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The missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul changed the course of history. Paul returned for one more life as the great mystic and miracle-worker Saint Hilarion. Hilarion also cast out devils, healed the sick, raised the dead.
The Temples of Golden Light are a gift from Source, to re-balance planet earth with Goddess energy, raising the vibration through ascension. As etheric temples each temple may be visited during meditation, contemplation or one’s sleep state for healing, relaxation, upliftment, inspiration, cellular renewal, also for the release of any energy blocks stopping you from moving forward. The Temples will give you guidance and protection, they are filled with much love and total light. The Temples of Golden Light are sacred goddess temples of golden light. Three Goddesses over-light the temples, Lady Nada, twin flame of Jesus Christ, Goddess Jacinta she works with the Rainforests and Nature on planet Earth, and Goddess Lathinda who comes from another universe called the Universe of Golden Light. Surrounded by the Rainbow Angels who are able to heal all of your chakras at the same time, under the guidance of 2 New Archangels called Archangel Metaziel and his twin flame Archangel Honoriel. The 144 Temples of Golden Light align to all of the pure energies within this wonderful Universe, and the Gods/Goddesses of Love and Light of Source. The Temples of Golden Light are surrounded by Four Universal Global Golden Seraphim Angels of the Highest Order representing north, south, east and west of our beautiful planet. Being a gift from source the temples may bring about Miracles. The aim of the Temples of Golden Light being to heal Humanity and Mother Earth herself bringing Peace and Harmony to a New Earth.
This volume of conference proceedings investigates the various ways and patterns with which esoteric writings and groups establish their own tradition. This involves concepts of origin and memory, ways of legitimising esoteric tradition as well as techniques and practices of knowledge transmission in esotericism.
"No spiritual journey is complete without a road map and an expert guide. Book 3 in the Sacred Adventure series provides just that—detailed advice from the ascended masters for anyone who would like to follow in their footsteps and reach the pinnacle of self-mastery on one of the seven rays, or paths, of the divine consciousness. You will learn what is important to the ascended masters and how to work with these mentors of the spirit in chapters on the science of wholeness, the light of the divine mother, the creative power of music, the power of love in action, the joy of divine purity, the mysteries of elemental life (nature spirits), the gift of divine freedom, and the path of personal Christhood."
Featuring a wealth of additional material, this book explains the meaning and the importance of orbs--the physical presence of angels found in digital photographs--in a wider and more advanced context. With nearly 50 photographic examples accompanied by meditations to allow the energy of the orbs to be more fully absorbed, this advanced tool for ascension explores spirit guides and the angelic hierarchy in greater depth, including the powers, the chakras, the archangels, the Lords of Karma, and the Ascension Masters.
This practical how-to guide brings a new level of clarity and synthesis to the often misunderstood path of ascension, the spiritual practice of integrating higher consciousness into everyday life. This comprehensive reference work explores ascension theology and techniques from a magickal perspective, providing a solid foundation for beginners and greater depth and context for those already on the ascension path. Powerful meditations, rituals, and spells for personal and planetary healing are included along with more fascinating information.
PRESENTATION Ruben Cedeño Caracas, 9/30/2001 By dedicating oneself to the studies of Metaphysics, one pursues a single objective: to stop suffering and be happy, by putting into practice the Principle of Mentalism, the Inner Christ, and the Seven Rays. Within the practice of the Flames, the Green Ray fulfills the function of producing healing, eliminating the suffering of the appearance of illness. This work written by Master Hilarion, Director of the Fifth Green Ray, is entirely dedicated to offering the resources to produce healing with completely metaphysical means because, part of a basic principle, it recognizes that God is Health and we, as children of God, have to live always full of vitality, without any disease. The greatest service to which we can dedicate ourselves out of love for humanity, and having metaphysical knowledge, is to heal through spiritual power. Putting into practice what is exposed here, we can achieve it. May everyone who has this work in his hands, and puts it into practice, receive from the Divine Presence of God the full Healing Blessings of Master Hilarion. Thank you.
Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth Century Syria presents an in-depth investigation of a variety of ‘magical’ practices with a focused study in the late antique Syria and Palestine. Offering new research using both archaeological and literary sources, and blending Classical, Jewish, and Christian traditions from both regions, Silke Trzcionka examines a myriad of magical activities such as: curses, spells and amulets accusations related to chariot races, love and livelihood methods involved in protection, healing, possession and exorcism. The information is provided with clarity and theoretical sophistication which enables students to develop an understanding of these beliefs and their place within the social context of the time. Altogether, a useful, enlightening and enjoyable book which students studying religion and/or social history will find invaluable.
The Hilarion Connection(c), Book One by Marlene Swetlishoff offers the keys to opening your door to genuine happiness, inner peace, and mastery of your life. It tells you how you can make a difference in this world by the choices that you make and the thoughts that you think. What it contains is extremely profound. And it is the secret to truly living a fulfilled and happy life. You have the power within you to make the choice to be happy and to remain in a peaceful state regardless of outside circumstances in this game called life. The techniques and thoughts that Hilarion shares in this book are effective in acquiring the lasting peace and happiness that we all yearn for. He shares the techniques and the mental attitudes that work most effectively to help you make the many small shifts in your thoughts, feelings and actions which offer an extraordinary transformation in your perception of how you can live your life each day. This powerful book shares vital information on how to tap into living life to the fullest and not just merely existing in it. Hilarion gently and lovingly reminds us of the purpose and intent behind living this life here on Earth and how to unleash your drive to propel you to the next level of spiritual mastery. This book is a great place to begin when searching for how to properly and successfully fill the void each soul encounters when living in the Earth realm through living outside of their authentic truth instead of honouring their true self. By taking the time to read this thoughtful, insightful, inspirational and uplifting book, it will set your soul in motion for realizing your deepest dreams, finding your purpose, and finding the inner peace and harmony that passes all understanding. It encourages the reader to delve deeper into their awareness of the world and its events and how one can become a successful co-creator in it.
This book is designed to help you to become psychic readers, with a deeper understanding of spirit world. We are powerful beings, our psychic abilities come in many forms and start with hunches, gut feelings, visions, premonitions and thoughts. We have access to other realms and we can uncover the hidden mysteries of life. We are challenged to develop our instinct for prophecy and to work on building our clairvoyance, clairsentience and knowing. We can develop these skills through meditation, psychometry, and the many training exercises set out in this book to help you. What is psychometry? The ability to read the vibrations placed in an object by your friend, family member or client Would you like to be able to read a beautiful flower chosen by the enquirer? Pick up a set of keys or a piece of jewellery and tune into messages from spirit world? Hold a unique shell or many other objects and let your mind flow into information about possible romance, career prospects, holidays, new love or spiritual advancement? Through meditation and spiritual exercises you will connect with your inner guide or higher-self You are encouraged to open your awareness, and accept the unexpected answers to your questions which at first will come randomly into your mind. Your abilities will become more of your everyday life as you accept that you really are psychic and developing your intuition becomes both a pleasure and an exciting adventure as you enter into the unknown realms of your mind. Its your gift, learn how to enhance it.