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This study guide--appropriate for both individual growth and group study--is designed to help readers explore the solemn calling of God to enter the gates of his true house. (Christian)
Beyond whatever man can desire is a God-given pattern for the life of the church. Here Dr. Hanby unfolds practical applications from the design of the Tabernacle that allow us to become the house God is building today.
By looking at the nightly news and simply observing for themselves the denigration of homes and communities across our country, many would agree that family foundations are cracking and shifting out of place. This has resulted in untold devastation within the home and our other social systems; therefore, many households and lives have simply given way and collapsed under the weight of a host of societal pressures. Many believe that a generation of social experimentation along with our cultures fixation at redefining virtually every foundational institution (especially the first human institutionmarriage) are responsible for placing the family and society on very shaky ground indeed, leaving a very dubious moral and economic legacy for successive generations. When cracks begin to appear upon the walls of a house, it may indicate a shifting or damaged foundation, which may indicate poor foundation work. As a result, builders typically reexamine the blueprintsthe masterplansto determine the manner and materials with which the house and foundations built in order to pinpoint and repair a weak or damaged foundation. It is the authors conviction that in many households within society, weak or faulty spiritual and moral foundations have been laid, resulting in the cultural cataclysm we witness throughout our land. In his book, The House that God Built: Gods Master Plan for Marriage and His Blueprint for Blessing, Book One of his Strong Foundation for Strong Families series, the author discusses the need for a RE-Vision, of marriage and the familybut not by redefining, replacing or removing these honorable foundations and pillars which have supported societies from the beginning of time. Rather, by employing the word RE-Vision, he calls for a refocusa fresh new look at Gods original design for the marriage and family. This plan is found in Gods Holy Word, specially, the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis because this, he feels, is where marriage, family and social systems began. Therefore, the book is a thorough exposition of the first chapters of Genesis which explore the motivations and the methods through which God Himself built His house (the heavens and the earth). This study provides keen spiritual and practical insights as to how we can build our homes according to Gods plans so as to receive His best blessings upon our homes and upon our communities.
Every person, regardless of his or her station in life, has the God-given potential to be something more than they currently are. We are all aware of this at some level. We know that God has created us for more-more holiness, more fruitfulness, better relationships, less guilt, fewer regrets. Made for More offers 7 Proven Steps for Reaching Your Full Potential!
The transformation of patriarchal church culture begins with gender equality in the pulpit. For too long, the Christian pulpit has been monopolized by men. This pattern is especially pronounced in evangelical Asian American and Latinx congregations, where women's voices are marginalized and male dominance is reinforced in the church as well as the family. The consequences are enormous: oRobbing the church of the fullness of the gospel oSilencing the voices of women preachers oMasculinizing Christianity oLosing younger generations of women leaders oModeling structural power inequality oIncreasing violence against women Making academic hermeneutical work accessible for the pulpit, A Biblical Study Guide for an Equal Pulpit reappropriates a gendered approach to biblical texts. Among the perspectives investigated, Kay Higuera Smith's "Two Mothers--Two Promises" takes a perspective-shifting look at Sarah and Hagar; Eunny P. Lee's "Valorous and Wise: Women Who Build Up the House of God" depicts Ruth and the woman of Proverbs 31 as builders of the household; and Sophia Magallanes-Tsang's "Listening for Your Voice; Let Me Hear It: The Prophetic Feminine Voice in Songs 8" interprets the Song of Songs as a prophetic female voice.
Do you feel stuck? So many of us live stuck. Stuck in trying to seem perfect. Stuck in sadness. Stuck feeling numb. Stuck pursuing more stuff to make us happy. Stuck in something we can't even name. These stuck places often go unattended inside of us and they are shaping our lives more than we would like to think. We've been trying to fix this feeling with everything but... God. He has a plan for these spaces inside of us, the places we feel broken, but we have to go to Him. Stuck is a journey to take an honest look at the fight going on inside, leading us to the God who has a plan to restore it, to restore us. The eight lessons in this study guide are simple and interactive, offering projects, stories, and Bible study to dig into Scripture, to deeply engage the mind and heart. Because as we realize that our stuck places are the very places that make us ache for God, we find Him waiting there for us with hope and freedom. Sessions include: stuck broken mad discontent scared overwhelmed sad unstuck Designed for use with the Stuck DVD 9780849922541 (sold separately).
Spirituality needs fresh meaning. Even the disciplines of the Spirit have gotten covered with dust and lay unused by Christians. It is time for spirituality to get fresh meaning in our world and with God's people. In Out of theHouse of Bread author Preston Yancey leads us in a new direction of spirituality through the symbolism and experience of the spiritual disciplines made plain by the baking of bread. The benefits of this book of devotion include: Finding a nearness to the holiness of God Feeling and experiencing the forgiveness of God Learning again the disciplines of celebration, confession, and conversion Each chapter pairs a spiritual discipline or practice with a baking discipline. You will encounter ancient practices such as the prayer of examen, lectio divina, intercessory prayer, icons, and stillness. Yancey shows how, like in Brother Lawrence's kitchen in The Practice of the Presence of God, that when you lift up your hands to God and pray, God will show up right there in the midst of your work and livelihood while you bake. Out of the House of Bread is a glorious celebration of the sacraments and the seasons of God, meant as reminders and symbols to take us to God in worship. An appendix, about gluten-free and vegan bread and the spirituality involved, will close off the book.
Do you attend church seeking God, only to find that that are still not satisfied? Do you long for a more personal experience---A real experience with your God? More and more people are searching---just like you. They are looking everywhere for answers that will lead to a deeper, more meaningful reality of their walk with God. This reality will release the saints to do what they are called to do. You are about to discover that your unique life is intended to play a significant role in a new Holy Ghost renovation of the Church. You will realize that genuine ministry is not based on the gifts of a single man but in a "multi-faceted, many-sided ministry"--- of which you are a vital part. You will understand why "the one man show" is over. True ministry is many people working together to accomplish one goal---fulfilling the ministry of Christ. A new style of leader with a new heart for the saints is required for such a revolutionary shift in thought and action. Dr. Mark Hanby lays out Paul's original goal for all five-fold ministry---"the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ." His nearly fifty years in worldwide ministry has uniquely prepared him to see the need of church and to call forth the saints, everyday believers like you and I, to fulfill their place in God's plan for the earth.
Church History Study Guide, Pt. 2: 1831 to 1844. This volume is the second of three on Church History and the Doctrine and Covenants. It covers Church history during the Kirtland and Missouri periods, including a series of breathtaking revelations on temples, the Plan of Salvation, the three kingdoms of glory, the Second Coming, principles of priesthood power, the Word of Wisdom, and the Law of the Church. We also learn about fasting, tithing, missionary work, and enduring to the end. We go with the Prophet Joseph Smith and Saints through the crucible of trials in Missouri and Liberty Jail. Then we follow them on to Nauvoo, where the Kingdom rose again on the Mississippi River, work for the dead was introduced, and the law of celestial marriage was revealed. Again, persecution raised its ugly head, ending in the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith at Carthage. In all, it covers 11 years of Church History, and covers sections 100-135 of the Doctrine and Covenants. The cover features "Brother Joseph," a beautiful portrait of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by David Lindsley.