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Your Brain Fitness Companion: emWave and Inner Balance As you practice on the go, or at your computer, you increase your heart-brain synchronization and your ability to take charge of your mental and emotional reactions and stress. Mental clarity and intuition, communications, relationships and quality of life all improve. Praise for HeartMath and Brain Fitness "We hace had great success using HeartMath's TestEdge Program with thousands of our students in middle and high school and we are very excited about being able to give out elementary students the same advantage." -- Kathy Reutman Bryant, executive director, student services, Boone County Schools, Kentucky "Typically, I introduce the emWave Desktop as a primary intervention to assist students in developing the self-management skills needed to cope with stress. I find it very useful because it offers visual feedback. Students see the result of their actions. And it is so easy to use." -- Vern Russell, director of Student Counseling Services, Auburn University, Auburn, Ala. 1-800-459-9111
"Doc Childre's writing is eloquent, his wisdom is profound, and his easy way of communicating makes this book a treasure. His colleagues present the energy of the heart in the safety of a scientific context that invites us again and again to move beyond it." -- Gary Zukav, author The Seat of the Soul and The Dancing Wu Li Masters Heart Intelligence, Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart provides readers with a new, high definition picture of the energetic heart as a unifying, creative, intuitive intelligence that we can learn to draw on for moment to moment guidance. Heart Intelligence links the physical heart to the spiritual (energetic) heart. Through its extensive communication with the brain and body, the heart is intimately involved in how we think, feel, and respond to the world. Expanding on their breakthrough book, The HeartMath Solution, the authors offer heart-based techniques and guidelines for living from the heart, which connects the puzzle pieces of our purpose and fulfillment. The book provides information and simple practices for accessing our heart's intuitive guidance to connect with our highest choices for better outcomes. Our choices are especially important through these changing times because they constantly create or disrupt our peace, happiness and self-security. Our thoughts and feelings influence the chemistry that regulates much of our health -- how we feel, for better or worse. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes are just frequencies that we can learn to change -- once we put our heart into our intention. Heart Intelligence provides practices to replace fear with the attitude of intelligent concern (managed concern) which leaves us in charge and more attuned to intuitive direction. We learn the benefits of practicing simple coherence techniques a few times a day for boosting resilience and emotional balance; making appropriate choices; and clearing our mind from anxiety or overwhelm when needed. It is through deepening our heart intelligence, coherence and connection that humanity will be able to shift from separation to cooperation resulting in higher solutions to our personal and global problems
The Intelligent Heart Access the power of your heart's intelligence to improve your focus and creativity, elevate your emotional clarity, lower your stress and anxiety levels, strengthen your immune system, promote your body's optimal performance, and slow the aging process.
It's the quintessential buzz word of modern life. It hangs on everyone's lips from the first miles of the morning commute until the screeching alarm clock starts yet another day. Countless articles and studies tell the same story: lives controlled by unmanaged stress end early and none too well. This book describes a simple, straightforward method readers can learn and practice to literally transform stress by shifting the heart's own rhythms. At the core of the HeartMath method of emotional regulation is the idea that, by focusing on positive feelings such as appreciation, care, or compassion, anyone can create dramatic changes in his or her heart rhythms. These changes precipitate a series of neural, hormonal, and biochemical events that dissipate stress and anger and lead to greater well-being. The benefits from using this system are remarkable and far-reaching: blood pressure drops, stress hormone levels fall, immune system activity increases, and anti-aging hormone levels rise. Through its interactive learning system, this book teaches readers to use the HeartMath method, enabling them to see and experience in real time how thoughts and emotions affect their heart rhythms. It teaches them how to engage their hearts to bring emotion, body, and mind into balance, and helps them stay in a zone of focused clarity, optimal health, and high performance. Changes brought about through this method are fast-acting and long-lasting, the perfect antidote to our chaotic and fast-paced lives. HeartMath is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.
As U.S. service members deploy for extended periods on a repeated basis, their ability to cope with the stress of deployment may be challenged. Many programs are available to encourage and support psychological resilience among service members and families. However, little is known about these programs' effectiveness. This report reviews resilience literature and programs to identify evidence-informed factors for promoting resilience.
The Perfect Antidote to Anxiety Feelings of anxiety can sap your energy, joy, and vitality. But now the scientists at the Institute of HeartMath® have adapted their revolutionary techniques into a fast and simple program that you can use to break free from anxiety once and for all. At the core of the HeartMath method is the idea that our thoughts and emotions affect our heart rhythms. By focusing on positive feelings such as appreciation, care, or compassion, you can create coherence in these rhythms-with amazing results. Using the HeartMath method, you'll learn to engage your heart to bring your emotions, body, and mind into balance. Relief from anxiety, optimal health, and high performance all day long will follow. (HeartMath® is a registered trademark of the Institute of HeartMath.)
Millions of healthy, happy followers have learned to control their Vital Nerve Force-The Bragg Healthy Way. This book provides prevention, health, maintenance-All in one book! You NEED this book if you have: stress overload, chronic fatigue, insomnia, depression, nervous indigestion, anxiety attacks, mood swings and general health burnout.
Breakthrough scientific research proves that the heart is the control centre of the body's systems and overall health. Pioneers of this research - based at the prestigious Institute of Heartmath - have developed an effective programme to harness the power of the heart. These life-altering techniques show you how to deepen the qualities long associated with the heart - wisdom, compassion, courage, love, strength and joy. Discover how to channel your heart's intelligence to: * Reduce stress immediately * Make better decisions * Lower high blood pressure * Achieve peak mental and intuitive performance * Enhance your creativity * Raise DHEA hormone levels to slow down the signs of ageing * Live a healthier, happier life * And much more
"This unique and interactive guide offers practical skills to help you beat stress by helping you get a handle on your emotions. With simple exercises--such as the Heart-Focused Breathing Technique--you'll feel calmer, be more confident, think more clearly, bounce back faster from challenging situations, and enjoy life with a new understanding of what's really important to you"--Back cover.