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Mentions the subject of Smith's last letter and praises its virtues. Promises always to advance Smith's interests in any degree.
Writes that he believes, from Smith's recent letter, that he would like information on the likelihood of the result. Suggests that certain principles must dictate a different arrangement from the one you contemplated. Trusts that Smith will act with the utmost propriety. (May be alluding to Smith's upcoming departure from America; see GLC02437.05251.).
From a conversation he had with William Duer, he is concerned that Smith might have misunderstood the object of his letter and enclosure of 22 October. Tells Smith he may remember a conversation they had in your house, relative to a favorable accommodation for the preservation of my bank stock. Says that a certain quantity of his private lands in the Waldo patent will be sold to you conditionally upon the approbation of your agent. Mentions financial arrangements to pay for it. Says [dollar sign] 1,600-[dollar sign] 2,000 must be advanced.
Stamped as free above address. Explains that he met Captain [Thomas] Randall at the Post Office, where they made arrangements for sending monies owed by Knox to Smith (see GLC02437.05231). Also discusses the purchase of lands in Maine (related to the Waldo patent), and mentions a misunderstanding between himself and [William] Duer.
Claims that a variety of circumstances has kept him from transmitting the proposals they discussed in New York. Has heard Smith is on a journey to the eastward at present and wants to know if he will be in Philadelphia in the near future. Also wants to know if there are any circumstances which will prevent him from complying with the proposals they discussed. If there are, Knox reports that arrangements can be made. Notes that they can meet at Princeton if that is convenient.
Does not know why Colonel [William Stephens] Smith has not called on [Randall] for the acceptance, but hopes Randall will let Knox know when he finds out. Discusses making arrangements for paying his brother William's bills, and other financial issues.
Writes to discuss their business arrangements. Feels upset to hear about Smith's recent financial embarrassments, and hopes the rumors are untrue. Mentions a business letter he wrote to Mr. Hammond, a colleague of Smith's, and assumes Hammond told Smith about the letter's content.
Says his brother Captain Smith is stationed on the Southern frontier. Since the front is quiet, he would like Knox to grant him permission to visit his family, if it is not inconsistent with the good of the service. Will be much obliged if Knox will permit him to visit New York this season.