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This joyous, sparkling book opens the treasure chest of liturgical year to bring the creative power of the Divine into our ordinary lives here and now.
For two thousand years, the Church Universal has celebrated the life of our Lord. At Christmas, we remember and celebrate his birth in a stable in Bethlehem. We watch him grow to a young boy who sat at the feet of the Temple leaders and spoke wonders they could not understand. We continue to watch him as he started his ministry and preached to his people of the promises of God to the people of Israel. After his three years of ministry, we prepare for his suffering and death, and grieve at the foolishness of the people who could not believe. We stand at his cross and watch as his disciples who followed him fled in fear for their lives, but three days later we rejoice with the faithful women who went to the grave to grieve the loss of their Lord. To their wonder, and ours, we rejoice in his resurrection and celebrate the life he has given us through his suffering, death and resurrection. We celebrate his ascension to Heaven, with his promise that he would be with his disciples in the Presence of the Spirit, to teach and prepare them for his return. Ten days after his Ascension, we witness and celebrate the Coming of the Spirit at Pentecost and rejoice in the birth of the Church. We hear the words of Peter and sit in wonder of all the Spirit promised. Then, suddenly, the Church stops its celebration. There is silence for six months, until in December we return to the stable in Bethlehem and start our celebration again. What have we forgotten; what do we neglect? What are we missing? Why has the celebration stopped at Pentecost? Where is the mature Church, the victorious Church. Where is the promised Return of our Lord in His Father's Glory? Where is the Bridegroom? How much longer must the Bride wait? Come with us as we learn the Rest of the Story and discover all we have missed because our celebrations stop at Pentecost. God calls us to celebrate the entire story, from beginning to end. He promised his faithful remnant that he would return to them and they would dwell with him in His Presence. He promised the rejoicing would have no end. Come with us as we learn and celebrate the Rest of the Story! ------------------------------------ A great tragedy of modern evangelical Christianity is the failure to either appreciate or to properly interpret the incredible significance of Israel's Feast Days. The prophetic content of the feast days is normally given barely a summary acknowledgement and then forgotten. Holly Snead has done the Christian community a great favor in bringing to the fore not only the typological significance of Israel's festal calendar, but God's faithfulness in bringing all those feast days to final fulfillment in Christ's Parousia. What she brings to the reader is tremendous, and exciting, insight into how the NT writers applied Israel's feast days to the work of Christ. If you have never considered Israel's New Moons, feast days and sabbaths as they relate to the End Times you owe it to yourself to read this book. Whatever you do, read the Appendices! These special studies are more than worth the price of the book all by themselves. Don K. Preston D. Div. President Preterist Research Institute
Confused and disillusioned, many today are wondering, "Is there a God? Where is He? What, if anything, is God doing?" Mankind sees scant evidence in religion of God's direct involvement in the course of humanity. Shackled by tradition and religious myths, even professing "Christianity" gropes in a vacuum of ignorance regarding God's true plan for mankind. Why? Because man has (for the most part, unknowingly) rejected the key to that plan-the knowledge of the seventh-day Sabbath and holy days of God. Instead, traditional holidays-including Sunday-have been adopted and accepted as "Christian." Declaring the "end from the beginning," the true God of the Bible is actively involved in the affairs of man, ordering events according to His master plan as outlined by His Sabbath and feast days. Obviously, Satan the devil hates God's plan-for it also pictures his ultimate removal as the "god of this present age." In what is perhaps one of the greatest conspiracies in the history of mankind, Satan has devised a cleverly disguised counterfeit "Christianity" to blind men from the knowledge of God's true plan. Analogous to King Jeroboam of ancient Israel-who substituted false "feast days" in place of God's true holy days-Satan has deceptively ensnared an unsuspecting world into believing that pagan occult holidays are acceptable forms of worship toward God. In Occult Holidays or God's Holy Days-Which?, Fred R. Coulter brings to light this satanic conspiracy, uncovering in detail the occult roots of today's so-called "Christian" holidays-Halloween, Christmas, Easter, etc.-proving that such holidays are, in reality, a form of Satan worship. Mr. Coulter demonstrates how God's seven annual holy days form a type of framework upon which are hung the various aspects of God's plan as they are fulfilled over time. This publication fully illustrates how God's seventh-day Sabbath and holy days picture His plan of salvation for all of mankind, concentrating on the establishment of the Kingdom of God and the eternal rule of Jesus Christ.
Traces the history of Santa Klaus, alias St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children. Also relates the origins, legends, and customs of Christmas.
The High Holy Days -- Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur -- are for many Jews the highlight of the Jewish year. The liturgy for the Days of Awe are the longest and most complex of the year, leaving a large number of attendees without a complete understanding of the occasion's significance. Entering The High Holy Days provides historical background and interpretation of the ideas, practices, and liturgy and lends them contemporary relevance to today's Jews. Reuven Hammer received his ordination and doctorate in theology from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. He is the former president of the Rabbinical Assembly and head of the Rabbinical Court of the Masorti Movement.
What are the origins of some of our holidays? Why are eggs decorated on Easter? Why are there wreaths on doors during Christmas? What is the real reason for decorated trees in living rooms around the world? Through a Christian prospective this book will examine popular holidays that have a significant religious meaning. Digging through layers of history, this book will uncover the pagan origins that make up many of our holiday traditions.
It's the most wonderful time of year, or so we say. The month of December is full of faith, family, and fun. It's a time to celebrate friends and family and the birth of our Savior. But it can also be overwhelming and the first thing that we tend to let go is ourselves. We tend to skip workouts, grab quick meals, rush through our quiet times and hope that we can get everything back in order come January. But what if this year was different? What if we slowed down a bit, chose to enjoy the season, and make our faith and our fitness a priority?What if we actually maintained a healthy lifestyle through the month so that we could begin January without feeling guilt and shame from December?With this guide, you can continue on, or even establish, your healthy living journey in December. This book is a combination of healthy living tips as well as devotions to guide you through this most wonderful time of year. It also helps you approach the new year with focus and clarity. No more need for restarts and resolutions when you apply the content of this book to your daily life. May you enjoy a happy healthy holiday.*Although this book takes you through the month of December, the tips shared within can be applied any time. Don't wait until December to grab it and start living a happy healthy life!
Get to know the beliefs and practices inspired by Jesus Christ Discover what it means to be a Christian and follow the gospel Curious about Christianity? This friendly guide helps you understand the basic teachings of the Christian faith, exploring the common ground that all Christians share, the differences among the major branches, the key events in Christian history, the key theological issues, and the many ways Christians live out their faith in today's world. The Dummies Way Explanations in plain English "Get in, get out" information Icons and other navigational aids Tear-out cheat sheet Top ten lists A dash of humor and fun Discover how to: Express the core essentials of Christianity Appreciate the life and teachings of Jesus Understand why the Bible is central to the faith Respect the unique roles of the Trinity Explore controversial issues among the branches
First published: Great Britain: Picador, 2017.