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HOLY SERMONS OF JAAP SAHIB are the holy verses which are uttered by Tenth Master and Creator of KHALSA PANTH Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. After going through this holy book the feelings of true devotion, true faith and true love for the Almighty God who is the Creator of all and everything, will be created and developed both into the minds and hearts of the readers. The goal or main objective of the human life is only to have union with the Supreme Soul and to attain the salvation. The human life is provided to a person by the Lord so that he or she may make efforts to get rid of transmigration of the soul, to avoid the cycle of repeated births and deaths by performing noble and good deeds and by pondering over the pious name of the Almighty Lord. In this way one may achieve one’s goal of life and one may make his or her life a successful one.
These Holy Verses of “HOLY SERMONS OF REHRAAS SAHIB”. are recited by the Sikhs in the Evening. I hope that after going through this holy book the feelings of true devotion, true faith and true love for the Almighty God who is the Creator of all and everything will be created and developed both into your minds and hearts. The goal or main objective of the human life is only to have union with the Supreme Soul and to attain the salvation. The human life is provided to a person by the Lord so that he or she may make efforts to get rid of transmigration of the soul, to avoid the cycle of repeated births and deaths by performing noble and good deeds and by pondering over the pious name of the Almighty Lord.
"HOLY VERSES OF ANAND SAHIB" were uttered by the third master Shri Guru Amar Dass Ji and these Holy Verses are recited by the Sikhs at Dawn. I hope that after going through this holy book the feelings of true devotion, true faith and true love for the Almighty God who is the Creator of all and everything will be created and developed both into your minds and hearts. The goal or main objective of the human life is only to have union with the Supreme Soul means the Almighty God and to attain the salvation. The human life is provided to a person by the Lord so that he or she may make efforts to get rid of transmigration of the soul, to avoid the cycle of repeated births and deaths by performing noble and good deeds and by pondering over the pious name of the Almighty Lord.
HOLY SERMONS OF SAVAIYE SAHIB are the sacred verses uttered by Tenth master Shri Guru Gobind Singh JI. In these Holy Verses Guruji refutes the hollow ritualism followed by different sects and religions and emphasizes on renouncing hollow rituals and worthless showy rites and to love the Almighty and to have the feelings of true faith and true devotion for Him. Guruji describes the powerful and mighty Kings who had countless wealth, all means and sources of pleasures, comforts, delights and luxuries, who had unlimited political powers. In those times that King was considered the richest, influential, powerful and mighty who had largest number of Elephants and Horses. Where have powerful, gigantic and mighty Kings gone to? Eventually they too went from this world bare-footed.
“HOLY SERMONS OF CHAUPAI SAHIB” will create and develop the feelings of devotion, faith and love for the Almighty Lord who is the Creator of all and everything, both into your minds and hearts. The goal of the human life is only to have union with the Supreme Soul and to attain the salvation. The human life is provided to a person by the Lord so that he or she may make efforts to get rid of transmigration of the soul, to avoid the cycle of repeated births and deaths by performing noble and good deeds and by remembering the God. After going through this you may realize your relationship with the Almighty God who is the Supreme Power of the Universe, who is Omnipresent and Everlasting.
After going through this holy book “Holy Verses of Kirtan Sohila Sahib”, the feelings of true devotion, true faith and true love for the Almighty God who is the Creator of all and everything will be created and developed both into your minds and hearts. The goal or main objective of the human life is only to have union with the Supreme Soul and to attain the salvation. The human life is provided to a person by the Lord so that he or she may make efforts to get rid of transmigration of the soul, to avoid the cycle of repeated births and deaths by performing noble and good deeds and by pondering over the pious name of the Almighty Lord.
HOLY SERMONS OF JAPJI SAHIB are the holy verses which are uttered by First Master and Founder of SIKHISM Shri Guru Nanak Den Ji. After going through this holy book the feelings of true devotion, true faith and true love for the Almighty God who is the Creator of all and everything, will be created and developed both into the minds and hearts of the readers. The goal or main objective of the human life is only to have union with the Supreme Soul and to attain the salvation. The human life is provided to a person by the Lord so that he or she may make efforts to get rid of transmigration of the soul, to avoid the cycle of repeated births and deaths by performing noble and good deeds and by pondering over the pious name of the Almighty Lord. In this way one may achieve one’s goal of life and one may make his or her life a successful one.
This is the novel which describes the troubles and miseries faced by Asian migrants who suffer a lot and struggle too much in order to migrate and settle down in the western countries. Most of them are ignorant about the culture and family life in the western countries. They take the western countries as Heaven and think and misunderstand that the life in the western countries is very easy, comfortable and full of joys and happiness but after reaching there they face and realize the hard realities of practical life. Baldhir is such a boy who dreams a lot about the Europe and thinks that he would lead a luxurious, comfortable and joyful life in the western countries if he gets an opportunity to settle down in any of the western country, he gives up his studies of M.B.B.S. degree and ruins his career in the hope to migrate to the western country but all of his dreams are dashed to the ground when he gets married to a girl born and brought up in the Europe. He experiences bitter realities of life in the Europe and becomes extremely frustrated and finally commits suicide.
All of us are the mortal beings and our lives are too short. The holy scriptures of almost all the religions emphasize on doing the service and to do good to others or the mankind and other creatures of the universe too. It is considered a noble deed or a virtue to do the service. All of us should adopt the doctrine of doing the service so that we may make our sincere efforts to make this world a better one. By adopting the doctrine of service in our lives we can escape hatred and jealousy for other persons. By doing so we shall be able to create and develop the feelings of mutual love, mutual co-operation, mutual understanding and of fraternity. By doing so, we can become the useful members of the society. The word service is very sweet and pleasant and that word provides peace and joy or pleasure to our minds. The word service means to serve one’s elders and old, to serve the guests who visit our houses, to serve the suppressed, downtrodden, destitute, poor, helpless, unsupported, orphans and needy people with mind, body and wealth. To provide other people comforts, amenities, facilities, rest, peace, eases, delights and pleasures is also called as service. The true service may occur only when the person who do the service does not have any wish or desire for any reward or yield in return of service, when that person does not have any avarice or greed of any kind in his or her mind and when he or she does not have the feelings of selfishness in his or her mind, when such a person does not feel any pride or ego over the service done by him or her, when he or she does not do the service only for the sake of mere show, display, ostentation and hypocrisy instead he or she does the service from his or her true mind.
This novel describes the life of a woman who is married to a drunkard who does never care her. She faces so many hardships during her married life. Her married life is full of troubles, miseries, hunger and starvation. After the sudden death of her husband her ancestral land is usurped by her brothers-in-law. She brings up her only son with the hope that she would be able to lead a happy and comfortable life, she dreams a lot about her unknown future but all her dreams prove fatal when her only son is killed while working in a machine and she herself gets heart attack and is dead. Miseries and sorrows dominate her whole life and cause her end.