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As with all the Lucas Rook mysteries, there's the darkness, the tension, the violence, and the terrible visuals that culminate as only Richard Sand, the Master of the Nightmare, would have it; a three-way shootout that reveals the awful secret of Hell's Reunion, which is even too ugly for Lucas Rook.
Reunion is a collection of stories by John H. Knox taken from the pulps as they were published back in 1935-1937. No one wrote weird horror the way Knox did. The stories include: MEN WITHOUT BLOOD CHILDREN OF THE BLACK GOD THE SEA OF FEAR THE THING THAT DINED ON DEATH REUNION IN HELL MASTER OF MONSTERS GALLERY OF THE DAMNED and are introduced by horror expert John Pelan. The cover is by Gavin L. O'Keefe.
The author of The Battered Bastards of Bastogne does a “superb job of telling the history the 101st Airborne Division during Operation Market Garden” (Kepler’s Book Reviews). Hell’s Highway is a history, most of which has never before been written. It is adventure recorded by those who lived it and put into context by an author who was also there. It is human drama on an enormous scale, told through the personal stories of 612 contributors of written and oral accounts of the Screaming Eagles’ part in the attempt to liberate the Netherlands. Koskimaki is an expert in weaving together individual recollections to make a compelling and uniquely first-hand account of the bravery and deprivations suffered by the troops, and their hopes, fears, triumphs, and tragedies, as well as those of Dutch civilians caught up in the action. There have been many books published on Operation Market Garden and there will surely be more. This book, however, gets to the heart of the action. The “big picture,” which most histories paint, here is just the context for the real history on the ground.
'Allow me to introduce myself, ' it says with a Middle Eastern accent. 'My name is Nawkal the Treacherous One. It studies N.P. just as a hungry dog would size up a prime cut of sirloin steak. 'I was assigned to you from your birth. You my friend were one of my most prized projects.' What if an extremely successful man in the bowels of the earth, met the master demon that had prepared him for his day in hell? What if the great N.P. Grimes rejected God just one time too many and found himself in the place where hatred is unrestrained and mercy is not allowed? What if Hells Harvest is the price we all will pay without Christ? Join new author Roger Clayton on an unforgettable journey through the regions of the damned and learn how to avoid Hells Harvest. Author bio. Roger Clayton and his wife Kimberly, pastor International Church of Destiny in Indiantown, Florida. They have been married twenty-five years and have two grown children. Nicholas and Holly who are both students at 'Rhema Bible Training Center' in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They are a family dedicated to the purpose of their Savior. Roger is an accomplished guitarist and songwriter. He teaches Gods Word on a Saturday morning radio program that he uses to teach people the Gospel of Christ. Roger ends each show with the statement, 'Knowledge is power, but the most powerful knowledge, is the knowledge of God.' He has a passion to communicate the Truth through teaching, music and the written material God has planted in his heart. Christian Fiction-Adventure-Hell Persecution
Set in both Vail, Colorado, and Beverly Hills, California, Reservations for One in Hell details a climactic high school reunion for the class of 1965.----In the novel, author Beau Donahue sweeps two of her friends along with her to participate in her thirty-year class reunion at Beau's alma mater, the famous Westlake School for Girls. A high stakes bet was placed by a former classmate, who challenges Beau's friends to pose as fellow class members to see if they can fool the other graduates. Those succeeding in the deception will win Ferraris.But all is not as it seems at the Westlake reunion, as some of its attendees are looking for long-lost graduates with something other than renewing friendship on their minds.
The credal affirmation, 'he descended to the dead', has attracted a plethora of views over the centuries and many Christians today struggle to explain the meaning of these words. This book explores various interpretations of the doctrine of Christ's descent to the dead, both within particular historical contexts and within contemporary theology. Laufer argues that the descensus clause, Christ's descent, is integral to Christian faith, specifically to the doctrine of the incarnation. If we are to affirm that, in Christ, God became truly human then that affirmation must include his sharing in the state of being dead that is the ultimate consequence of being human. Laufer concludes that, since the Son has experienced genuine human death and the separation from God which is the essence of hell, there is no longer any human condition from which God is absent, either in this life or in eternity. Christ's descent means that he is truly 'hell's destruction'. Drawing on a treasure trove of writings from the western theological tradition, including Luther, Calvin, Maurice, Balthasar, Moltmann and others, and attending to historical, theological, exegetical, philosophical and pastoral issues, this book explores an often-ignored doctrine which lies at the core of Christian life, death and faith.
Although it has been overshadowed by other events of the Second World War, Canada’s role in the Italian Campaign, from 1943 to 1945, was significant. Canadian forces played a major role in this campaign, whose goal was to open a second front in order to ease the pressure on Russian forces in the east. Canada fought under British command alongside British and American units, but our soldiers saw some of the fiercest fighting and achieved glory many times, including at the Battle of Ortona, one of Canada’s greatest military accomplishments. The pictorial history examines the Italian Campaign from the view of the soldiers serving there. Regiments represented in interviews in this book include the Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry, the Perth Regiment, the Governor-General’s Horse Guards, the Ontario Regiment, the 48th Highlanders, the Calgary Regiment, the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, the Royal Canadian Dragoons, and the Royal Canadian Navy.
Although many young Americans are highly trained to be skilled soldiers, they have little or no training in dealing with the realities of combat. They have not been trained to deal with the consequences of war, namely: psychological injuries, deaths of close friends, and the betrayal of what is morally right. All this has lead to soldiers experiencing a spiritual death and emotional numbness. The church and the government have ignored the soldiers who have been acting out. “Silencing the survivor”, is not working, too many soldiers are suffering and it is time for the church and government to aid these heroic warriors. This is a personal story of my struggle with my conscience and what I was asked to do. It is a story of my battle with the psychological consequences of war and the spiritual battle that took place within my soul as I tried to recover from the horrors of war. I in hope that it will help other young men and women deal with the realities of war.
This is my Hell and Back story. I was in two wars; one with Korea and one with my wife. My story starts during the Great Depression of the Twentieth Century; on my fathers self-sustaining farm. Before the age of five, my familys pet sheep, rammed my forehead into the tractors steel wheel; leaving a visible V scar, on my head for the rest of my life. This V was proof; that God would give me victory, over hell throughout my life. Be it near death experiences; on the farm, in war, driving vehicles, building homes, marriage, heart attack, multiple bypasses and the lost of my free movie sweet heart. I learned how to be at peace with myself and God. This peace allowed me to face my hells head on; witness God walking me through them, establish me again and take me through the next season of my life. My Story finishes, with it being a navigational inspiration tool; that guides us and the generations to come, through our hell and backs. Included are my Hell and Back Survival TipsTM that guided me through my two wars. Plus the Law of Unconditional Love, I discovered while in my two wars.
Something big, something really big is coming, the leader of extremist group Rescue America warns reporter Jerry Reiter. It is the first hint of new terror to come in Pensacola, Florida-already ground zero for the nation's Culture War. As Reiter goes there to cover the murder trial of the first doctor slain in the holy war over abortion, he meets radicals from the Ku Klux Klan, Operation Rescue, and a militia man with duffel bags filled with semiautomatic weapons. Each person Reiter interviews offers up a different part of a frightening puzzle pointing to a plot with the potential to be the nation's worst act of domestic terrorism.Reiter is told by future assassin Paul Hill, You are about to see an IRA-type reign of terror. Twists and turns in the real-life plot pull the reader along into a strange subculture where terrorism is seen as a sacred virtue, and the irony of pro-life killing is lost on a fanatical national network of zealots. Reiter is given a string of hints that lead him to suspect a nightmarishly violent attack will take place at a candlelight vigil on the anniversary of the doctor's death as hundreds of abortion providers and feminist leaders from around the nation will be gathered to remember their fallen colleague. Standing in the dark of an open grassy area, they will not be able to see the armed men who wish them harm until it is too late.The hints are tantalizing, but Reiter is not sure if he has enough evidence to lead to arrests and the foiling of the potential plot. And the situation is personally ironic for Reiter; two years earlier he had put his broadcasting career on the line for the sake of Operation Rescue, working out of the state headquarters of the Christian Coalition of New York as a media coordinator in a national protest. Now he faces the prospect of either putting his very life on the line for abortion providers or allowing a cold-blooded mass murder plot to take place.The trail of blood that Reiter uncovers both takes him back to the mysterious circumstances of the first slaying, and down a road that will eventually lead him to become a reluctant informant for the FBI. With help from the FBI he will later witness a merger between militias and militant antiabortionists that will send chills down your spine. Reiter's own life is changed forever by his experiences in the nation's culture war and his subsequent role as a leader in a movement called The Common Ground Network for Life and Choice. Where he comes out at the end of the journey will surprise both pro-life and pro-choice people.Reiter, a founding member and activist in the Christian Coalition, shows that there are shockingly close (albeit indirect) ties between radicals and respectable conservatives, including such national figures as Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan and the compassionate conservative philosophy of George W. Bush. For instance, the legal defense for anti-abortion assassin Paul Hill is provided by an attorney working full-time in Robertson's legal machine, the ACLJ, the religious right's version of the ACLU. And by the end of the book, the reader will know where the religious right went wrong.