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No matter your beliefs...whether you choose to read this book to your young grieving hearts as "fiction or non-fiction" this is a must read if you or a loved one has experienced a death. The book is simply timeless. ********************* This book is also unlike any other children's book regarding death. While most are about the process of healing & acceptance in the aftermath of losing someone they love. This book gives an opportunity for children to have some comfort for years to come & in particular during the holidays. The author leaves no question that she is a Christian & she wants her grandchildren to truly visualize the concept of her message. Albeit, she also stresses the main objective is to help grieving hearts; not change someone's views of religion. She has respect to the diversity of others views. With all that being said, this book does in fact focus on heaven. With an open mind, she wants readers to consider the literal definition of Heaven. The first death she can remember was at 9 years old & her grandfather passed away two days before Christmas. He was her Mom's father & it changed Christmas for many years to come as her Mom & others continued to mourn in particular during the holidays each year. She states that her worst death she witnessed her children suffer was that of her nephew, (sister's son) who was 18 yrs. old on December 7, 1995. Despite her faith & attempt to be positive it took everything her family had to function through Christmas that year and years to come. Five years later Spilman lost her father right before Easter & nine years after that her sister, who was 56 yrs. old, passed away. It was right as the holidays began before Thanksgiving. She needed a heart transplant. She left behind 5 beautiful grandchildren with her younger son. Four years later, Spilman's mom was gravely ill during Christmas and passed away two weeks later. The little ones in the family began to ask more questions. Are they sad at Christmas? Are they with Samson (Spilman's late 10 yr. old Newfoundland) in heaven? It is all too familiar to hear these fears & questions. ************************ While there are many holidays observed throughout the year, she chose select ones to express in her book. The goal is to attempt to give comfort with some visuals by adding a little magic for their heavy hearts. Moreover, she believes her book's message is to open the door for children to open their minds and create happiness for whatever holidays they may celebrate That is why her book can be an inspiration to many. Visit Spilman's FB page - HOLIDAYS IN HEAVEN-The Children's Book Websites:
Instead of the joy-filled celebrations that we build up in our minds, the holidays (pick one, any one) can often become stress-filled, money-draining, joy-less days of the year that we just "want to get through." And it is by our own volition that we have refused too many times to allow our holiday celebrations to be the spiritual experience they are meant to be. This book has been conceived and designed over 30 years as Dr. Bill Thrasher has spoken to thousands of people, helping them realize the spiritual battle that surrounds their celebration of the holidays. Littered with practical thoughts, ideas, experiences, and stories, Putting God Back in the Holidays will help you and your family celebrate holidays and birthdays with biblical truth in mind.
Young or old, single or married, male or female—at some point in life, we're all confronted with loneliness. We try to fill the void or change our circumstances so we no longer feel the pain. But what if our pangs of loneliness are meant to point us to something greater? Looking at various aspects of loneliness, Lydia Brownback reminds us of God's power to redeem our loneliness and use it in our lives to draw us to himself. Ultimately, she helps us see that even when we feel misunderstood, forsaken, or abandoned, we're never really alone. God is always with us, and only he can meet all of our needs in Christ Jesus.
The New York Times–#1 bestselling author and psychic Sylvia Browne and her son explore the ways in which spirits, angels, and God celebrate Christmas in Heaven and how the celebrations compare to those on Earth. Questions such asAre there presents and the exchanging of gifts? Do heavenly spirits decorate?andHow is Jesus honored?are discussed, as is the idea of giving gifts from the heart, like the spirits and angels in heaven do, instead of giving store-bought goods. Information is also provided on the role of religious ceremonies in heaven and how they differ from the ceremonies of the living.
We want to say or do something that helps our grieving friend. But what? When someone we know is grieving, we want to help. But sometimes we stay away or stay silent, afraid that we will do or say the wrong thing, that we will hurt instead of help. In this straightforward and practical book, Nancy Guthrie provides us with the insight we need to confidently interact with grieving people. Drawing upon the input of hundreds of grieving people, as well as her own experience of grief, Nancy offers specifics on what to say and what not to say, and what to do and what to avoid. Tackling touchy topics like talking about heaven, navigating interactions on social media, and more, this book will equip readers to support those who are grieving with wisdom and love.
For two thousand years, the Church Universal has celebrated the life of our Lord. At Christmas, we remember and celebrate his birth in a stable in Bethlehem. We watch him grow to a young boy who sat at the feet of the Temple leaders and spoke wonders they could not understand. We continue to watch him as he started his ministry and preached to his people of the promises of God to the people of Israel. After his three years of ministry, we prepare for his suffering and death, and grieve at the foolishness of the people who could not believe. We stand at his cross and watch as his disciples who followed him fled in fear for their lives, but three days later we rejoice with the faithful women who went to the grave to grieve the loss of their Lord. To their wonder, and ours, we rejoice in his resurrection and celebrate the life he has given us through his suffering, death and resurrection. We celebrate his ascension to Heaven, with his promise that he would be with his disciples in the Presence of the Spirit, to teach and prepare them for his return. Ten days after his Ascension, we witness and celebrate the Coming of the Spirit at Pentecost and rejoice in the birth of the Church. We hear the words of Peter and sit in wonder of all the Spirit promised. Then, suddenly, the Church stops its celebration. There is silence for six months, until in December we return to the stable in Bethlehem and start our celebration again. What have we forgotten; what do we neglect? What are we missing? Why has the celebration stopped at Pentecost? Where is the mature Church, the victorious Church. Where is the promised Return of our Lord in His Father's Glory? Where is the Bridegroom? How much longer must the Bride wait? Come with us as we learn the Rest of the Story and discover all we have missed because our celebrations stop at Pentecost. God calls us to celebrate the entire story, from beginning to end. He promised his faithful remnant that he would return to them and they would dwell with him in His Presence. He promised the rejoicing would have no end. Come with us as we learn and celebrate the Rest of the Story! ------------------------------------ A great tragedy of modern evangelical Christianity is the failure to either appreciate or to properly interpret the incredible significance of Israel's Feast Days. The prophetic content of the feast days is normally given barely a summary acknowledgement and then forgotten. Holly Snead has done the Christian community a great favor in bringing to the fore not only the typological significance of Israel's festal calendar, but God's faithfulness in bringing all those feast days to final fulfillment in Christ's Parousia. What she brings to the reader is tremendous, and exciting, insight into how the NT writers applied Israel's feast days to the work of Christ. If you have never considered Israel's New Moons, feast days and sabbaths as they relate to the End Times you owe it to yourself to read this book. Whatever you do, read the Appendices! These special studies are more than worth the price of the book all by themselves. Don K. Preston D. Div. President Preterist Research Institute
A fictional journey through Heaven based on the author's 25 years of working in an altered state of consciousness as a professional psychic.
Does it make any difference which days we observe-or whether we keep them? Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? Are they binding today only on the Jewish people, while Christians are commanded to keep holidays such as Christmas? In this booklet: • Which Days Should We Keep? • What You Should Know About Pentecost • Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement • Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day This ebook is offered completely free of charge by the Philadelphia Church of God. However, please not that Google Play will need a verified Google Wallet account which requires your credit card information. In a small number of countries, a temporary authorization of $1 will be charged to your account but will be refunded. This refund can take up to 1 month to process.
Whether a death is sudden or anticipated, losing a loved one shakes us to our very core, destroying our belief in a just, safe, and predictable world. Grief often changes us quickly both physically and mentally. It is like being kidnapped and suddenly transported to a foreign land without luggage, a passport, or the language to make sense of what's happening. Even if you have a road map for getting through the pain and anguish, you still have to take the trip. The purpose of this book is to help you find threads of hope that will assist your recovery and help you carry on. By sharing inspirational stories, personal experiences, and professional advice from contributors to theOpen to Hope website, we trust that you will be comforted and inspired by learning how others dealt with their losses, what they saw as roadblocks, and how they handled them as well as what it has taken for them to not only survive, but thrive. We want to help you resume leading the life that you were meant to live--a life of satisfaction and one driven by a belief in your own personal power for change.
Do you enter every holiday wanting it to be meaningful, only to find that it feels chaotic with no direction? We set New Year’s goals we can’t keep, struggle to love or be loved on Valentine’s Day, and find it hard to celebrate the risen Jesus when we are searching for the perfect Easter dress. Our summer and back-to-school seasons are whirlwinds, even as adults; we aren’t quite sure what to do with Halloween as Christians; and we feel less than grateful at Thanksgiving because it is sometimes full of complicated people. Even Christmas becomes a challenge, as celebrating Jesus gets lost behind twinkling lights and a mountain of gifts. Holidays are meant to be more than chaos with glimpses of grace; they are meant to draw us closer to God and one another. We want all the whimsy and joy the holidays held when we were children, before life crowded it out. We want the holidays to reflect our love for Jesus and reveal the grace that has been lavished on us, but life is so busy that setting a game plan just doesn’t happen. No more. It’s time to stop trying to survive the holidays or over indulge the whimsy, and instead live in the abundant life God called us to live. Sacred Holidays is part book and part resource: meant to help you avoid what has tripped you up in the past and give you insights, tips, and tools to make your holidays less chaotic and more about loving Jesus and others. Don’t let your holidays be marked by regret, whirlwinds, or survival mindset. Let’s celebrate every holiday together purposefully and worshipfully–loving Jesus and others well in every moment.