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Writes concerning a return of the Ordnance Arms and Military stores in possession of the United States. States that many of these stores accumulated in several areas as a result of the revolution and wishes to find better permanent housing for them. Writes, [t]he important characteristics for magazines and arsenals seem to be perfect security against enemies, internal and external, blended with an easy access by water. The expence of land transportation of heavy articles for a series of years compared with that by water, renders the latter quality indispensible for a magazine. Goes on describe how each of the current locations does not meet this standard and suggests other methods of housing the stores and discusses the importance for a national repository. Watermarked J Watt & C Patent Copying/Sold By J Woodmason/London. Letterpress copy.
Knox's draft, written in the president's voice, for a portion of Washington's December 3, 1793 annual message (State of the Union address) to Congress. Discusses negotiations for peace between the U.S. and hostile Indians in the Ohio Territory. Says if the negotiations falter, it appears to be incumbent upon the United States to use decisively such degrees of their force as shall be competent, as well to the immediate protection of their exposed citizens, as to the exemplary punishment of those tribes, which, obstinately persevere in their cruel depredations upon our frontiers. Says Congress will have to examine the facts and make a decision on how to proceed. Believes that on the southwestern frontiers our own violators of the peace, and of existing treaties, should not escape with impunity, and thereby bring down upon innocent women and children, the horrors of retaliation, and involve the U.S. in an unjust war. States that the Secretary of War (Knox) will submit a report on the arsenals of the U.S., noting that large augmentations of them should be made. Says the U.S. should be prepared because of the European War, but stresses the nation should avoid getting involved. Also mentions that seaports need to be upgraded. Asserts the importance of a well organized militia to address events for which being unprepared the happiness and liberty of Societies have so frequently been overturned and ruined.
Lists ordnance and military stores necessary for the campaign of 1781 according to type and number needed. Also includes a list of artillery necessary for a siege and a note concerning the making and cost of gun carriages. Written in a Park of Artillery. Written and signed for Knox by Samuel Shaw.
Relays orders from the Commander in Chief George Washington to make a reduction of the troops and respective departments. Orders Ruddock to deliver all the military stores in his possession to Captain William Price and consider himself and any conductors under him no longer in service than it is absolutely necessary for this purpose.
Relates the concerns of the President, George Washington, regarding the present hostile state of Europe, and the consequences it may have for the United States. Writes, It is acknowledged by all who reflect upon the course of human events that a just regard for its own preservation and security, is the primary duty of every independent nation. Believes that the United States is in a good position to defend itself should the need arise. States that though the President does not have legal authority to direct measures of defense, he feels that the respective states should do what they can to repair the decaying seaports and coastal defenses that have not been used since the late war. Also advises that the patriotism of individuals needs to be aroused, to produce an arrangement on the existence of which the preservation of their lives property and liberties might eventually depend. Date added later in pencil. Docketed, To be considered.
Knox writes to Peters, a member of the Congressional Board of War and Ordnance. Discusses gathering ordnance and stores for George Washington's proposed Southern Operation. Written at Phillipsburg (present-day Sleepy Hollow, New York).
Washington’s Government shows how George Washington’s administration—the subject of remarkably little previous study—was both more dynamic and more uncertain than previously thought. Rather than simply following a blueprint laid out by the Constitution, Washington and his advisors constructed over time a series of possible mechanisms for doing the nation’s business. The results were successful in some cases, disastrous in others. Yet at the end of Washington’s second term, there was no denying that the federal government had achieved remarkable results. As Americans debate the nature of good national governance two and a half centuries after the founding, this volume’s insights appear timelier than ever. Contributors Lindsay M. Chervinsky, Iona College * Gautham Rao, American University * Kate Elizabeth Brown, Huntington University * Stephen J. Rockwell, St. Joseph’s College * Andrew J. B. Fagal, Princeton University, * Daniel Hulsebosch, New York University * Rosemarie Zagarri, George Mason University
Discusses War Department matters that, in his opinion, should be mentioned to the legislature at the next session. Notes that arsenals are needed in the middle and southern states. Transmits a letter from Governor Lee. Proposes to travel east the following day to see his family. Knox's retained draft.
Sending Knox an extract of a letter he has received from the Board of War, regarding funds for Knox. The Board states that it has petitioned Congress for the funds Knox needs for military stores and transportation, but has not yet received the funds. Worries that their previous plans must now be altered due to British reinforcements at Charlestown, Augustine and New York. Discusses where military stores should be sent in this case, preferring the East to the South. Docketed by Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide.
Letterpress copy. Opinions of governmental heads related to Genet's use of privateers manned and equipped by American citizens to capture British prizes and bring them into U.S. ports. Discussing whether British prizes taken by French privateers manned by Americans should be delivered to the British Minister: The Secretary of State and the Attorney General were against the restoration and the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of War were for it. Notes that the privateers were commissioned in Charleston, South Carolina by French Minister Edmond Charles Genet (referred to here as Genest). Further discusses Genet's jurisdiction and the United State's neutrality. Letterpress copy, missing final page. The creator, recipient and date are derived from a sent copy in the George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress.