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A la jonction entre histoire régionale, histoire industrielle et histoire des entreprises, cet ouvrage cherche à éclairer la relation entre territoires et industries à travers le temps - du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours - et l'espace - de l'Europe occidentale aux Etats-Unis. Quel est le poids du territoire dans sa relation aux systèmes de production qui s'y établissent et comment les configure-t-il ? Quelles sont les rapports et les influences entre territoire et acteurs économiques ?Les dix-sept textes réunis dans ce volume permettent donc d'explorer la genèse, le développement, le sens, la fonction et les causes de pérennisation des organisations territoriales de la production industrielle.
World watch production today is concentrated in three countries: Switzerland, Japan and China. Former centres such as Great Britain, France, the United States and Russia saw the industrial manufacture of watches disappear from their territory during the twentieth century. How did this situation come about? The business of time aims to answer this question by presenting the first comprehensive history of the sector. It traces the evolution and transformation of the global watch industry from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day, highlighting the conditions that enabled watch production to expand across the globe and revealing how multinational companies gradually emerged to dominate the industry.
Dès le 19e siècle, la Belgique s'est dotée de l'un des meilleurs systèmes statistiques du monde. Elle dispose d'un patrimoine incomparable de statistiques. L’ouvrage reprend 25 des 32 communications présentées lors de la Chaire Quetelet...
Les 6 et 7 décembre 2007, la Région Ile-de-France organisait un colloque consacré aux " Patrimoines d'Ile-de-France ", aussi intitulé " Rencontre des histoires, des populations et des territoires ". C'est que la notion de patrimoine s'est considérablement développée au cours des dernières décennies : en lieu et place d'une vision étroite et traditionnelle limitée à l'artistique et au monumental, elle constitue aujourd'hui un outil privilégié au service de l'aménagement durable du territoire, en permettant de tenir compte de toutes les dimensions de notre culture et de notre histoire.La loi du 13 août 2004, qui a organisé le transfert aux régions de l'Inventaire général du patrimoine culturel, a transformé la Région Ile-de-France en acteur majeur dans ce débat et le colloque de 2007 en a montré tous les enjeux. La publication de ces actes témoigne d'une volonté régionale forte : rendre compte de la richesse des interventions de ces deux journées et permettre au public le plus large d'y avoir accès. En permettant la " rencontre des histoires, des populations et des territoires l'Ile-de-France ", cet ouvrage se doit d'être un outil privilégié pour donner un sens nouveau à des territoires restés trop longtemps dans l'ombre de la capitale, valoriser tous les héritages de populations toujours très diverses et faire émerger une identité authentiquement régionale.
Cette collection est le premier ouvrage par un autochtone canadien qui discute le concept d’histoire des peuples autochtones et l’expérience coloniale. Tout au long de ces textes, écrits dans plusieurs genres pendant vingt ans, Georges Sioui reprend les idées des Hurons-Wyandots au sujet de la place des Autochtones au Canada, dans l’histoire et le monde. -- This is the first collection written by an Aboriginal Canadian on the Aboriginal understanding of history and the colonial experience. These essays, stories, lectures, and poems, written over the last twenty years by Georges Sioui, present and explore the perspectives of the Huron-Wyandot people on the place of Aboriginal people in Canada, in the world, and in history.
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Political Geography aims to account for the intellectual and worldly developments that have taken place in and around political geography in the last 10 years. Bringing together established names in the field as well as new scholars, it highlights provocative theoretical and conceptual debates on political geography from a range of global perspectives. Discusses the latest developments and places increased emphasis on modes of thinking, contested key concepts, and on geopolitics, climate change and terrorism Explores the influence of the practice-based methods in geography and concepts including postcolonialism, feminist geographies, the notion of the Anthropocene, and new understandings of the role of non-human actors in networks of power Offers an accessible introduction to political geography for those in allied fields including political science, international relations, and sociology
In 1983—as France struggled with race-based crimes, police brutality, and public unrest—youths from Vénissieux (working-class suburbs of Lyon) led the March for Equality and Against Racism, the first national demonstration of its type in France. As Abdellali Hajjat reveals, the historic March for Equality and Against Racism symbolized for many the experience of the children of postcolonial immigrants. Inspired by the May '68 protests, these young immigrants stood against racist crimes, for equality before the law and the police, and for basic rights such as the right to work and housing. Hajjat also considers the divisions that arose from the march and offers fresh insight into the paradoxes and intricacies of movements pushing toward sweeping social change. Translated into English for the first time, The Wretched of France contemplates the protest's lasting significance in France as well as its impact within the context of larger and comparable movements for civil rights, particularly in the US.
The contributors to this volume encourage a re-thinking of the very notion of culture by examining the experiences, situations and the representations of those who chose – or were forced – to change cultures from the nineteenth century to the present day. Beyond a simple study of migration, forced or otherwise, this collective work also re-examines the model of integration. As recent entrants into new social settings may be perceived as affecting the previously-accepted social equilibrium, mechanisms encouraging or inhibiting population flows are sometimes put in place. From this perspective, “integration” may become less a matter of internal choice than an external obligation imposed by the dominant political power, in which case “integration” may only be a euphemism for cultural uniformity. The strategies of cultural survival developed as a reaction to such a rising tide of cultural uniformity can be seen as necessary points of departure for an ever-growing shared multiculturalism. A long-term voluntary commitment to make cultural boundaries more flexible and allow a more engaged individual participation in the process of defining the self and finding its place within a culture in movement may represent a key element for cultural cohesion in a globalized world.
mai 1968-2014. Souvenirs personnels et amitiés. Les avatars de la société du spectacle, son intégration et sa désintégration : le monde mafieux. Découvertes archéologiques et religions. Terroristes et pirates. Fin d'une civilisation et destruction du monde, quelques projets incertains pour pallier les dérives.Quelques autres points particuliers...
What's Your Story? A Canada 2017 Yearbook is a timely collection of profiles and portraits from Canadians in every region of the country—a snapshot of the diverse people, places, things, and events that tell a fascinating story of the country now and where it is headed. The Yearbook pays tribute to Canadian people and landscapes with stunning visuals from across the nation, framing the big and small moments of this important year. CBC/Radio-Canada asked citizens from coast to coast to coast to share the personal stories and memories that explore what it means to be Canadian in this historical moment. Their memories and narratives, supplemented with spectacular photo spreads, recollect the conversations, celebrations, and ceremonies that took place across the country in 2017.