globalization. Efforts should build on existing regional arrangements; accelerating progress in implementing these agreements would stimulate trade. Policymakers could also promote deeper integration with Latin America and the rest of the world by pursuing new trade agreements, leveraging current agreements more effectively, or deepening them to include areas beyond traditional trade issues, and developing port and transport infrastructure.
The Caribbean has made substantial progress in recent years in implementing economic reforms, both at the national and regional level. The Caribbean: Enhancing Economic Integration examines the product of the efforts made by Caribbean policymakers to strengthen regional cooperation and integration, which has yielded economic transformation and tighter integration with the global economy. This volume discusses regional financial integration as a means of deepening financial systems and raising regional growth; the relationship between tax incentives and investment, where harmonized regional action is important in seeking to overcome collective actions problems; and the consequences for the Caribbean of the erosion of trade preferences in key export markets. The book is based on empirical research carried out as part of the IMF's regional surveillance work in the Caribbean.
This book is concerned with the impact of economic globalization and an unregulated global market system on the Caribbean economies. The book is in three parts. Part I examines theoretical issues and includes an assessment of recent globalization trends, the limits of globalization, and the question of uneven development. Part II considers alternative policy solutions including interventionist alternatives, effective monetary strategies and innovative tourism strategies. Part III focuses on Jamaica and the Bahamas. Overall, this book provides a rich menu for alternative economic policies in the Caribbean at the turn of the century.