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Sends a return of the troops (not included). Written and signed for Knox by Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide de camp. Retained copy.
Knox, Commander at West Point, encloses a weekly return of troops (see GLC02437.10140). Reports that he appointed a board to inspect the decrepit and infirm, to determine those who were unfit for service. Sixty-one soldiers were deemed unfit for service, and Knox asks for Washington's approval to discharge these men with a pension. Comments on cannons and military stores. Knox's retained draft.
Knox, Commander at West Point, transmits a weekly return of troops to Washington, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. Discusses illness among soldiers in the West Point vicinity: The troops having been uncommonly sickly for this place, and a malignant putrid fever being among their disorders, I have fixed upon the barrack at Constitution Island as an hospital... Discharged and furloughed some patients from the hospital at New Windsor, under the care of surgeon William Eustis. Reports, We have had cold unpleasant weather since commencement of the present month... [the troops] have only the remains of the thin under cloathes which they purchased in the spring. Regarding the uncertain date of discharge of troops following the recent signing of the Treaty of Paris (3 September 1783), Knox remarks, The officers in general are exceedingly anxious to have some final arrangements made... It is apparent from the foul, illiberal Spirit manifested by many parts of Connecticut, that their hands are outstretched against their officers. I mention these matters not with which to accelerate arrangements which might in some measure depend upon the British evacuating New York, but merely to share the anxiety of the officers... I am apprehensive that the preparations which have been made at this post to celebrate peace have been made in vain...
Knox, Commander at West Point, confirms receipt of a letter from Washington in which Washington ordered a suspension of the troops and stores destined to the Western posts. Reports that there are French refugees in the vicinity of West Point under the direction of a Major Merlet, who have drawn about one hundred rations to day for men women and children. Relates that Major [Caleb] Gibbs and the Second Massachusetts Regiment will arrive at West Point the same day this letter is written (Gibbs had traveled with his detachment to Philadelphia). Knox's retained draft.
Lets Washington know that he received his message concerning clothing for the troops over the winter and the resolves of Congress thanking General [Robert] Howe and his detachment. Notes that he enclosed a weekly return of the troops. Discusses the return of men to regiments and the numbers that will be discharged. Asks that the quartermaster make the necessary arrangements for five to six hundred men to obtain wood for the upcoming winter. Says there is a board of inspection assigned to discharging all of the infirm men, but they have not yet made a report. Knox's retained draft.
Informs General George Washington that he shall set to work to procure...wood for the Garrison who will probably return here During the winter. Suggests someone whose term of service will soon expire to be in charge of receiving the discharges. Estimates more than five hundred such men on the returns, but states that they are unlikely to get more than three hundred and fifty working men. They have found a place where the wood may be easily attained. The men will bring it to the foot of the mountain, and from thence it will be transported by teams if they can be procured. Goes on to discuss discharges and promotions. Encloses returns of the troops and clothing. States that the men need clothing as they only have uniforms and other clothing from last spring. Watermarked with three fleur-de-lis in a crest and a crown over lettering. Knox's retained draft.
Declares, The soldiers of the regiments of this garrison have been tolerably quiet until last night, when the behaviour of most or all of the regiments was totally repugnant to discipline, & in many instances highly mutinous... the rioters appeared to have no particular object in view... Offers to take the responsibility of granting officers' furlough requests, if Washington thinks it appropriate. Knox' retained draft.
Later copy. Knox considers whether or not the greater part of the Continental Army should move east to reinforce troops in Newport, Rhode Island and Boston, Massachusetts. Suggests lending assistance if American General John Sullivan's troops are captured. Suggests leaving a force in the Hudson River Highlands comparable to the size of the British force in New York. Advises against an attack on New York. Remarks that obtaining bread will be difficult for the troops moving east.
Discusses issuing ammunition and weaponry to the troops. Warns that if every brigade orders the same proportion the number of weaponry will be immense. Retained copy.
Knox's original working draft. Knox responds to General Washington's questions regarding eastward movement of the Continental Army to reinforce troops in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.