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come with me and let me hold your hands while we sit in our combined sorrow about what it truly is to be a girl, a woman, in your twenties, in love, in search of a purpose, a child of immigrant parents and a complicated person with big feelings. even though it is a difficult task to capture these feelings that accompany a lot of our experiences in words, and even though i know words will never be enough, i promise you i have tried my best. is it better to be cursed with yearning for a place far away or to not have a home at all and spend your life searching for it? what makes us persevere, despite the suffering and pain in this world? what is it that makes female friendships so special? what does love really mean and how does it manifest? what is so beautiful about being alive? if you are someone that feels angry or misunderstood by most, give me a chance to make you feel at least a little bit seen and a little bit less alone.
Hiraeth ist das walisische Wort für Heimweh. Die Traurigkeit darüber, etwas Verloren zu haben, das man niemals wieder haben kann. Die erste und stärkste Liebe eines Mädchens ist der eigene Vater. Kein Band auf der Welt kann so stark wie die Bindung zwischen dem Vater und seiner liebsten Tochter sein. Doch nicht jedes Mädchen konnte diese Erfahrung in ihrem Leben machen - manchen wurde dies von Geburt an verwehrt. Und so sehnen sie sich ihr Leben lang nach dieser Liebe, die sie niemals haben werden können.
Die Leseprobe zu meinem Projekt "Hiraeth": Die ersten drei Kapitel als Einblick in die Welt von Philleus und Averett, zwei Bändiger aller sechs Elemente. "Magie kennt keine Grenzen. Die Grenzen der Magie sind die Grenzen des eigenen Verstandes." - Averett
In den Seiten von "Hiraeth" taucht der Leser ein in die fesselnde Welt von Lilith McBlair, einer aufstrebenden Schriftstellerin, die nicht nur Worte auf Papier bringt, sondern auch das Echo ihrer eigenen Seele. Die Geschichte nimmt uns mit auf eine emotionale Reise, während Lilith nach ihrer verlorenen Identität sucht. Verwebt mit einem Hauch von Nostalgie und einem Blick in die Zukunft, erforscht "Hiraeth" die Tiefe des Verlusts und die Kraft der Neubeginne. Eine Geschichte, die leise in den Herzen widerhallt und die Leidenschaft des Schreibens auf einzigartige Weise einfängt.
dear my loneliness, maybe i should call u by a name. what name would suit u? i think Violet is nice. maybe because violet is a cold color and u are cold too. i really wanted to say that i hate u Violet. i hate no one more than u. u are the worst thing that ever happened to me. i hate how u make me cry a few tears but never enough to burst. but still i am too familiar with u to just let u go. i hate how cold u feel but when i look deeper, there is something comforting about u. because when i have no one, i still have you. this book is for everyone who truly feels. love, hate, sadness, loneliness and confusion and in between the lines there is some hope for a better tomorrow.
Dreaming of Hiraeth is a heart-rending tale about a true testament of friendship, drawing on a deeper meaning on what it means not just to survive, but to live. Julian Hayes--the moon: loner, introvert, dreamer--is haunted with the guilt of his actions one scarring night six years ago, when he ran away against his will from his twisted home, leaving him unable to remember most of his childhood. Theo Wilson--the sun: bright, bold, realist--was dropped off on the front steps of a group home as a newborn, with a record of the group and foster homes he has run from. No two people could be more opposites than Julian and Theo--yet they have more in common than most would believe. Both orphans, living in a group home in Brooklyn's Fort Greene, they suffer from dark pasts as they try to navigate their youth in the bustle of New York City and pave a worthy future for themselves. Despite their falls, secrets, adventures, and the many obstacles stacked against them, the best friends learn that perhaps the key to their survival is in each other--and that the fight is not in the fall, but the rise. A coming-of-age story about adolescence's innocence and life's meaning, Dreaming of Hiraeth deals with the realities of the foster care system, racism, sexuality, mental illnesses, and addiction in the twenty-first century.
Hiraeth: A feeling of longing for a home that no longer exists or for one that never was. Mike and the crew fight for their right to survive, to carve out a new home, even though Mike cannot help but carry with him all the group has lost. He now wonders if he can continue to sacrifice his own for the sake of others. Terrifying new monsters are born amid the chaos, do our heroes have the will and the firepower to overcome these latest threats? Friends and foes alike will fall, and there may be no human victor. Follow along in this heart-slamming, non-stop thriller, Michael Talbot's final journal, the conclusion of the epic adventure series: Zombie Fallout.
Die Wegweiser in Mirabelles Leben sind eindeutig: Familie und Bauchgefühl leiten sie durch alle wichtigen Entscheidungen und füllen ihr Herz randvoll. Zumindest, bis sie sich in einer völlig fremden Stadt wiederfindet. Auf einmal muss Mira sich inmitten unbeschilderter Wege zurechtfinden, und noch dazu wird sie von dem stets wachsenden Hunger ihres Herzes geplagt, der ihr keine Ruhe lässt.
Diese Kurzgeschichtensammlung vereint all die Gefühle, für die einem oft die Worte fehlen. Wörter, die zum Erinnern, zum Nachdenken und zum Träumen anregen. Setz dich zu mir und leg dich rein in diese Traumstille.