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Discusses the possibility of granting lands to soldiers and officers by resolves of Congress. Explains how the lands may be granted and that some might be located in the Ohio territory, commenting, it is not for me to determine what assistance you shall receive from the troops of the United States on the lines you are to run... Also states his happiness that the new Constitution will likely be accepted, and considers the likelihood of ratification in several states.
Requests that Knox, newly appointed Secretary at War, recommend him to Congress to command troops sent to garrison the western frontier. Writes, I consider that Post an important One to secure the Amity of the Savages, and to prevent those undue practices which will probably destroy the Peace of the Frontiers.
Later copy of GLC02437.03120. Contains a note at the top of page one written by the transcriber of this letter at a later date: The parts between parentheses are from the rough draught in my possession of Knox's letter to Parson's- The other parts I have had transcribed from Parsons copy of the original which he sent to me in Oct 1860.
Knox, Commander at West Point, writes, I cannot refrain from communicating the joy I feel, and the pleasure manifested by the officers in general, upon the noble testimony of gratitude exhibited by Congress in their resolve concerning the equestrian statue... Requests information regarding an officers' petition to Congress in which officers would be granted lands in place of their back pay. Assures Washington, Were the prayer of the petition to be granted, the officers in a very few years would make the swift settlement on the frontiers, and form a strong barrier against the barbarians... Suggests the creation of the office of master general of ordnance, noting that the current Minister of War (Benjamin Lincoln, Secretary at War) does not predict the appointment of a successor to his post. Asserts that the master general of ordnance would ...reside near Congress to execute such orders as they should think proper for the dignity or security of the republick. Expresses his wish for Washington to keep this letter in confidence. Notes that if he were appointed as master general of ordnance, he would give the post his zealous assistance. His wife Lucy sends her respectful regards to Martha Washington. Knox's retained draft.
Discusses a situation of a fellow officer, Colonel Michael Jackson, who intends to petition Congress regarding compensation for a wound he received in 1776 which is still causing him trouble. This letter is likely Knox's response to Jackson's 29 November 1783 request (GLC02437.02809).
Comments on a recent trip Washington took to his western lands. Expresses relief that Washington did not travel as far west as he originally planned due to the indians being in a bad temper. Referring to settlers on Washington's lands, writes You must have been chagrined to have found your Lands possessed by a... people who hold in contempt equity- the first principle of Society. Discusses disunity among the states, writing, We are entirely destitute of those traits which should Stamp us one nation- and the Constitution of Congress does not seem to promise any capital alteration for the better. Reports on his tour with General Benjamin Lincoln to the eastern line of Massachusetts (present-day Maine, in the area of Passamaquoddy Bay). Writes, We went to the eastern line of this State, and found that the british have made excessive encroachments upon our territories. Contains two dockets, one on the first page and another in pencil on page four.
Encloses a letter (not included) from General [Horatio] Gates and Mr. Balmain which requests Knox to send warrants for their Donation Lands. Has asked Colonel [perhaps Richard] Platt to obtain the warrants from Knox, as well as a warrant for Parsons, which he is asking for with this letter. Discusses traveling to the Illinois Territory and asks Knox to give orders to General [Josiah] Harmar (he spells it Harmer) on the subject.
Apologizes for not having written sooner and discusses estimates relating to land deals. Notes he finds it unlikely that the state will cover any differences in quantity, as had been suggested, due to the member's prior voting record on the subject. Informs Isaac he has increased the advancement of his brother's, [Samuel Winslow], cash because of his current situation. Requests that he meets with his cousin, Isaac, and make a determination of whether they will accept Knox's offer on some land (includes part of the Waldo patent). They will need to provide Knox with evidence that there are no existing claims against the land.
Declares that it is essential that he conclude an agreement with the Committee on the Legislature regarding townships in the Waldo patent lands. Discusses potential prices for the purchase of the lands in Maine, as well as ways to negotiate the purchases.
Discusses the deed to a tract of land and sends Lucy's regards to Samuel Ogden and his family. Letterpress copy.