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Various combinations of commercially available technologies could greatly reduce fuel consumption in passenger cars, sport-utility vehicles, minivans, and other light-duty vehicles without compromising vehicle performance or safety. Assessment of Technologies for Improving Light Duty Vehicle Fuel Economy estimates the potential fuel savings and costs to consumers of available technology combinations for three types of engines: spark-ignition gasoline, compression-ignition diesel, and hybrid. According to its estimates, adopting the full combination of improved technologies in medium and large cars and pickup trucks with spark-ignition engines could reduce fuel consumption by 29 percent at an additional cost of $2,200 to the consumer. Replacing spark-ignition engines with diesel engines and components would yield fuel savings of about 37 percent at an added cost of approximately $5,900 per vehicle, and replacing spark-ignition engines with hybrid engines and components would reduce fuel consumption by 43 percent at an increase of $6,000 per vehicle. The book focuses on fuel consumption-the amount of fuel consumed in a given driving distance-because energy savings are directly related to the amount of fuel used. In contrast, fuel economy measures how far a vehicle will travel with a gallon of fuel. Because fuel consumption data indicate money saved on fuel purchases and reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, the book finds that vehicle stickers should provide consumers with fuel consumption data in addition to fuel economy information.
Combustion has played a central role in the development of our civilization which it maintains today as its predominant source of energy. The aim of this book is to provide an understanding of both fundamental and applied aspects of low-temperature combustion chemistry and autoignition. The topic is rooted in classical observational science and has grown, through an increasing understanding of the linkage of the phenomenology to coupled chemical reactions, to quite profound advances in the chemical kinetics of both complex and elementary reactions. The driving force has been both the intrinsic interest of an old and intriguing phenomenon and the centrality of its applications to our economic prosperity. The volume provides a coherent view of the subject while, at the same time, each chapter is self-contained.
Erstmals eine umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis und Grundlage für weiterführende Studien und Forschung im Bereich der Automobiltechnik. Die Encyclopedia of Automotive Engineering ist die erste umfassende und einheitliche Wissensbasis dieses Fachgebiets und legt den Grundstein für weitere Studien und tiefgreifende Forschung. Weitreichende Querverweise und Suchfunktionen ermöglichen erstmals den zentralen Zugriff auf Detailinformationen zu bewährten Branchenstandards und -verfahren. Zusammenhängende Konzepte und Techniken aus Spezialbereichen lassen sich so einfacher verstehen. Neben traditionellen Themen des Fachgebiets beschäftigt sich diese Enzyklopädie auch mit "grünen" Technologien, dem Übergang von der Mechanik zur Elektronik und den Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung sicherer, effizienterer Fahrzeuge unter weltweit unterschiedlichen wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Das Referenzwerk behandelt neun Hauptbereiche: (1) Motoren: Grundlagen; (2) Motoren: Design; (3) Hybrid- und Elektroantriebe; (4) Getriebe- und Antriebssysteme; (5) Chassis-Systeme; (6) Elektrische und elektronische Systeme; (7) Karosserie-Design; (8) Materialien und Fertigung; (9) Telematik. - Zuverlässige Darstellung einer Vielzahl von Spezialthemen aus dem Bereich der Automobiltechnik. - Zugängliches Nachschlagewerk für Jungingenieure und Studenten, die die technologischen Grundlagen besser verstehen und ihre Kenntnisse erweitern möchten. - Wertvolle Verweise auf Detailinformationen und Forschungsergebnisse aus der technischen Literatur. - Entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit der FISITA, der Dachorganisation nationaler Automobil-Ingenieur-Verbände aus 37 Ländern und Vertretung von über 185.000 Ingenieuren aus der Branche. - Erhältlich als stets aktuelle Online-Ressource mit umfassenden Suchfunktionen oder als Print-Ausgabe in sechs Bänden mit über 4.000 Seiten. Ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Bibliotheken und Informationszentren in der Industrie, bei Forschungs- und Schulungseinrichtungen, Fachgesellschaften, Regierungsbehörden und allen Ingenieurstudiengängen. Richtet sich an Fachingenieure und Techniker aus der Industrie, Studenten höherer Semester und Studienabsolventen, Forscher, Dozenten und Ausbilder, Branchenanalysen und Forscher.
Conventional fossil fuels will constitute the majority of automotive fuels for the foreseeable future but will have to adapt to changes in engine technology. Unconventional transport fuels such as biofuels, gas-to-liquid fuels, compressed natural gas, and liquid petroleum gas will also play a role. Hydrogen might be a viable transport fuel if it overcomes barriers in production, transport, storage, and safety and/or if fuel cells become viable. This book opens by considering these issues and then introduces practical transport fuels. A chapter on engine deposits follows, which is an important practical topic about how fuels affect engines that is not usually considered in other books. The next three chapters discuss auto-ignition phenomena in engines. The auto-ignition resistance of fuels is the most important fuel property since it limits the efficiency of spark ignition engines and determines the performance of compression ignition engines. Moreover, the manufacture of fuels is primarily driven by the need to meet auto-ignition quality demands set by fuel specifications. The final chapter considers the implications for future fuels. The book covers the many important ways that fuels and engines interact and why and how fuels will need to change to meet the requirements of future engines, as well as the implications for fuels manufacture and specifications.
The second edition of this standard-setting handbook provides and all-encompassing reference for the practicing engineer in industry, government, and academia, with relevant background and up-to-date information on the most important topics of modern mechanical engineering. These topics include modern manufacturing and design, robotics, computer engineering, environmental engineering, economics, patent law, and communication/information systems. The final chapter and appendix provide information regarding physical properties and mathematical and computational methods. New topics include nanotechnology, MEMS, electronic packaging, global climate change, electric and hybrid vehicles, and bioengineering.
On March 30, 1981, a symposium entitled "Chemistry of Engine Combustion Deposits" was held at the 181st American Chemical Society National Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, under the sponsorship of the Petroleum Division. This book is an out growth of that symposium, including papers from all of the At 1 anta presentors, as we 11 as from others who were i nvi ted to contribute. Research on engine deposits has not been as "glamorous" as in the rel ated fossil fuel areas of petrol eum, coal, or oil shale, and publications in the field have been largely confined to combustion and automotive engineering journals. One objec tive of this book is to bring a large body of work on the chemistry of deposits into more general accessibility. We hope to make people more familiar with what deposits are, with what problems they cause, and with what present workers are doing to solve these problems. The creation of the book has involved many people. Patricia M. Vann of Plenum Publishing Corporation gave guidance in planning. We thank Claire Bromley, Ellen Gabriel, and Halina Markowski for the preparation of many of the Exxon contribu tions. Finally, we thank Joseph C. Scanlon for his useful advice and encouragement.
Sustainable Industrial Design and Waste Management was inspired by the need to have a text that enveloped awareness and solutions to the ongoing issues and concerns of waste generated from industry. The development of science and technology has increased human capacity to extract resources from nature and it is only recently that industries are being held accountable for the detrimental effects the waste they produce has on the environment. Increased governmental research, regulation and corporate accountability are digging up issues pertaining to pollution control and waste treatment and environmental protection. The traditional approach for clinical waste, agricultural waste, industrial waste, and municipal waste are depleting our natural resources. The main objective of this book is to conserve the natural resources by approaching 100 % full utilization of all types of wastes by cradle – to - cradle concepts, using Industrial Ecology methodology documented with case studies. Sustainable development and environmental protection cannot be achieved without establishing the concept of industrial ecology. The main tools necessary for establishing Industrial Ecology and sustainable development will be covered in the book. The concept of "industrial ecology will help the industrial system to be managed and operated more or less like a natural ecosystem hence causing as less damage as possible to the surrounding environment. - Numerous case studies allow the reader to adapt concepts according to personal interest/field - Reveals innovative technologies for the conservation of natural resources - The only book which provides an integrated approach for sustainable development including tools, methodology, and indicators for sustainable development