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Reports that the bank scripts have been forwarded. Believes he took advantage of the high prices they were bringing and sold them. Says he made prospects this day for the purchase of the other million, but I think they will not sell, or will ask much higher than ten Cents. Wants to know the highest price he'll go. Tells him General David Cobb will not accept the marshallcy because it would not give him salt for his family. Says that the office offered to General David Brooks is not lucrative enough to support a family.
Signed and initialed by Jackson. References Knox's letter of 9 March. Tells him not to worry about the sheriff selling the land for taxes, as he heard he has no authority to do so. Says I wish you had closed your business with Mrs Laval as I want your mind relieved from her pressing and unreasonable importunities. Was hoping to receive information on the purchase by Soderstram and McComb as his note to William Tudor is due today. Assumes Tudor will demand payment tomorrow. Will fight Tudor's demands. Reports I expect to be able to obtain an Act of the Legislature respecting the admission of Foreigners in this Commonwealth - and also a modification of the articles of agreement - agreeably to Mr. Binghams memorial on that subject. Says if he can get these two points passed, it will help their speculation. Says some persons from Philadelphia put in an application to purchase a million acres between the Penobscot and Schoodie Rivers. The committee said they were unsure if they had the land to sell. Hopes Knox and Bingham will take measures to pay his [Dollar sign]5,200 note which is due 29 April. Mentions the present situation in Europe makes for good speculating prospects. Informs that other notes are coming due next week for the purchase of Mount Desert from Gregorie. Postscript suggests selling their last purchase if they can make a profit.
Agreeable to his promise of 31 July, he is enclosing a copy of the agreement with Mr. Gregoire (not included). Notes he will move forward with the surveys. States he drew upon Duer for [Dollar sign]200 payable at 20 days sight to pay the sums mentioned his letter of 31 July. Says this purchase is an important one to the Concern. References receiving the joint letter of Knox and Duer of 29 July. Following directions from that letter he has notified these gentlemen of the committee who reside in this town of our intention of locating one million between the Penobscot & Schoodie & one Million on the Kennebec. Notes the committee will meet at the end of this week or the beginning of the next and that he will then try to secure the other million he wants to buy. Reports I have no doubt with a little management I shall be able to effect it - they will not negotiate for the sale of the six miles on the Penobscot without the direction of the Legislature, but I will touch them on the subject. Assumes that Knox has taken measures to get the [Dollar sign]5,000 to Boston by 15 August.
Discusses their shaky situation with land speculation. Mentions the committee's desire to hold me strictly to every point and condition of the agreement. Reports having trouble collecting money owed to him, and believes some of their financial associates will take advantage of their weak position. Mentions that Mr. de Grgoire has disappeared ever since I tendered him the money, so he plans to use the law to make Grgoire uphold his end of a previous agreement. Continues to discuss a variety of business affairs concerning their land.
Discusses financial matters, particularly bonds and payments relating to land.
Last Thursday he gave the enclosed proposals (not included) to the Committee for the Sale of Eastern Lands. Received a verbal answer on Friday that it was an object of such magnitude they had concluded to consult and advise with their absent brethren as only three of the Committee were present. The committee told him they would not sell any land without giving Jackson previous notice. He previously asked for more time in the negotiations to cover the application for you, as I wish'd they should think it originated with me. States he has discovered someone else applied for half a million acres, but he does not know who. Encloses receipt for the [Dollar sign]5,000 (not included). Note in pencil below the docket says Recd of Mrs. Thatcher.