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The path to true freedom find in the twenty-seven techniques given a fluent channel that can be adopted in our like, opening us to a new world us to a new world of praise, gratitude and love. This book gives us the huge possibility to move away from the illusion, transforming the present moment into an enexhaustive source of plenitude and happiness.
John Roedel is a comic, husband and father of three boys based in Wyoming who began talking with "God" in 2015 on Facebook about his ongoing faith crisis. What began as a flippant way of making light of his doubts in the Divine turned into something he wasn't at all prepared for: God wrote back. Since creating the popular "Hey God. Hey John." blog on Facebook three years ago, John has tackled such topics as his journey to mental health wellness, his lack of faith, the joy and pain of raising a child with autism, and grief, all in the form of a simple conversation with God.
The earth was void and without form. It is from the Void God created. God saw all He had made, and behold it was very good. God then rested, very pleased with all He had created. Later we are told a mist went up from the earth. A mist is something that 'conceals.' Why would God want to conceal or prevent His very good creation from being seen? Once the mist is in place we find that God, or someone or something decided to redo the creation that God was originally pleased with. This time the story tells us, "The lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." Looking at the word dust we find it means 'confusion,' and 'something of no worth.' Since confusion means 'without order or sense,' the question is, why would God want to recreate man without order and sense, and from something of no worth? This is not so much about religion as it is in understanding what the ancient writers were trying to tell us. Understanding may make you question your religious beliefs along with your whole life's purpose and what you have been calling your reality. You may find, "We are prisoners of our minds and we are confined within it."
Have you ever thought to yourself, "There has to be more" or "Where's the love, man?" I grew up in several churches and knew that something wasn't quite right when it came to how they taught us about God and Jesus, leaving the Holy Spirit out altogether. I had always wondered, "If God is love, then why do some preach hatred or become shepherds that beat their sheep?" I always felt that if I'm already damned for everything I do good or bad, then why try? The truth is that Jesus came to show us who we are in Him and who we truly belong to, our Heavenly Father and the eternal lover of our souls. God doesn't need or want another religion. He wants a relationship with His children, each and every one of us on earth, not just the saints, but the sinners as well. All saints were once sinners, and sinners are just saints who have not woken yet. I asked God once, "Why don't we see you like the world once did?" and He said, "I've been waiting for you, I can do it all by myself, but I want to do it with you." In this day and age if you have been asking, "When will we have another revival?" the Holy Spirit is saying, "It will start when you start it." So wake up! The time is now! Awaken to the truth of who you are. We can have faith in Jesus, we can put our hope in Jesus, and we are truly loved by the Creator of the universe. As children of God we must know what was promised to us and stand on those promises, here on earth, so let's help bring heaven down, heaven on earth.
THE AWAKENING High schooler Tetsu Misato is hardworking, frugal, and easily scared, but he commits to a part-time job at the mansion on the hill—the one that’s rumored to be haunted. As he toils away, he notices a building separate from the estate, and the mysterious girl who lives within it: Shizu Karasawa. Tetsu slowly becomes enchanted by Shizu’s lonely smile, but by their second encounter, he quickly finds himself in over his head. There’s an unsettling feeling he can’t quite shake, but there’s love there, too.
“A highly personal, richly informed and culturally wide-ranging meditation on the loss of meaning in our times and on pathways to rediscovering it.” —Gabor Maté, MD, author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction A neuroanthropologist maps out a revolutionary new practice—Hedonic Engineering—that combines the best of neuroscience and optimal psychology. It’s an intensive program of breathing, movement, and sexuality that mends trauma, heightens inspiration and tightens connections—helping us wake up, grow up, and show up for a world that needs us all. This is a book about a big idea. And the idea is this: Slowly over the past few decades, and now suddenly, all at once, we’re suffering from a collapse in Meaning. Fundamentalism and nihilism are filling that vacuum, with consequences that affect us all. In a world that needs us at our best, diseases of despair, tribalism, and disaster fatigue are leaving us at our worst. It’s vital that we regain control of the stories we’re telling because they are shaping the future we’re creating. To do that, we have to remember our deepest inspiration, heal our pain and apathy, and connect to each other like never before. If we can do that, we’ve got a shot at solving the big problems we face. And if we can’t? Well, the dustbin of history has swallowed civilizations older and fancier than ours. This book is divided into three parts. The first, Choose Your Own Apocalypse, takes a look at our current Meaning Crisis--where we are today, why it’s so hard to make sense of the world, what might be coming next, and what to do about it. It also makes a case that many of our efforts to cope, whether anxiety and denial, or tribalism and identity politics, are likely making things worse. The middle section, The Alchemist Cookbook, applies the creative firm IDEO’s design thinking to the Meaning Crisis. This is where the book gets hands on--taking a look at the strongest evolutionary drivers that can bring about inspiration, healing, and connection. From breathing, to movement, sexuality, music, and substances--these are the everyday tools to help us wake up, grow up, and show up. AKA--how to blow yourself sky high with household materials. And the best part? They’re accessible, by anyone anywhere, no middleman required. Transcendence democratized. The final third of the book, Ethical Cult Building, focuses on the tricky nature of putting these kinds of experiences into gear and into culture—because, anytime in the past when we’ve figured out combinations of peak states and deep healing, we’ve almost always ended up with problematic culty communities. Playing with fire has left a lot of people burned. This section lays out a roadmap for sparking a thousand fires around the world--each one unique and tailored to the needs and values of its participants. Think of it as an open-source toolkit for building ethical culture. In Recapture the Rapture, we’re taking radical research out of the extremes and applying it to the mainstream--to the broader social problem of healing, believing, and belonging. It’s providing answers to the questions we face: how to replace blind faith with direct experience, how to move from broken to whole, and how to cure isolation with connection. Said even more plainly, it shows us how to revitalize our bodies, boost our creativity, rekindle our relationships, and answer once and for all the questions of why we are here and what do we do now? In a world that needs the best of us from the rest of us, this is a book that shows us how to get it done.
Need an extra PUSH to designate morning alone time with God? Here are 50 Powerful Prayers that will give you the encouragement you need to pray with boldness, confidence, and authority. Wake Up Girl and PUSH Through is jam-packed with scriptures and biblical references so that you can learn just how powerful it is to combine your natural thoughts with the unchangeable Word of God.No more just going through the motion, each prayer focuses on God's omnipotent character and omniscient nature and gives you something to look forward to every morning. Allow these prayers to open up your heart to God, transform your mindset, and revitalize your spirit all while you are creating a life-changing habit of waking up early to spend time with God before doing anything else.In this book you will learn how to:Address the challenges associated with creating a habit of waking up early to spend time with God, such as distractions, lack of focus, lack of energy and lack of self-discipline.Use practical wording that can be easily understood to enhance your own prayers and eliminate the feeling that you are repeating the same thing every time you pray.Confidently pray with authority against the negative thoughts, tactics, and strategies that the enemy uses over your mind to hinder you from making God your first priority.Decree and Declare God's favor, overflow, blessings, and breakthrough over your life.Use the Names of God to understand His character and the true Power His name holds.Utilize scripture to help you visualize and apply the Word of God based on your own personal circumstances of life.By using this book, you will be inspired and encouraged to incorporate these prayers into your daily routine. As a result, you will feel God's presence with you to face whatever the day holds.
Published and distributed by Marian Press, this bestselling Diary sparked the Divine Mercy Movement and chronicles the message that Jesus, the Divine Mercy, gave to the world through a humble nun. It reminds us to trust in His forgiveness - and as Christ is merciful, so, too, are we instructed to be merciful to others. The trade edition of this title is now in its 30th printing, with more than one million copies distributed worldwide since its release in 1981 in the original Polish edition.
From the beginning of time, God has spoken to people in their dreams. Through them he has reached out to both men of GodIsaiah, Daniel, Jeremiah, Jacob, and his dream interpreter son, Josephand ungodly men and women, like Pharaoh or Pontius Pilates wife. Even today, God has not stopped speaking to us in our dreams. We simply stopped listening or being aware of Him. More than twenty years ago, after God woke him up one night with an incredible dream, author Manny Fernandez set off on a lifelong journey to explore what could be learned from dreams. He made it his mission to teach others how to remember their dreams and, with Gods help, interpret their meaning. In his guidebook, Fernandez includes his own diary of dreams, associated Scriptures and explanations, ways to remember and understand Gods special messages, an examination of parables, and his ideas for connecting with God through dreams and prayer. Wake UpGods Talking to You is an innovative teaching tool that guides spiritual seekers through all the ways God speaks to us through dreams and brings us closer to Him.
Mama Foglio, her cantankerous husband, and ten rambunctious kids were poor. In fact, they were so poor that the poor people called them poor. Then one day the Lord burst into their lives, in the form of another, equally poor, equally large and tumultuous ItalianAmerican family who stormed into their home and evangelized them mano a mano. Thus begins what has got to be the most hilarious, warmhearted and frequently deeplymoving testimony ever given to the glory of the Lord.