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This is a seven volume treatise on historical dating and scientific arguments regarding the truth or falsehoods in currently accepted historical concepts. It claims the 16th century as the time during which history was created by medieval scribes and cemented by the power of the ecclesial authorities. It is theorized for example that Jesus was actually born in 1053 A.D. and crucified in 1086 A.D.; the Old Testament refers to medieval events and the Apocalyse was written after 1486 A.D.
The author contends that all generaly accepted historical chronology prior to the 16th century is inaccurate, often off by many hundreds or even thousands of years. Volume 1 of a proposed seven volumes.
NASA research of earth-moon mechanics of late astrophysicist Robert Newton leads Russian mathematicians to a breakthrough in the chronology of the world history that crowns 30 years of meticulous and extensive research.This research was actually an anecdotical byproduct of Russian-American competition in Moon exploration.'The The issue with Chronology' is the first volume in "History: Fiction or Science?" e-series, the fundamental oeuvre that exposes and expounds the numerous in-veracities of the traditional version of history.The E-series "History: Fiction or Science?" contains data and conclusions that aren't anything short of revolutionary. The alternatives offered to classical history are stunning, unorthodox to the extent of being labeled heretical by virtually every scholar of history.In "The Issue with Chronology" we are reminded of when the contemporary chronological scale was created and by whom, with the culprits named as the XVI-XVII century clergy that was in charge of all matters historical in that age. We also learn that the consensual model of history had prominent critics ever since its creation - among them such names as Sir Isaac Newton and Jean Hardouin, chief librarian of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France and collector of Louvre museum.The author dissects every historical age and analyzed the data from every source imaginable - Roman and Egyptian chronology take a good beating, and it goes rapidly downhill from there. Poggio Bracciolini and Petrarch take the blame for creating the legend of a mythical Classical age that never was.The Biblical events are moved a lot closer to us historically, as well as geographically (the Biblical Jerusalem being identified with the mediaeval Constantinople, for instance). The New and the Old Testament swap their positions on the chronological scale, both exposed as referring to mediaeval events. Our perception of history begins to change dramatically even before we're through with "The Issue with Chronology".On one hand, Dr. Fomenko et al call everybody, historians including, to apply the Occam's razor to the world history. On the other, the scientists Dr. Fomenko et al are ready to recognize their alleged mistakes of New Chronology theory, to repent and to retract if and only if:- radiocarbon dating methods or dendrochronology pass a rigorous anonymous 'black box' tests;- verifiable astronomic data refutes their results on solar eclipses;- it is proven irrefutably that Robert Newton (NASA astrophysicist) was wrong calling 'ancient' Ptolemy the greatest con man in history in his 'Crime of Claudius Ptolemy'; The radiocarbon dating labs run their very costly tests only if the sample to be dated is accompanied with an idea of age pronounced by historians on basis of...subjective..mmm...gutfeeling. Radiocarbon labs happily bill for their fiddling and fine-tuning with C14 hardware to get the dates 'to order' of historians.The first circular calibration curve was made by mid-fifties by Radiolab of Arizona Univesity with samples from 'Ancient' Egypt provided by the expedition of the same University. Circulus Vicious is perfect. Connect the dots!PS : Prescient Saint Augustine warned: 'be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth!'. That's why Jesuits took over control of Chronology in XVI cy when it was a part of mathematics. Now the mathematicians take it back. The New Chronology theory based on exact sciences says that all events that took place allegedly over 1300 years ago, as well as real persons who took part in them, are simply unknown to us. Dr. Anatoly Fomenko is a Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Moscow State University Department of Mathematics and Mechanics.
The first science fiction course in the American academy was held in the early 1950s. In the sixty years since, science fiction has become a recognized and established literary genre with a significant and growing body of scholarship. The Cambridge History of Science Fiction is a landmark volume as the first authoritative history of the genre. Over forty contributors with diverse and complementary specialties present a history of science fiction across national and genre boundaries, and trace its intellectual and creative roots in the philosophical and fantastic narratives of the ancient past. Science fiction as a literary genre is the central focus of the volume, but fundamental to its story is its non-literary cultural manifestations and influence. Coverage thus includes transmedia manifestations as an integral part of the genre's history, including not only short stories and novels, but also film, art, architecture, music, comics, and interactive media.
The consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in XVI-XIX centuries on political agenda of powers of that period on the basis of erroneous clerical chronology elaborated by the Kabbalist Jesuits Joseph Justus Scaliger and perfected by the Jesuit Dionysius Petavius. By the middle of XVI th century the prime political agenda of Europe that reached superiority in Sciences and Technologies, but was still inferior militarily to the Evil Empire of Eurasia, was to free Europe. The concerted effort of European aristocracy, black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants, humanists and scientists in XVI - XVII th centuries in creation and dissemination of fictional Ancient World served this agenda perfectly. The fictional Ancient World of Antiquity was created by black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants, humanists, and scientists by representing events of XI-XVI centuries as ones that happened thousands of years before according to the famous ancient authorities they invented. The European aristocracy, a considerable part of which were noble fugitives from Byzantine and/or the inheritors of Eurasian warlords, supported the myth of Ancient World to justify its claims to countries they ruled. The black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants developed and supported the myth of Ancient World to justify their claims of being more ancient and to separate themselves from orthodoxy in the countries ruled by European aristocracy and nobility. The scientists supported the myth of Ancient World as safe cover for their research that produced results heretic from the point of view of Christianity. They justified their discoveries by authorities of ancient scientists they themselves invented and used as pseudonyms. The humanists developed and supported the myth of Ancient World as convenient cover for their ideas that conflicted with Christianity and aristocracy. Humanists too justified their ideas with authorities of ancient authors of their own making and used as pseudonyms. Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past - George Orwell, 1984 'Antiquity' taught in schools and universities worldwide is pure fiction! We are told that 'Antiquity' was followed by many centuries of utter stagnation and decline with virtually nothing happening but wars and famine and the destruction of the priceless ancient monuments. Then, during the Renaissance, the Classical authors reappear from oblivion, Latin and Greek become resurrected as the intelligentsia Esperanto of the Middle Ages, numerous manuscripts reappear from oblivion to be copied, enter wide circulation, and vanish again, never to be found. The learned crowd of humanists and clergy invented 'ancient' Greek and Latin languages wrote 'antique' masterpieces under 'antique' sounding pseudonyms.The talented artists, painters, and sculptors of XV-XVIII century mass produced required paraphernalia. Renaissance was on! The demand of the European aristocracy, nobility and the burgers for 'antique' labeled articles prices was solid. 'Antiquity' paraphernalia fetched high prices and was sold to the public lock, stock, and barrel. How preposterous would it be to suggest that there were no Dark Ages to separate the antiquity from the Renaissance - that the "Re-naissance" was, in fact, the Naissance of the Western European culture as we know it? The mythical Classical Age came into being from misdating medieval events by hundreds and thousands of years. 'Antiquity' meme is planted into defenseless young brains. Kids love tales and don't ask teachers awkward questions.
In the years since Georges Méliès’s Le voyage dans la lune (A Trip to the Moon) was released in 1902, more than 1000 science fiction films have been made by filmmakers around the world. The versatility of science fiction cinema has allowed it to expand into a variety of different markets, appealing to age groups from small children to adults. The technical advances in filmmaking technology have enabled a new sophistication in visual effects. This second edition of Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction Cinema contains a chronology, an introduction, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 400 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, films, companies, techniques, themes, and subgenres. This book is an excellent resource for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about science fiction cinema.
Why and when the Crusades? The Christianity originated in the Byzantine Empire in XII century as Oriental Orthodox Catholic religion that went in the XII - XV centuries through the subsequent splits, mutations into the competing Orthodox, Catholic, Western, Eastern and Oriental Christianity, Mithraism, Judaism, Buddism, and Islam. Crusades of 1189-1192 AD and 1199-1204 AD to Jerusalem-Constantinople were military operations under the banner of Christianity by the followers and relatives of Jesus idem Emperor Andronicus killed during a religious mutiny. Crusades have ended with the Sack of Constantinople in 1204. Crusades provoked a counter reaction of Islam that by XIII century started to morph from an early Christian belief into a powerful religious movement, formed a Caliphate that spans from Middle Asia to Spain. Constantinople was taken by Mehmet the Conqueror in 1453, renamed Istanbul, and Byzantium became a part of the Muslim Ottoman Empire. The most probable prototype of the historical Jesus was Andronikos I Komnenos (allegedly AD 1183 to 1185), the Emperor of Byzantium, reflected in the consensual history for his numerous failed reforms; his traits and deeds reflected in 'biographies' of many real and imaginary persons. According to New Chronology, the New Testament is the rendition of religious events of the XIIth century AD. The historical Jesus Christ is very probably a composite figure and reflection of the Biblical prophet Elisha, Osiris, god of the death, life, and resurrection, Pope Gregory VII, Saint Basil of Caesarea, and even Li Yuanhao ("Son of Heaven"), Euclides, Dionysius, and Andronikos. The seemingly vast differences in the biographies of these figures result from a difference in languages, time and place of writing. By approx. 1200 A.D. Judaa-Izrael Empire starts to expand as an Orthodox Catholic Christendom Empire in Europe and Eurasia. Exoduses of Byzantine nobility and scholars to Europe after the sack of Constantinople formed the foundation of its future superiority. By approx. 1400 A.D. Christendom Empire transforms into the centralized "Evil Empire" of Eurasia that falls apart into independent Kingdoms of Europe and Empires of Asia by 1600 A.D. The consensual world history was manufactured in Europe in XVI-XIX centuries with political agenda of powers of that period on the basis of erroneous clerical chronology elaborated by Jesuits Scaliger and Petavius. ⦁By the middle of XVI th century the prime political agenda of Europe that reached superiority in Sciences and Technologies, but was still inferior militarily to the Evil Empire of Eurasia, was to free Europe. ⦁The concerted effort of European aristocracy, black and white Catholic clergy, Protestants, humanists and scientists in XV - XVII th centuries in creation and dissemination of fictional Ancient World served this agenda. ⦁The scientists supported the myth of Ancient World as safe cover for their heretic research that produced results contrarian to the tenets of Christianity. They justified their discoveries by authorities of ancient scientists they themselves invented and used as pseudonyms. ⦁The humanists developed and supported the myth of Ancient World as convenient cover for their ideas that conflicted with Christianity and aristocracy. They too justified their ideas on authorities of ancient authors of their own making and used as aliases. Prescient Saint Augustine warned: 'be wary of mathematicians, particularly when they speak the truth!'.Dr. Anatoly Fomenko is a Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member of the International Higher Education Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Moscow State University Department of Mathematics and Mechanics.
Ideal for today's young investigative reader, each A True Book includes lively sidebars, a glossary and index, plus a comprehensive "To Find Out More" section listing books, organizations, and Internet sites. A staple of library collections since the 1950s, the new A True Book series is the definitive nonfiction series for elementary school readers.
NASA research of earth-moon mechanics by astrophysicist Robert Russel Newton leads mathematicians of MSU to a breakthrough in the chronology of civilization and geography of North America. Author and team analyses in detail the maps of 1771 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica and concludes that Northwestern part of United States of America was built on remains of Moscuvite Tartary, which according to Britannica of 1771 was the biggest state in the world with capital in Tobolsk! The war of new Russian Empire of 1773-1775 with Moscuvite Tartary covered up by Catherine II as a raid against peasant rebellion headed by aka Pougatchev (scare in Russian) was actually the final blow in the destruction of Great Tartary. After the war of 1773-1775 the new Russian Empire has taken over the Urals, Western and Eastern Siberia, Alaska, Northwestern America down to San Franciso. These 'Russian' American territories were too far to control efficiently by the Rusian Empire and were therefore taken over step by step by the USA and British Empire.
History: Fiction or Science? is the most explosive tractate on history ever written - however, every theory it contains, no matter how unorthodox, is backed by solid scientific data. The book is well-illustrated, contains over 500 graphs, copies of ancient manuscripts, and countless facts attesting to the falsity of the chronology used nowadays, which never cease to amaze the reader. Eminent mathematician proves that: Jesus Christ was born in 1053 and crucified in 1086 The Old Testament refers to mediaeval events. Apocalypse was written after 1486. Does this sound uncanny? This version of events is substantiated by hard facts and logic - validated by new astronomical research and statistical analysis of ancient sources - to a greater extent than everything you may have read and heard about history before. The dominating historical discourse in its current state was essentially crafted in the XVI century from a rather contradictory jumble of sources such as innumerable copies of ancient Latin and Greek manuscripts whose originals had vanished in the Dark Ages and the allegedly irrefutable proof offered by late mediaeval astronomers, resting upon the power of ecclesial authorities. Nearly all of its components are blatantly untrue! For some of us, it shall possibly be quite disturbing to see the magnificent edifice of classical history to turn into an ominous simulacrum brooding over the snake pit of mediaeval politics. Twice so, in fact: the first seeing the legendary millenarian dust on the ancient marble turn into a mere layer of dirt - one that meticulous unprejudiced research can eventually remove. The second, and greater, attack of unease comes with the awareness of just how manyareas of human knowledge still trust the three elephants of the consensual chronology to support them. Nothing can remedy that except for an individual chronological revolution happening in the minds of a large enough number of people.