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Malnutrition caused by deficiencies of vitamins and minerals - also called hidden hunger - impairs both the intellectual and physical development of a child. Due to the absence of clinical symptoms and assessments, no intervention can be staged. The tragedy is that this, in turn, decreases the child’s chance to escape from poverty. This book looks at malnutrition in high-income countries, the nutrition transition and nutritional deficiencies in low-income countries, consequences of hidden hunger, and interventions to improve nutrition security. Written by leading experts in the field, it clearly stresses that national governments and international organizations must make malnutrition one of their top priorities in order to provide children with optimal conditions for a healthy future.
For decades, NGOs targeting world hunger focused on ensuring that adequate quantities of food were being sent to those in need. In the 1990s, the international food policy community turned its focus to the "hidden hunger" of micronutrient deficiencies, a problem that resulted in two scientific solutions: fortification, the addition of nutrients to processed foods, and biofortification, the modification of crops to produce more nutritious yields. This hidden hunger was presented as a scientific problem to be solved by "experts" and scientifically engineered smart foods rather than through local knowledge, which was deemed unscientific and, hence, irrelevant.In Hidden Hunger, Aya Hirata Kimura explores this recent emphasis on micronutrients and smart foods within the international development community and, in particular, how the voices of women were silenced despite their expertise in food purchasing and preparation. Kimura grounds her analysis in case studies of attempts to enrich and market three basic foods—rice, wheat flour, and baby food—in Indonesia. She shows the power of nutritionism and how its technical focus enhanced the power of corporations as a government partner while restricting public participation in the making of policy for public health and food. She also analyzes the role of advertising to promote fortified foodstuffs and traces the history of Golden Rice, a crop genetically engineered to alleviate vitamin A deficiencies. Situating the recent turn to smart food in Indonesia and elsewhere as part of a long history of technical attempts to solve the Third World food problem, Kimura deftly analyzes the intersection of scientific expertise, market forces, and gendered knowledge to illuminate how hidden hunger ultimately defined women as victims rather than as active agents.
Hidden hunger has long been an overlooked problem. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies have to be remedied and the availability of calories needs to be increased. As a matter of fact, the number of people who do not have access to a balanced diet has multiplied in rich and poor countries, with lasting consequences for health and well-being. Hidden hunger not only affects childhood growth and cognitive development, but also reduces productivity and well-being later in life, thus keeping the affected population trapped in a circle of poverty and malnutrition. This book illustrates the global fight against hunger by national governments and international organizations. Presented at the Third Hidden Hunger Conference held at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany, it presents a range of strategies being implemented in various regions of the world to improve nutrition quality and combat this international crisis.
Hidden hunger is not about providing enough calories, it is about a lack of micronutrients, which has life-long consequences for the children who are mostly affected. This begins with physical and cognitive developmental disorders and continues with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases and the occurrence of obesity. The book compiles the contributions of the Fourth Congress on Hidden Hunger 2019 as original articles. The focus of the congress was the problem of malnutrition and overweight, which can coexist and is termed a “double burden”. Part of the book deals with the causes of malnutrition and the challenge of achieving an agricultural system that is more focused on food quality. Another part discusses the causes and intervention approaches to tackling childhood obesity, especially in connection with malnutrition. All in all, this publication is a summary of important work by highly renowned authors on the topic of the congress: “Hidden Hunger and the Transformation of Food Systems: How to Combat the Double Burden of Malnutrition?” Like its two predecessors, the book fills an important gap by summarizing the essential aspects for science, applied research, and politics at a high level.
With one more year before the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the 2014 Global Hunger Index report offers a multifaceted overview of global hunger that brings new insights to the global debate on where to focus efforts in the fight against hunger and malnutrition. The state of hunger in developing countries as a group has improved since 1990, falling by 39 percent, according to the 2014 GHI. Despite progress made, the level of hunger in the world is still “serious,” with 805 million people continuing to go hungry, according to estimates by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The global average obscures dramatic differences across regions and countries. Regionally, the highest GHI scores—and therefore the highest hunger levels—are in Africa south of the Sahara and South Asia, which have also experienced the greatest absolute improvements since 2005. South Asia saw the steepest absolute decline in GHI scores since 1990. Progress in addressing child underweight was the main factor behind the improved GHI score for the region since 1990.
Table of Contents Introduction Hidden Hunger Explained The Importance of Micronutrients Iodine deficiency Vitamin A Deficiency Choosing the Best Diet Fortified Foods Preventing Micronutrient Deficiency Conclusion Author Bio Publisher Introduction You consider yourself to be a very health conscious person, eating the right foodstuffs, at the right time. However, you have been noticing of late that you get tired easily. You are pale, and feel that subject. You do not feel hungry, very often. You may also suffer from giddiness. By evening, you’re so tired that you have absolutely no patience and inclination to be nice to the rest of the family and you snap at them at the slightest procreation! Naturally the family is at a loss to understand your unusual behavior. On the other hand, let’s take the example of your once happy go lucky teenager. One evening, while playing basketball, she felt dizzy and fell down. Also, her grades which were quite good, in the past have started falling down because according to her she cannot concentrate. Her attention span has shortened considerably. She is very easily distracted, much more than what is normally in a normal teenager! Both of these examples may be unrelated, but the underlying reason for both of them is the same. You as well as your teenager are suffering from what is normally called “hidden hunger.” This is not an eating disorder, which is self-inflicted, like bulimia or anorexia. This is micronutrient deficiency. This is one of the most important and worrisome of all the public health problems all over the world today. Did you know that 47% of the people, even in well-developed nations are suffering from this micronutrient deficiency? You may tell yourself, how can that be, you have been eating well and you have been eating often. But what have you been eating? Processed foods? Foods which have been treated in such a manner that all the micronutrients have been removed beforehand, and other supporting additives being placed in those foods instead? Many of the foods which we eat today are lacking in the essential minerals and vitamins, which are necessary to keep the body functioning properly. These micronutrients include iodine, zinc, iron, and vitamin A.
On an Empty Stomach examines the practical techniques humanitarians have used to manage and measure starvation, from Victorian "scientific" soup kitchens to space-age, high-protein foods. Tracing the evolution of these techniques since the start of the nineteenth century, Tom Scott-Smith argues that humanitarianism is not a simple story of progress and improvement, but rather is profoundly shaped by sociopolitical conditions. Aid is often presented as an apolitical and technical project, but the way humanitarians conceive and tackle human needs has always been deeply influenced by culture, politics, and society. Txhese influences extend down to the most detailed mechanisms for measuring malnutrition and providing sustenance. As Scott-Smith shows, over the past century, the humanitarian approach to hunger has redefined food as nutrients and hunger as a medical condition. Aid has become more individualized, medicalized, and rationalized, shaped by modernism in bureaucracy, commerce, and food technology. On an Empty Stomach focuses on the gains and losses that result, examining the complex compromises that arise between efficiency of distribution and quality of care. Scott-Smith concludes that humanitarian groups have developed an approach to the empty stomach that is dependent on compact, commercially produced devices and is often paternalistic and culturally insensitive.
Hunger and Poverty in South Africa: The Hidden Faces of Food Insecurityexplores food insecurity as an issue of socioeconomic, political, cultural and environmental inequity and inequality. Based on extensive original research in Free State Province, South Africa, the book explores how people living in poverty make meaning of their food circumstances within the socio-cultural, political and economic contexts of post-apartheid South Africa, how they view the government's food security policies and programs and their perceived agency to affect change. The personal narratives contained in the book show that food insecurity is shaped by many issues, among which are structural poverty, racism, attempts or non-attempts at reconciliation during and after apartheid, public health issues such as HIV/AIDS, and environmental circumstances. At a time when most discourse around food insecurity focuses on how to provide more food to people facing hunger, this book's multidimensional approach is a valuable contribution to the contemporary dialogue on poverty, food security/insecurity, sustainability and democratic agency both within South Africa and around the world. This book will be of interest to researchers in the areas of food security, multidimensional poverty, democratic agency and sustainable development, both in South Africa and internationally. dimensional approach is a valuable contribution to the contemporary dialogue on poverty, food security/insecurity, sustainability and democratic agency both within South Africa and around the world. This book will be of interest to researchers in the areas of food security, multidimensional poverty, democratic agency and sustainable development, both in South Africa and internationally.
Every year, millions of the rural poor suffer from predictable and preventable seasonal hunger. This hunger is less dramatic but no less damaging than the starvation associated with famines, wars and natural disasters. Seasons of Hunger explores why the world does not react to a crisis that we know will continue year after year. Seasonal hunger is caused by annual cycles of shrinking food stocks, rising prices, and lack of income. This hidden hunger pushes millions of children to the brink of starvation every year, permanently stunting their physical and cognitive development, weakening their immune systems and opening the door for killer diseases. Action Against Hunger argue that ending seasonal hunger could save millions of young lives and is key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals. This book documents seasonal hunger in four countries - India, Malawi, Mali and Myanmar - including personal stories and country-wide data which shows the magnitude of the problem. The authors also find encouraging examples of interventions designed to address seasonality - initiatives led by governments, donors and NGOs, and poor people themselves - and propose a package of advocacy messages that could contribute to the global eradication of seasonal hunger. This book will be a valuable resource for journalists, policy makers, NGO members and students of development studies.