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After 1945, Germany was inundated with ethnic German refugees expelled from Eastern Europe. Andrew Demshuk explores why they integrated into West German society.
This is the first academic treatment of the life and work of the German-Jewish writer, Henry William Katz (1906-1992), who was exiled from Nazi Germany in 1933. From a combined literary, historical, biographical and sociological perspective, Ena Pedersen analyses Katz's depiction of the Eastern European Jews in Galicia, Weimar Germany and in exile, focusing on the problems of anti-Semitism, assimilation, German-Jewish symbiosis, and Jewish identity in the Diaspora. Narratorial technique and structuring principles of his works are examined carefully as is the development of themes and characters from his early journalism through to his later fiction. The book further contains the first biography of Katz's life, based on interviews with friends and relatives of Katz in Germany, France and the USA, as well as an analysis of his journalistic articles and political engagement with the SPD in the context of the crisis of left-wing journalism towards the end of the Weimar Republic. Through comparisons with contemporary Weimar journalists such as Alfred Polgar and Kurt Tucholsky, as well as Jewish and non-Jewish writers in exile such as Joseph Roth, Martin Beradt, Lion Feuchtwanger and Ernst Glaeser, Katz is placed within the body of Weimar journalism, German exile literature, and Jewish ghetto literature. Through her analysis of his works, Ena Pedersen shows how Katz conforms to the patterns of German-Jewish exile literature yet stands out from his contemporaries through his focus on the Eastern European Jews, describing in a uniquely personal and yet often sarcastic and critical way the particular concerns and dilemmas of this minority within the German-Jewish community at the time.
The Quest for Redemption: Central European Jewish Thought in Joseph Roth's Works by Rares Piloiu fills an important gap in Roth scholarship, placing Roth's major works of fiction for the first time in the context of a generational interest in religious redemption among the Jewish intellectuals of Central Europe. In it, Piloiu argues that Roth's challenging, often contradictory and ambivalent literary output is the result of an attempt to recast moral, political, and historical realities of an empirically observable world in a new, religiously transfigured reality through the medium of literature. This diegetic recasting of phenomenological encounters with the real is an expression of Roth's belief that, since the self and the world are in a continuing state of crisis, issuing from their separation in modernity, a restoration of their unity is necessary to redeem the historical existence of individuals and communities alike. Piloiu notes, however, that Roth's enterprise in this is not unique to his work, but rather is shared by an entire generation of Central European Jewish intellectuals. This generation, disillusioned by modernity's excessive secularism, rationalism, and nationalism, sought a radical solution in the revival of mystical religious traditions-above all, in the Judaic idea of messianic redemption. Their use of the Chasidic notion of redemption was highly original in that it stripped the notion of its original theological meaning and applied it to the secular experience of reality. As a result, Roth's quest for redemption is a quest for a salvation of the individual not outside, but within, history.
A Shared Legacy: Essays on Irish and Scottish Art and Visual Culture brings together for the first time a unique selection of new research by leading Irish, Scottish, English and North American scholars to explore the varying ways in which the visual can operate within the context of two countries with related experiences of lost statehood yet retained nationhood. Covering a span of three centuries, this skilfully-crafted book takes the discussion of Irish and Scottish art beyond the often isolationist approach adopted in the past, dealing directly with issues of nationality in a wider context. The authors identify national concerns through a range of themes: race, class, union and assimilation or nationalism and internationalism and while many of the essays focus on paintings, sculpture, prints and watercolours, others consider a wider notion of visual culture by investigating photography, magic lantern slides and the home arts of embroidery and textiles.
First Published in 2003. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Wir laden Sie ein, das Werk des beliebtesten Autors des Unterhaltungsgenres der 1920er Jahre zu entdecken. Vor allem die Kriminal- und Abenteuerromane sind von den persönlichen Erfahrungen des Autors inspiriert, der als Frontoffizier im Ersten Weltkrieg kämpfte. Diese außergewöhnlichen Erfahrungen haben auch die Figuren des Autors geprägt: Sie sind selbstbewusst und finden immer einen Ausweg aus jeder Situation. Wir haben über 200 seiner berühmtesten Romane für Sie gesammelt. Inhalt: Der Goldschatz der Azoren Die Geheimnisse von Malmotta Die Goldkarawane. Reiseabenteuer in Nordafrika und in der Sahara Die Mumie der Königin Semenostris Die Wolkenkönigin Das Haus der Geheimnisse Die Zauberinsel Die Höhlen von Saint-Pierre Der Mumiensaal Die Schlucht in der Wüste Der Gespensterlöwe Unter den Muka Lari-Zwergen Ibrahim ben Garb, der Pirat der Wüste Die Rätsel des Dschebel el Dachali Die Schätze des Wahhabiten Der versteinerte Wald Der Tempel Salomonis Das Tagebuch des Steuermanns Das Gold der Najade Die Meuterer der Frigga Das Land Gigantea Die Insel im Sargassomeer Das weiße Eiland Die Überlebenden der "Skandinavia" Die Pirateninsel C. 15 Ein Luftschifferabenteuer Kapitän Bergers Kinder Das Piratennest auf Neu-Helgoland Der goldene Geiser Am Ende der Welt Das Loch im Ozean (Fortsetzung von Am Ende der Welt) Gräfin Trixchen Des Schicksals Wunderwege Das Glück unterm Dach Der Millionär ohne Geld Die grüne Wand Die Verschleppten von Krapschaken Die Perle der Königin Das gesperrte Schloß Das Herz von Stein Seine Frau - sein Schicksal Die Fackel des Südpols Der Reiter am Himmel Im Niemandsland Der Erbe von Monte-Christo Das Grab der Namenlosen Die Stadt der Verbannten Die Wunderinsel im Tsad-See Erstarrte Tränen Das Schlangenhaupt der Medusa Der Mäusebussard von Norwood Das Wrack D O XII Die Treppe der Büßer Die Galgenbrüder Das Reich der Toten Das heilige Lächeln Die Säulen des Herkules Die Landstreicher Die blonde Geisha Die Kreuzspinne Der gestohlene Ruhm Das Mädchen für alles Das graue Gespenst Das Katzenpalais Das Geheimnis eines Lebens Das Dogmoore-Wappen Das Geheimnis um die Ginsterschlucht Der Schlingensteller Der Ring der Borgia Auf falscher Fährte Spuren im Neuschnee Der hüpfende Teufel Der Tempel der Liebe Das Haus am Mühlengraben Die Liebespost Das Gift des Vergessens Im Schatten der Schuld Das Haus des Hasses Die blaue Königin Der Doppelgänger Der Kobrakopf Der Obstkahn am Elisabethufer Der Stein der Wangerows Der Tote in der Burgruine Irrende Seelen Thomas Bruck, der Sträfling Das stille Haus Die Hand des Toten Die gelbe Wachskerze Der tote Missionar Die Insel auf dem Wyßtyter See Ming Tschuan Die rote Rose Das Atlantikgespenst Die Schildkröte Die grüne Schlange Das Teekästchen Die Todgeweihten Der Krokodillederkoffer Treff-Aß Der Wilddieb Die leere Villa Der Mann mit der Narbe Die silberne Scheibe Die Billionenbeute Die Tigerinsel John Goodsteaks Hochzeitsreise Das Radiogespenst Das Teufelsriff Der Zauberblick Die Ladygaunerin Zwei Taschentücher Das Geheimnis des Czentowo-Sees Der Sultan von Padagoa Der Fakir ohne Arme Das Kranichnest Das Kreuz auf der Stirn Der Spiritistenklub Die drei Päckchen Der rätselhafte Gast Lydia Salnavoors Testament Traudes Hochzeitsabend Amalgis Ahnengalerie Dämon Rache Einer von der Hammonia Die schwarzen Katzen Der neue Graf von Monte Christo Das Eiland der Toten Auf dem See des Schweigens Wie Doktor Amalgi starb Die Millionenerbin Doktor Amalgis Vermächtnis Timitri, das Leichenschiff Robbenfang Fürst Spinatri Das Urwaldrätsel Jakob Maschel, der Hausierer Die unerforschte Stadt Die Geheimnisse der Prinz Albert-Berge Pension Dr. Buckmüller Vier Tote Dr. Haldens Patient Das Ende einer Mainacht Drei Löwen Moderne Verbrecher Dämon Chanawutu Wer?! Salon Geisterberg Die Talmifabrik...
Heimat has been a crucial concept for the construction of identity in the German-speaking world. Seemingly impossible to translate, Heimat has served to describe feelings of comfort and belonging that are traditionally tied to a specific location, be it one’s place of birth or childhood home. Yet, in a world characterized by ever increasing global influences and a fast-paced lifestyle, the notion of Heimat as a static, inflexible and rather exclusionary idea is becoming more and more obsolete and is giving way to new hybrid Heimat forms that encompass traditional as well as foreign elements. Thus, Heimat can no longer be perceived as a solely German concept but is rapidly merging binary opposites, shaping Germans’ understandings of home in new and unexpected ways. The nine essays in this anthology explore these hybrid forms of Heimat in our globalized world from multiple angles. Some take a look at traditional genres of Heimat like the Heimatfilm or Heimatroman and examine how contemporary filmmakers (Tom Tykwer, Fatih Akın) and authors (Hans-Ulrich Treichel, Hugo Loetscher) have appropriated those genres to arrive at an updated version of Heimat in the 21st century. Other articles focus on gendered readings of Heimat and show how Mo Asumang’s Roots Germania and Ula Stöckl’s Das alte Lied emancipate the term from its nurturing, motherly qualities and instead provide women—including women of color—with powerful agency. Finally, contributors explore Heimat in the regional and historical contexts of East and West Germany, Switzerland and Romania. In the process, this anthology inscribes itself into the ongoing discourse on Heimat and enriches it by showing how the current notion of Heimat transcends traditional boundaries of nation, culture and race.