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Discusses setting up military headquarters at New Windsor. Notes which state troops are where, difficult conditions (troops panicked with hunger) and that the army is forced to rely upon nature to provide material for shelter, clothing and supplies. Also mentions personal money matters.
Writes concerning William's safe arrival in Boston. Sends along the good wishes of their sister and Lucy. Discusses the movement of Cornwallis' army and other military affairs.
Reports that Continental troops are moving toward the British on the North (Hudson) River. Discusses William's upcoming voyage, a mercantile venture to Holland. Declares, From the high Spirits of our troops, their discipline, and equipments, I think if we come into contact with the Enemy we shall at least do justice to ourselves and Country whatever may be the Event. Mentions Lucy Knox and their daughters (Lucy and Julia). Notes that the Winslow sisters have not yet left for Boston.
Discusses a British ship that was captured near an American fort at Nantasket, Massachusetts. The vessel had come from Ireland to support General William Howe's army and had mistakenly thought the British were still in Boston. Tells a detailed story about how the Committee of Correspondence and Safety ordered every man between sixteen and sixty to gather with full military accoutrements and drafted thirty-two of them to join the invasion of Canada. Many men ran away but the draft was eventually made by offering larger bounties. The debacle caused some to call for the removal of John Brown, the chairman of the Committee. Also discusses the activities of his company, commanded by Henry Jackson, at the event. Notes that there is no other news, business has been slow, and that the town has been made exceedingly dull with the smallpox.
Written at Fredericksburgh. Comments on the arrival of (the privateer) General Arnold's prize. Thinks the British will leave the United States to secure their possessions elsewhere, noting that an attempt to capture the French fleet at Boston rests on too many uncertainties for the British. Recently received news that the French captured the island of Dominica, which Knox refers to as Dominico. Also reports that France sent 4,000 men to take Jamaica. Comments that the British have taken cattle and forage in New Jersey, and surprised [Colonel George] Baylor's regiment, wounding Baylor (this battle is referred to as the Baylor Massacre, 28 September 1778). Writes, But should the Enemy contrary to my reasonings, conjectures & conclusions be so insane as to push to Boston, you may rely I shall give you the earliest notice- But rest easy on this head. Discusses a business matter handled by William related to Henry's mortgage and estate. Also mentions an unspecified petition. Contains several notes written in a different hand throughout text. Minor text loss from seal. Mentions that Lucy and her baby, possibly their daughter Lucy, are both well. On page four, Knox reports that General Benjamin Lincoln will soon take command in Charleston South Carolina.
Writes, In short my Lucy no man on earth seperated [sic] from All that he holds Dear on earth has ever suffer'd more than I have suffer'd in being absent from you whom I hold dearer than every other object... Defends his love for her, because in one moment of inadventure you have written which will long be the source of unhappiness to me. Expects to be able to set out for Congress when the army goes into winter quarters, and intends to be in Boston (Lucy's location) in one month. Notes that The situation of our army on account of Cloathing is such as to render a Winters Campaign impossible without we have a mind to put an end to the War by starving all the soldiers. Explains the situation of Catharine Littlefield Greene, wife of General Nathanael Greene, who was able to follow her husband during his campaign. Relates that General Greene was only able to see his wife for three days. After his visit, because of several factors preventing her travel, Mrs. Greene stayed at the home of an acquaintance who refused money for her stay. Suggests ...the delicacy of Lucy's mind would be much wounded by being in such a situation... Nonetheless, hopes she can be present during his next campaign. In a note written in the margin of page four, mentions Harry, possibly General Henry Jackson.
Chastises William, his brother, for not writing more frequently. Mentions a military operation planned against Newport to take place in conjunction with the arrival of a French fleet led by the Comte D'Estaing. Instructs William to inform [James] Bowdoin's family that John Temple, British Consul General, has arrived at New York. Reports that a fire in New York City has destroyed between 80 and 100 houses. Encloses some letters for Colonel Sears in Newport. Regarding the planned military and naval operation, writes, I hope sincerely that Rhode Island may fall into our hands first. The Events at Newport will determine the further operations of the Army. Relates that his wife Lucy received a letter from her brother, possibly Thomas Flucker, informing her of the family's welfare (the Fluckers, as Loyalists, left America for England during the Revolutionary War). A note on page four discusses correspondence between Mrs. [Knox?] and Mr. Smith.
Written at Fredericksburg. Comments, You appear a little testy that I did not inform you the Enemy were going to Boston. Indeed I never believed it except a combination of unfortunate circumstances should impress an Idea of the kind on their minds... I think you may very freely make purchases and rely upon it that the Enemy will not come to Boston this Year- not even the tempting object of the french fleet will be a sufficient inducement. I believe from present appearances that the Enemy are about to evacuate the Continent. Also mentions the escape of General John Sullivan's forces in Rhode Island (Sullivan's forces avoided being captured by the British). Refers to an unspecified petition brought before the House of Representatives. Mentions that Lucy, his wife, is recovering from a recent illness.
Written in the hand of Samuel Shaw, and signed by him for Knox'. Knox advises against sending troops from the northern Continental force to the southward ... supposing the events at Charlestown [Charleston, South Carolina] to prove unfortunate. Writes, The great number of negroes and disaffected people in North and South Carolina will always render the conquest of that country comparatively easy with the more northern parts of the continent... But I cannot think it obligatory on Your Excellency to detach any troops at present from your small army; especially as you will be necessitated to garrison West Point with parts of it... Asserts that maintenance of the Hudson River posts should take precedence over other military concerns. Comments on the possible outcomes of a British attack on West Point. Writes, The enemy by being in possession of the water, have it amply in their power to distress and harass us; but it would be highly imprudent and unwise in us to divide our force so as to be incapable of making opposition in any place... I think therefore it would be rather improper at present to detach any troops because the situation of the force under Your Excellency relative to that of the enemy in New York would not permit it- Argues that the militia in North and South Carolina should turn out to assist the Continental Army.