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Classifies and discusses available information on vaporization processes in oxide systems obtained by the high-temperature mass spectrometric technique, taking into account its practical application in various fields. Includes the principles and experimental peculiarities of diverse types of compounds.
Metal oxide-zirconia systems are a potential class of materials for use as structural materials at temperatures above 1900 K. These materials must have no destructive phase changes and low vapor pressures. Both alkaline earth oxide (MgO, CaO, SrO, and BaO)-zirconia and some rare earth oxide (Y2O3, Sc2O3, La2O3, CeO2, Sm2O3, Gd2O3, Yb2O3, Dy2O3, Ho2O3, and Er2O3)-zirconia system are examined. For each system, the phase diagram is discussed and the vapor pressure for each vapor specie is calculated via a free energy minimization procedure. The available thermodynamic literature on each system is also surveyed. Some of the systems look promising for high temperature structural materials.
Conference Overview and the Role of Chemistry in High-Temperature Materials Science and Technology LEO BREWER Department of ChemistIy, University of California, and Materials and Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA 94720 I don't want to compete with the fascinating historic account that John Drowart gave us, but I would like to go through the history of high don't get the reaction that I get from temperature symposia. I hope I some of my classes when I say, "Remember when such-and-such hap pened during the War?" And I get this blank look, and one of the students will say, "I wasn't born until after the Korean War. " Neverthe less, during World War II, many people in the high-temperature field had their first initiation. But there was one handicap. Owing to security measures, they were not able to interact with one another. Following the War, it was recognized that the high-temperature field was going to expand to meet the demands for materials with unique properties. To meet the demands for new fabrication techniques, it was important to establish better communications among various people. High-tempera ture symposia were established at that time and have continued very frequently, and I'd like to point out why they are especially important for this field. One problem is that it is not easy to work at high temperatures.
A high temperature mass spectrometer used to obtain laboratory data on the thermochemical properties of materials encountered in space research is described in detail. The experimental procedures and data analysis necessary to obtain thermochemical constants from the mass spectrometer data are also described. The present experimental arrangement allows cell temperatures of up to 2100 K. Reliable measurements at signal levels below 10 ion counts/s can be made because of the very low background signal and the entirely automated data acquisition and averaging system. In preliminary studies of osmium and its oxides, it is shown that the choice of molybdenum as the cell material is detrimental. The use of an alumina Knudsen cell is proposed.
Advances in High Temperature Chemistry, Volume 2 covers the advances in the knowledge of the high temperature behavior of materials and the complex and unfamiliar characteristics of matter at high temperature. The book discusses the dissociation energies and free energy functions of gaseous monoxides; the matrix-isolation technique applied to high temperature molecules; and the main features, the techniques for the production, detection, and diagnosis, and the applications of molecular beams in high temperatures. The text also describes the chemical research in streaming thermal plasmas, as well as the studies of the sublimation mechanism of sodium chloride, cadmium sulfide, and gallium arsenide. The temperature and emissivity measurements in the thermal imaging technique, freezing and melting point measurements of metal oxides, and phase studies on binary oxide systems at higher temperatures with a solar furnace are also encompassed. High temperature chemists and solar researchers will find the book invaluable.