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Horizon Europe, the EU's Framework Programme for research and innovation succeeding Horizon 2020, will run from 2021 to 2027 with a total budget of €95.5 billion (or about CNY735 billion). It helps researchers and innovators to develop and deploy their ideas and to create new products and services. It supports mobility of researchers as well as excellent science by teaming up the best talent and equipping them with world-class infrastructures. The programme is open to researchers and innovators from around the globe. Some specific topics of Horizon Europe target cooperation with China through flagship initiatives in selected areas, such as Food, Agriculture and Biotechnologies. This brochure explains the contents of the Framework Programme Horizon Europe and intends to be a practical guide for Chinese researchers to better understand the options offered by Europe to be involved in its various funding instruments.
Research and innovation is at the core of the Commission's vision for a more united, stronger and democratic Union. Our budgetary proposals for the period 2021-2027 include the largest absolute increase ever to the European Union's investment in research and innovation to € 100bn. Horizon Europe, the next framework programme for research and innovation (2021-2027) is the main vehicle that will bring the investment to bear on Europe's ability to shape the future. Foresight has been a key ingredient of the Commission's preparations for Horizon Europe. It was more than two years ago that we launched a foresight study to support future EU policy in research and innovation: the BOHEMIA study. The study has accompanied the preparations of our proposals ever since. Its first report, published in June 2017, described broad scenarios about the evolution of the context of EU research and innovation based on the Sustainable Development Goals and on the role of the European Union in the world. Those scenarios helped shape the recommendations of the High Level Group on maximising the impact of EU research and innovation programmes, chaired by Pascal Lamy, as well as the Commission's reflection on global challenges. Its second report, published in December 2017, made public the data from a Delphi survey investigating future trends in science, technology, the economy, society and in research and innovation systems. This data has been very helpful for our reflections on a mission-oriented approach. This final report of the BOHEMIA study involves scenarios and recommendations that broaden our strategic intelligence and allow us to reflect on new important emerging areas, risks and opportunities, and on new ways to stimulate important transitions. It provides an information base and a reflection that advances the debate on Horizon Europe and how to maximise its impact for a better Europe in a better world.
Investing in research and innovation is investing in Europe's future. It helps us to compete globally and preserve our unique social model. It improves the daily lives of millions of people here in Europe and around the world, helping to solve some of our biggest societal challenges. Building on the achievements and success of the EU's past flagship research and innovation programmes, the Commission proposes a budget of €100 billion for 2021-2027 for Horizon Europe and the Euratom Research and Training Programme.
Horizon Europe, the 9th framework programme, is the EU's main instrument for investments in research and innovation for the period 2021-2027. This book presents the results of the impact assessment that underpinned the legislative proposal for the programme, in line with the Commission's better regulation guidelines. The impact assessment builds on the evidence and lessons learnt from the interim evaluation of the 8th framework programme, Horizon 2020, and the recommendations of the independent high-level group on maximising the impact of EU research and innovation. Horizon Europe is 'an evolution, not a revolution', focusing on a few design improvements to further increase openness and impact and EU added value for citizens. The impact assessment therefore identifies the main research and innovation challenges in Europe, outlines the objectives of the future programme and its structure, and provides evidence-based policy and design recommendations for its main features, such as the research and innovation missions, and the European Innovation Council.
The strategic plan 2021-24 defines the key strategic orientations for the first four years of Horizon Europe, the EU's multiannual framework programme for research and innovation. It sets out the research and innovation priorities to support a sustainable recovery and further accelerating the twin green and digital transitions, ultimately leading to a climate-neutral and green Europe, fit for the digital age, where the economy works for the people. While the focus is on the Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness' pillar of Horizon Europe, the strategic plan also covers relevant activities in the other two pillars and the part 'Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area', not least in order to promote synergies between them. In order to ensure the broadest possible ownership and optimise the overall effects of Horizon Europe, the strategic plan has been prepared following an ambitious co-design process involving Member States, EEA members, the European Parliament, stakeholders and the public at large.
As a strategic partner, the EU seeks to enhance cooperation with Africa to promote actions targeted to finding locally adapted solutions to challenges that are global in nature, but which often hit Africa hardest. The Horizon Europe work programme 2021-2022 includes around 40 topics with a budget of around €350 million under Calls for Proposals that are particularly relevant for cooperation with Africa.
This book argues that a New Deal for research in Europe is needed. This New Deal would involve the mobilisation of policy actors across all levels-–regional, national and European-–and their commitment to develop a more effective research system based on actions where they have the greatest impact. The book presents, from a viewpoint inside the European Commission, the nuts and bolts of how EU research policy is actually designed. It also provides a comprehensive analysis, on the basis of factual evidence, not only of the positive impacts of European research, but of the various criticisms that have been made of the Framework Programme.
The evaluation study presents the support to innovation provided by the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020. This study aims to assess whether interventions and actions supporting innovation under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme achieved their objectives, what worked well and less well. The programmes parts analysed in this study are: Access to Risk Finance, Innovation in SME, the European Innovation Council Pilot, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology Knowledge and Innovation Communities and Eurostars-2 partnership. The study also includes an analysis of the contribution of the whole Framework Programme to the Innovative Europe objectives, including the Joint Research Centre actions.
The study presents lessons learned and recommendations for policy on Innovative Europe under Horizon 2020. This is one of several external evaluation studies feeding into the European Commission's ex-post evaluation of the European framework programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020. This document contains the annexes of the study.
Recoge: Part 1. Informing innovation policy : measurement issues - Part 2. Improving innovation policy : strategic issues.