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Every astrologer needs a good understanding of the astrological houses, and Houses of the Horoscope: An Introduction provides a practical and valuable sourcebook. Alan Oken masterfully guides you through the concepts of the meanings and the nature of the twelve astrological houses. He provides a core description of the twelve areas of life delineated by the astrological house system. The energy of each of the planets in the houses tells us where on Earth that planet's energy lands and what area of our life it highlights. He gives a masterful analysis of how the astrological signs on the house cusps and the planets ruling the signs on houses express the nature of each house. The planets, signs, and houses in a chart represent the "whats", "hows", and "wheres", of your life. The planets tell us "what" kind of energy is at work. The signs indicate "how" this energy is working. But it is the houses that reveals "where" the events, people, and places in your life may be found. Alan Oken provides an expert guide to the understanding of the astrological houses and their interaction with these other elements of the horoscope.
Deborah Houlding is a well known and highly respected teacher and practitioner of horary astrology. Her original version of this book came out in 1998 but has been out of circulation for several years. Its welcome return comes in the form of a newly revised and very much updated version of the 1998 edition. The author has included an excellent Appendix on traditional terms, and a Preliminary Guide to the concept of house systems. In depth information is also given on many traditional techniques, which will prove invaluable to the astrology student. An essential source book and almost required reading for any serious astrologer.
Meekelorr, lying near a stream in the Easternlands with a small troop of his soldiers sleeping nearby, woke suddenly from a strange dream. He sat up, pushing away both the blankets and the grogginess. He wanted to think about the dream, to fix it in his mind so he could tell it to Pohl. A young man was standing over a grave. Then, as happens in dreams, the young man was walking in the mountain forest heading somewhere with great determination. In the dream, his friend Pohl had shaken him awake. "Be aware and be wary, Meekelorr; that boy's destiny is woven into yours." "I see him," Meekelorr assured Pohl. "The boy seems simple, pleasant, hardly a threat." "You are shortsighted, friend. That boy is like a sleepwalker. He doesn't know what it is he is moving toward, yet he will be a determining player in the world events that are nearly upon us." "He will aid us?" "That," Pohl said, "or destroy us; then there will be little hope left for this world." Meekelorr, fully awake now, reached over and shook his friend Pohl, who was snoring peacefully next to him. The older man sat up quickly and grabbed his sword. "Whoa, Pohl, no danger. But I must tell you this dream while I can recall it." .... Auragole of the Mountains is the first novel in Shirley Latessa's exciting quartet "Auragole's Journey." Aurogole's Journey: 1. Auragole of the Mountains 2. Auragole of the Way 3. Auragole of Mattelmead 4. Auragole and the Last Battle 5. Meekelorr: The Early Years (the prequel)
A practical and thorough treatment on the meanings of all aspects of planetary and house rulerships, Rulers of the Horoscope: Finding Your Way Through the Labyrinth is the definitive sourcebook on this topic. Alan Oken masterfully guides you through the labyrinth of delineating and synthesizing the complex interchange between rulers of houses and their signs and the nature of the houses they occupy and rule. He defines and describes derivative houses, planetary and house rulerships, dispositorships, mutual reception and the compatibility and nature of importance of their placement in the horoscope. The astrological charts of well-known people are illustrated with detailed descriptions of planetary relationships, their positive and negative aspects, and the traditional and modern interpretation of the houses. Alan Oken's in-depth exploration of the ruler for each of the twelve houses and the rulers of the rising sign is an invaluable tool for astrology students and teachers alike.
Descriptions of the twelve houses of astrology as well as the meanings of the ten planets located in each house.
The material for THE TWELVE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: The Way of Creative Accomplishment, was written in 1943-44, immediately following THE ZODIAC as THE UNIVERSAL MATRIX. Like its companion book, it is one of Rudhyar's most accessible and easy-to-read works. It provides comprehensive descriptions of each of the ten astrological planets in each of the twelve astrological houses. In common with THE UNIVERSAL MATRIX, the astrological interpretations are more striking, psychological and critical than what we came to expect from Rudhyar during the second half of the 20th century. The electronic publication includes hyperlinks to the birth charts of dozens of interesting example nativities. This volume should not to be confused with Rudhyar's later works -- "THE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: The Spectrum of Individual Experience" -- which is currently out-of-print and available used at -- or with "The Twelve Houses as Problems We All Face." Some sample passages from THE TWELVE ASTROLOGICAL HOUSES: "Every personality is the child of an individual vision (Ascendant) and of a set of collective habits (second house), Rudhyar writes. The great person is one who uses such habits to demonstrate the vision - and thereby repolarizes them. The weak personality lets collective habits use the vision which thereby becomes distorted and materialized. Every personality is a field of integration for individual vision (first house) and collective habits (second house) - our inner life is very often a battlefield! It is in the third house that the issue . . . is determined; for it is the quality of the person's environment and of his mentality (largely conditioned by education) which will decide in the third house whether the fourth house factors (ego, home, and so on) will be energized preponderantly either by those developed in the first house or those belonging to the second house." PLANETS IN THE FIFTH HOUSE "When a strong planet or a group of planets are located in the fifth house of a natal chart this does not mean the native will necessarily be a particularly gifted artist, or a great lover, or the progenitor of many children, and so on. It indicates, rather, that matters related to this house will be insistently the focal point for the person's attention. The native will be involved in fifth house issues and experiences by apparent choice or by compulsion . . . They will create problems which will demand a solution. Problems however constitute opportunities for growth and for 'creative accomplishment' - thus the title of this series. Where there are no problems, the mind and will of the individual are not roused into operation . . ." MOON IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE "The Moon in the eleventh house signifies a person highly sensitive to social moods and changes, who is often the mouthpiece of some great mass-movement seeking expression in a subterranean manner. The spiritual-occult systems proclaimed by Rudolph Steiner are much involved in personalized states of consciousness and dependent on personal 'revelations'. Indeed, it might be argued the 'revelations' of the seer could merely be projections of his collective, national and personal 'hopes and wishes' and fears and prejudices, rather than authentic and significantly interpreted revelations of spiritual realities. The traditional chart of Joan of Arc shows Moon conjunct Jupiter in the eleventh house - indeed an excellent symbol for one whose "Voices" saved a Kingdom . . ."
Thousands of years ago, people first observed a correlation between the heavenly bodies and events on Earth. Out of these early observations and subsequent refinements came what today is known as astrology. For most of these millennia, astrologers used only the seven visible planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. It is out of this tradition that Helena Avelar and Luis Ribeiro have written this extensive book on astrology. The rules and principles here presented apply to all branches of astrologyA natal, mundane, horary and elective. Their method is the traditional and time-honored one, and includes, among others, chapters on: The Planets The Zodiac and the Signs The Essential Dignities The Houses The Aspects Chart Dynamics The Condition of the Planets The Fixed Stars The Parts The Power of the Planets Using this traditional method, it is possible not only to thoroughly and completely read the natal chart but to do so with a breadth and depth of meaning not found in the modern methods of astrological interpretation. It avoids cookbook-type methods and centers on the practical understanding of the astrological concepts, presenting the Tradition in present-day language. In addition, more than two hundred fifty illustrations make the traditional principles easy to understand and use in chart interpretation. This practical how-to book is one of a kind, and the one that will teach you the traditional methods and you reach into the past to benefit from the knowledge of the authors and astrologers from ancient Babylonia through the medieval period. It is suitable for both beginners and advanced students, as it provides the indispensable core of astrological knowledge, at the same time allowing more experienced students to organize their knowledge into a coherent system.
How often do we tend to skip the houses without planets when looking at one's birth chart for the very first time? Interpreting Empty Houses provides a detailed account of these houses that are most often overlooked when delineating horoscopes as they, like houses holding planets, provide valuable insight pertaining to the department of life they each rule. The author explains the meanings of each of the twelve houses when empty as determined by the condition of its planetary ruler as it may be positioned throughout the remaining eleven houses of the horoscope. About the Author: Ana Ruiz was born in Spain and resides in Canada. She has been contributing columns and articles on astrology since she began her path down this road of stellar wisdom during the mid-eighties. Her writings have appeared in various newspapers and magazines such as American Astrology and Dell Horoscope. She has also contributed many articles to the American Federation of Astrologers bulletin; Today's Astrologer, as well as a monthly Sun sign column to their Web site. She is also the author of The Spirit of Ancient Egypt, Daily Life in Ancient Egypt, Prediction Techniques Regarding Romance and The Soul of Andalusia. The author's interest in this area of astrology arose from the fact that she has five planets in the 7th house, leaving exactly half of her natal chart with empty houses. The lack of information on this subject, or books for that matter, further inspired Ruiz to study these houses and share her research with the hopes of filling this gap.
The twelfth house is the most spiritual and mystical house in astrology. It rules cosmic consciousness, compassion, service to others, spiritual gifts, addiction, imagination and much more. Having planets placed in this house blesses you with imagination, intuition, empathy and mystical experiences. In The Mysteries of the Twelfth Astrological House we will discuss a basic overview of the key issues and practical ways to overcome the more challenging twelfth house planet placements, sharing stories and words of wisdom. This book will benefit anyone who wants to learn more about the basics of the twelfth house while providing skills in counselling clients with these placements.