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Hopeful Hearts and Butterfly Blessings By: Karen Thomas Wisdom In Hopeful Hearts and Butterfly Blessings, Karen shares her experiences with her first-born son, Brooks, who was born with a congenital heart defect. It’s a story of Brook’s eighteen-year struggle through the surgeries and post-surgical complications that eventually took his life. Her sole mission through those eighteen years was to ease his pain and discomfort and to make him feel loved and cared for. Because of her deep faith in God, He allowed her to see there are miracles even in the grimmest circumstances; that good can come from bad; and there is always light at the end of the tunnel. She shares ideas on what helped her to move forward on her grieving journey. Though Karen’s story doesn’t have the happy ending she so fervently prayed for, it is, nevertheless, a story of faith, hope and love. She tells her story so that it can provide support for others living with the same type of trials. Through our everyday pains and struggles, when our prayers aren’t getting answered in the way we think they should be, it is her hope that we can still see the many blessings that God is giving us. He is with us not just in our joys, but also in our sufferings.
Who Knows Where Butterflies Die is a timeless story of the human spirit's desire for freedom "We're made to believe that learning the alphabet or chemistry and mathematics and this and that is more important than learning how to act like humans. Yet, believe it or not, it's humanity that would save the world. Humanity is what prevents revolution and war. Humanity is what prevents tyranny, famine, mass killing, and torturing one another. It's sad to know that external forces are leading people to lose the respect and understanding they used to have towards each other. "With the never-ending invention of newer technologies, I feel that the world has fallen into a race to turn people to robots. Everyone seems to be in a competition to show off the latest gadgets in their hands, but they hide the quality of their hearts in their chests. With all the new developments that are pushing us into a deeper isolation, I don't know where we're headed. I just know that that's what's leading us to a gradual, global self-destruction in many ways." -Excerpt from Who Knows Where Butterflies Die Praise for Who Knows Where Butterflies Die "An important and powerful story that brings awareness to the pain and devastation innocent families experience when mired in a homeland full of oppression, war, and revolution." -Brock Tully, inspirational speaker and author of 9 books, including The Great Gift "Who Knows Where Butterflies Die ... It's a must read. It inspires us to take responsibility for the world we are creating by our action and inaction." -Ted Kuntz, educational speaker and author of 4 books, including Peace Begins with Me
Butterfly Kisses and Wishes on Wings is a listen-to or read-along book for children. It is a resource that can be give as a gift and used to educate and support any child who is facing the cancer of a loved one. The story line, as told through the eyes of a child, lends itself to a simple and clear understanding of cancer. Most important, however, is the lesson that teaches children to realize the power they have to be an active and integral part of a loved one's cancer journey.
In Nehemiah chapter 2, Nehemiah speaks to his officials, " Then I said to them, "You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace." I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They replied, "Let us start rebuilding." So they began this good work." (Nehemiah 2:17-18) The Walls of My Heart is a collection of stories, verses, poetry, and insight that are each meant to challenge and encourage in a unique and personal way. In the style of a devotional, each entry will serve to present the Word of God and practical application that comes from a personal relationship with Christ. This book was written as a collection of personal testimonies from the life of the author, and illustrates redemption, restoration, and hope for an abundant life with Christ. May this book serve as a guide for the blind and offer strength and courage to the weak. May His grace abound, as the walls of your heart crumble, and new walls of truth are built.
CBA BESTSELLER • More than a million copies sold! An invitation for every woman who’s ever felt she isn’t godly enough, isn’t loving enough, isn’t doing enough. “Easy to read, personal, and well-written with a message much more than surface deep. Joanna probed, challenged, and encouraged me to live day by day as Mary in a Martha world.”—Carole Mayhall, author of Come Walk with Me and Here I Am Again, Lord The life of a woman today isn’t all that different from the lives of Mary and Martha in the New Testament. Like Mary, you long to sit at the Lord’s feet . . . but the daily demands of a busy world just won’t leave you alone. Like Martha, you love Jesus and really want to serve him . . . yet you struggle with weariness, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy. Then comes Jesus, into the midst of your busy life, to extend the same invitation he issued long ago to the two sisters from Bethany. Tenderly, he invites you to choose “the better part”—a joyful life of intimacy with him that flows naturally into loving service. With her fresh approach to the familiar Bible story, Joanna Weaver shows how all of us, Marys and Marthas alike, can draw closer to our Lord: deepening our devotion, strengthening our service, and doing both with less stress and greater joy. This book includes a twelve-week Bible study for individual or group use. A Study Guide and a corresponding ten-session video series on DVD or online are available separately.
An eleven-year-old girl and her incestuous stepfather. Two star-crossed lovers. A strung-out drug addict. A struggling single parent. An aspiring ballet dancer. A single young woman. A loving middle-aged married couple. All embodied in one woman. Revealing the evolution of Alexander Scott. Bold and stimulating, Butterfly Uprising takes a provocative, uncompromising look at the metamorphosis of one woman's life in multiple dramas. Plunging headlong into the distinct fusion of heartfelt tribulations, this gripping emotional drama spans the resilient existence of a multi-troubled woman's struggles to overcome her stumbling blocks as they careen in and out of her life. In the gray areas between blaming others and self-destruction, the victimized and the perpetrator, there are no easy answers. Comedic, triumphant, and always unforeseeable, Butterfly Uprising creatively correlates the developmental stages of a butterfly through the maturation of Alex and uncovers our inner ability to prevail through undeniable grace. Butterfly Uprising tells interlocking stories of incest, infidelity, divorce, domestic violence, and drug addiction, the highs and the lows, the peaks and valleys, all these experiences embodied in the lifetime of one woman. Lesser crisis claim lives every day, leaving victims of shame and torment. Sometimes, yes, they rise above it, although it is never this simple. Their unrealized transformation may be in vain, their realized transformation may be life changing, and who knows what heights they can reach.
Butterfly is the first novel in an all new series by New York Times bestselling author Ashley Antoinette and an instant USA Today bestseller! “Run away from the boy that gives you butterflies, he's going to break your heart.” Morgan Atkins had been told that phrase ever since she was a little girl and still she allowed herself to fall for the boy that made her heart flutter. After losing her first love, Morgan is terrified to love again. She's settled for a comfortable life with a respectable man. She has everything. She's living in the lap of luxury and although she's comfortable, she's bored out of her mind. When a ghost from her past blows into town, she finds herself entangled in an illicit affair. It's wrong, but she can't fight the butterflies he gives her and honestly, she doesn't want to. She can't hide the natural attraction she feels and soon, she's so deep involved that she can no longer tell where the boundary between right and wrong lies. Her heart is telling her one thing, but her head is saying another. Morgan Atkins has always been a spoiled girl and she tries to have it all, but when she's forced to choose between a good man and a bad boy, someone will end up hurt. Someone just may end up dead. Morgan Atkins has been through more tragedy than one girl can bear. Will she weather this storm? Or will the ultimate heartbreak ruin her for good?
June is physically and emotionally abused by her stepmother, and the only person June feels safe telling is her friend Blister, but when a shocking tragedy occurs June finds herself trapped, potentially forever.
The story of one woman's journey out of darkness. Beyond the lights and the camera, Melissa Huray spent her nights in darkness. Between seedy bars, lost time, and a painful quest for love, marriage, and a long-term relationship, she was spiraling—and no one ever knew. What started as an escape from her oppressive childhood had become an addiction that plagued and defined her. For fifteen years, she had hidden her dark, shameful secret, and when the cameras started rolling, she was always there, ready to deliver the news. But all along, she knew something was missing, a truth she once knew was calling her back. She had first felt it as a teenager, when she felt invisible and forgotten in the cycle of addiction and superficiality that ruled her household. Melissa was lost in the shuffle of a distracted mother, alcoholic father, and spotless brother. Soon, panic attacks became all-consuming. The only way to feel better was to feel nothing at all, and remember even less. But after fifteen years, the relief was fleeting, and she couldn't stop. After one staggering night, she was faced with the horrifying reality that her time was ticking. She knew something had to change, and fast. But how? Melissa then realized it wasn't "what" could save her, but "Who."