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Este libro se compone de 33 historias mínimas publicadas entre 2020 y 2022 a través medios digitales como LinkedIn, mail, Whatsapp, Instagram y un blog dedicado, llegando a lectores en más de cuarenta países. Son anécdotas ficcionadas, vividas o escuchadas por la autora a lo largo de toda su vida. Tienen la característica especial de transcurrir entre Cruz Alta, su Rosario natal y otras ciudades en el extranjero. Las publicaciones fueron realizadas en español y en inglés, que son los dos idiomas que forman parte de la vida de Violeta Cuentadora. El prólogo fue un regalo de Karina Mazzocco, amiga de la autora, que invita a los lectores "a que pasen y vean y se entreguen a esta hermosa selección de cuentos".
Walter Salles's film The Motorcycle Diaries follows the journey made by the young medical student Che Guevara across Argentina, through Chile, to Peru. At the climax, Guevara exhorts his audience to see beyond their borders and embrace a truly continental identity. This vision lives on today, in the work of a new generation of South American filmmakers. Following the buena onda, the 'good wave' that included the Brazilian favela film City of God, the 2000s saw a renaissance in the continent's cinema, with such diverse Argentine movies as Nine Queens and The Holy Girl, and dazzling new work from Uruguay, Chile and Peru. The new directors have won prizes at major film festivals, been nominated for Oscars, and captured the imagination of audiences worldwide. Many tackle the question of identity amid the ever-changing political and social landscapes of their troubled countries, while developing a network of collaboration and inspiration across the continent. This book featured interviews with the most significant voices of this Latin new wave - people who are 'bonded by blood, politics, strife, courage, ingenuity, and a shared desire and splendid resolve to make movies'.
Provides many of the answers to questions asked by journalists, industry executives, researchers and television enthusiasts about the current UK film industry. The range of information in the Handbook is unrivalled, including a summary of all new films made and released in the UK box office.
Literature is one of the richest sources of information concerning the ways in which human beings play with cognition. Human cognition is grounded in the ability to feel, perceive, and move. Kinesic Humor examines literary works written in different languages and various historical periods, in which the cognitive processing of gestures and kinesic interactions trigger humorous effects. By bringing together literary studies, cognitive studies, gesturestudies, and humor studies, this book offers an original perspective on literary artworks such as Chrétien de Troyes' Yvain, Milton's Paradise Lost, Cervantes' Don Quixote, Rousseau's Confessions, Sterne's Tristram Shandy, and Stendhal's Le Rouge et le Noir.