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Advises his brother William for supposed improper behavior on his arrival in Boston. Writes that Lucy is unhappy with the news about her family and mentions the dangerous conditions of the roads. Refers to an incident where mail was stolen and then later published in New York.
Writes concerning William's safe arrival in Boston. Sends along the good wishes of their sister and Lucy. Discusses the movement of Cornwallis' army and other military affairs.
Welcomes his brother William home and makes plans to have him come for a visit. Also discusses the transportation of goods back home from overseas.
Expresses happiness that his brother William is back in Boston and safe after a hazardous journey to Europe. Wants to know how his trip was and how Lucy Knox's family received him. Announces the birth of another boy, Henry Jackson. Relates an account of North Carolina militia attacking Tories and reports news of the Battle of King's Mountain, Tennessee, 7 October 1780.
Knox informs his brother that his wife and daughter, both named Lucy, arrived recently at Valley Forge. Notes that General [Benedict] Arnold accompanied Lucy from New Haven, Connecticut. Notes that his guests may not be able to enjoy their accommodations at camp for very much longer, the Enemy being on the eve of evacuating Philadelphia. Asserts the British are expected to travel to New York before sailing to the West Indies. Questions why William has not written to him sooner, and discusses a debt handled by William in Boston. In closing, writes, I shall write you a History of the evacuation of Philadelphia and probably of a Battle at Valley Forge for the Enemy threatens hard to fight bloodily before they depart.
Requests that William obtain items for Lucy Knox, his wife. Asks that he send the articles so Lucy may receive them by mid-January. Requests green tea and raisons. Discusses the procurement of goods, and gives William advice on business matters. Agrees to help Sally and Betsey Winslow reach Boston, noting the distressing circumstance will be how they will be able to subsist when there... their mother in Law is going to England & they will be left friendless and without protection- Reports that the British have not completely evacuated New York, but two fleets recently embarked. Predicts one fleet sailed for Europe, and the other for the West Indies. The last fleet is preparing to sail, and consists of nearly all the vessels in New York. Expects the Continental Army to have winter quarters in New Jersey. Written at Fredericksburg (present-day Patterson, New York).
Thanks William for money he recently sent. Reports that Lucy Knox and their children have gone up the Hudson River on a visit. Discusses his hopes for an end to the Revolutionary War, writing I sincerely pray God that the War may be ended this campaign that public and private felicity may be again restored. Discusses British movement in the South, noting, Our affairs to the Southward have an agreeable aspect and convince us although the Enemy may establish posts, they cannot conquer the Country. Criticizes what he calls vile water-gruel governments which have taken place in most of the States... Praises Massachusetts, stating The same tone, sentiment, & exertion, pervading all the States would indisputably render this the last Campaign. Reports that the British recently sent ships up the Hudson River to sabotage Continental communication but were unsuccessful. Promises to write as often as possible, though the post follows a circuitous route. Written at Philipsburgh, New York (present-day Sleepy Hollow).
Writes that a friend of William's [name illegible but might be Mr. Samuel Hodgdon] will be travelling to France and will see William, so Knox felt he had to take the opportunity to write. Thanks William for his last several letters. Comments that he thinks William's motives are just for remaining in Europe until peace is achieved. Mentions the recent defeat of Comte de Grasse, and also relates that General George Washington has appointed him Commandant of West Point. Reports that he and his family resided in Philadelphia until they moved to the North River. Writes, All my little family have been much afflicted with sickness, and mentions that Mrs. Knox and Mary were ill with intermittent fevers but have recovered. Lucy was declining rapidly so they brought her to the North River for the pure air, and it has helped aid her recovery. Marcus has been suffering from a [dysentery?] a consequence of [getting] teeth. He fears that William will never have the pleasure to see him. A few days, perhaps a few hours may decide his fate.
Written at camp near Dobbs Ferry by Brigadier General Knox to his brother William Knox. References William's letter of 25 July 1781. Says he wrote last week and hopes he has received the letter as the post office has been unreliable. It seems that someone in Lucy Knox's family is dying, but Henry says he will not tell her because she will be afflicted by it beyond moderation. Says her family in England will want to know of this information, and wants to be informed when a Mrs. Winslow will sail for Plymouth, so he can write to Lucy's sisters and mother. Says the destruction of paper money will damage the cause. Says the stoppage [of paper money] will create a distress here[.] I am pretty certain it will be temporary. I shall consider it as the dawn of returning honesty and industry. Says they have enough troops to defend themselves, but not to undertake an offensive campaign. References Major General Nathanael Greene's siege at Ninety Six in South Carolina. Says Greene could not storm the position, but that the siege forced the enemy to abandon the position and retire to Charleston. Claims that Twice General Greene has fought General Actions [at Guilford Courthouse and Hobkirk Hill] was defeated completely and yet reaped all the consequences of victory. Says the British probably have control of Plymouth, Virginia, Charleston, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia. Says the American and French armies are in the most perfect harmony.
Was worried to hear from Henry Jackson that William had gone aboard a ship going to confront the British ship the Mifford. Notes that after pursuing the Continental Army to White Plains, the British have turned back toward New York and Knox speculates that they intend to besiege Fort Washington and then pass to New Jersey and possibly Philadelphia. Believes Fort Washington could withstand a two or three month siege. Notes that the Hessians and the British plunder all before them. Instructs William to pick Lucy Knox up from New Haven, Connecticut, if she wants to winter in Boston. A note on the verso states It is absurd to suppose a man of Mr. Howe's character gone into winter Qtrs already.