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A reflection on the twin notions of Christ's descent into the underworld and on the belief in life after death. We may be amazed to discover how these seemingly obsolete notions, if understood metaphorically rather than literally, can illuminate and deep
This is a message from the far country. It is meant for the world; read by millions; believed by the humble; prayed about by the wise. Though, sea shall be crossed and island explored; though knowledge shall multiply and wisdom form a pyramid, yet every soul shall outlive the sun, and the human spirit will never sail into extinction. In a country, in a year, in a day in a place, the body and the soul shall separate. No complaint, no excuse, no appeal, no lawyer, when our souls shall answer the home - call of God. The beautiful for the ugly earth, the high for the dust below, dust back to the dust, but the soul flies away. The last drama is for the deceased to sit quietly as if alive under the word "Obituary" and be honoured with '''Late" the 4-letter title that follows his name for the rest of eternity, to tell every man who can read that he was once a dweller of this patched land. We are fragile and limited. We are all birds of passage. We are accorded but with a fleeting glory. My humble reader, arise, the sun is setting and darkness is coming, take advantage and grasp opportunity. It has been religion all the while, now it's time for true salvation, now is making holiness your heartbeat. Get enlisted for heaven while salvation is cheap and your spirit is willing
In this remarkable true story, the haunting of a Long Island household forces a respected writer and editor to reevaluate the mysteries of life and death as he struggles with the frightening truths of his childhood home and his town's past. Growing up in Rockville Center, Long Island, Gary Jansen never believed in ghosts. His mother-a devoutly Catholic woman with a keen sense for the uncanny-claimed that their family house was haunted. But Jansen never found anything inexplicable in how their doorbell would sometimes ring of its own accord; or in the mysterious sounds of footsteps or breaking glass that occasionally would fill their home; or even in his mother's sometimes unsettlingly accurate visions of future events and tragedies. Though he once experienced a supernatural encounter in a Prague church as a young man, Jansen grew up into a rationalist, as well as a noted writer and editor. Decades later, in 2001, Jansen moved back into the very same house where he had once grown up to raise a family with his wife. One day in 2007, he encountered a strange physical sensation in his toddler son's bedroom: As I reached into his dresser drawer, I felt something very strange behind me. Startled, I quickly turned around, but there was nothing there. I shrugged it off, grabbed the socks and, as I was walking to the doorway, experienced an odd phenomenon-sort of like an electrical hand rubbing the length of my back. I stopped and stood transfixed. "What the hell is that?" I said to myself. The pressure then seemed to break apart and, for a brief moment, I felt like I had a million little bugs crawling all over my back. Within seconds, however, the sensation was gone. This became the first step in uncovering a frightening, fullblown haunting in his home-a phenomenon that lasted an entire year and eventually included unveiling the identities of the spirits who occupied his house; discovering the chilling story of a century-old murder in his hometown; encountering mind-boggling coincidences between local history and events in his own family; and finally engaging in a climactic exorcism with the help of Mary Ann Winkowski, the real-life inspiration for TV's The Ghost Whisperer. The events of that year-in which Jansen's family was terrified of and terrorized by ghosts in their own home-forever changed how he viewed the mysteries of life and death. Holy Ghosts is not only a gripping true-life ghost story but a funny and touching memoir, as well as a meditation on the relationship between religion and the paranormal, which are often considered at odds with each other but which the author shows are intimately linked.
Virgil Flowers investigates a miracle--and a murder--in the wickedly entertaining new thriller from the master of "pure reading pleasure" (Booklist) Pinion, Minnesota: a metropolis of all of seven hundred souls, for which the word "moribund" might have been invented. Nothing ever happened there and nothing ever would--until the mayor of sorts (campaign slogan: "I'll Do What I Can") and a buddy come up with a scheme to put Pinion on the map. They'd heard of a place where a floating image of the Virgin Mary had turned the whole town into a shrine, attracting thousands of pilgrims. And all those pilgrims needed food, shelter, all kinds of crazy things, right? They'd all get rich! What could go wrong? When the dead body shows up, they find out, and that's only the beginning of their troubles--and Virgil Flowers'--as they are all about to discover all too soon.
What is hell? Why is there a hell? What openings from "hell" exist? What is the truth about "Abraham's Bosom?" And how does this or do these affect man? What are angels? Are angels named such because of structure or function? Precisely why were some angels sent to hell? It is true that one third were banished to hell. And when did this all happen? Much of that which is fanciful has been written about these questions. But the answers should not be sought from that which is the product of men's imaginations-albeit these may provide interesting reading. Rather; the answers should be sought from, and always remain: "according to The Father, The Christ Son, and The Holy Ghost."
THE STORY: Seeking to retrieve his runaway wife (and the possessions she has taken with her), Coleman Shedman arrives at the rural meeting house of a southern pentecostal sect with a lawyer in tow. But his wife, Nancy, is unwilling to forsake the l
(This is the Rodbearer Edition) Do you want Unlimited Power? Do you want the full unadulterated Power of God in your bloodstream? It is available...but at a cost. Thankfully, that cost was paid by Jesus at the Cross. You need the Power of the Holy Ghost and the Power of the Blood of Jesus in order to live victoriously in this life. In this book, we find that they are inextricably intertwined. Pray, then read this book in order to live your best life and in order to help others live theirs. More importantly, take your relationship with God to a level you never imagined. His love will lead you there through His Spirit, The Holy Ghost.
What is the nature of Hell? What role(s) may Hell play in religious, political, or ethical thought? Can Hell be justified? This edited volume addresses these questions and others; drawing philosophers from many approaches and traditions to analyze and examine Hell.