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Decommissioning Health Physics presents many of the technical issues and challenges that arise during the planning and implementation of decommissioning and decontamination (D&D) projects. The focus is on the final status survey performed during the later stages of decommissioning projects. It expands upon and provides greater technical detail than Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) in areas of survey design strategies. Featuring a number of completely worked examples of final status survey strategies, the book prepares the reader for the real-world application of MARSSIM at D&D projects. One chapter is devoted to the specific decommissioning concerns relevant to specific facility types, power reactors, uranium and thorium facilities and sites, and universities or other research facilities. The book thoroughly discusses practical applications of statistics in the context of decommissioning projects, from elementary statistics to hypothesis testing for a number of applications including data comparisons between the regulator and licensee, normality testing of the data, and survey unit compliance decisions. Decommissioning Health Physics will be beneficial for the planners, designers, and reporters of final status survey results as well as health physics technicians who will benefit from practical chapters on instrumentation and survey procedures.
Experienced Guidance on the Technical Issues of Decommissioning ProjectsWritten by one of the original MARSSIM authors, Decommissioning Health Physics: A Handbook for MARSSIM Users, Second Edition is the only book to incorporate all of the requisite technical aspects of planning and executing radiological surveys in support of decommissioning. Exte
The Pacific Northwest Laboratory is conducting a comprehensive study of the impacts, benefits and effects of decontamination as a precursor to decommissioning for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The program deals primarily with chemical cleaning of light-water reactor (LWR) systems that will not be returned to operation. A major section of this study defines the health physics and industrial hygiene and safety concerns during decontamination operations. The primary health physics concerns include providing adequate protection for workers from radiation sources which are transported by the decontamination processes, estimating and limiting radioactive effluents to the environment and maintaining operations in accordance with the ALARA philosophy. Locating and identifying the areas of contamination and measuring the radiation exposure rates throughout the reactor primary system are fundamental to implementing these health physics goals. The principal industrial hygiene and safety concerns stem from the fact that a nuclear power plant is being converted for a time to a chemical plant which will contain large volumes of chemical solutions.
This vOlume contains the invited and contributed papers pre sented at the American Nuclear Society (ANS) meeting on Decontamina tion and Decommissioning (D & D) of Nuclear Facilities, held Septem ber 16-20, 1979, in Sun Valley, Idaho. This was the first U. S. meeting of the ANS which addressed both of these important and related subjects. The meeting was attended by more than 400 engineers, scientists, laymen, and representatives of federal, state, and local governments, including participants from eleven foreign countries. The technical sessions included several sessions concentrating on ongoing D & D programs in the U. S. and abroad. In addition, "new ground" was broken in such areas as decommissioning costs and cost recovery, advanced programs on reactor coolant filtration, and other areas of continuing and increasing importance to the nuclear industry and to consumers. The dual sponsorship of the meeting (The ANS Reactor Operations Division and the Eastern Idaho Section of the ANS) helped spur a high quality program, a pleasant location, and a high degree of suc cess in technical interchange between the attendees. As guest speaker, we were honored to have Mr. Vince Boyer of Philadelphia Electric Company. Mr. Boyer is both a past chairman of the ANS Reactor Operations Division and a past president of the American Nuclear Society. His views on the nuclear industry and of its current status were informative and interesting.
The objective of this book is to present a comprehensive picture, first of the fundamentals of general contamination of solid surfaces and water, and in the second part, to review the main practical procedures and means of applied decontamination used in the fields of activity. The most emphasis on radioactive contamination deals with decontamination of the operational facilities in nuclear power plants. Other special decontamination branches of current interest are also dealt with briefly.The art of decontamination is being enriched by the progress achieved in relevant scientific disciplines and employs these relative advances. The current volume discusses in detail the following trends in decontamination: Firstly, the development and use of new decontamination methods that are highly efficient, non-agressive to decontaminated materials, and economically feasible; secondly, the utilization of progressive elements of automation and robotics; thirdly, the development and use of such decontamination formulations that would minimize the volume of wastes and would produce wastes in a form in which they could be either easily further treated or safely disposed of without risk to human health or the environment; finally, the choice of suitable materials used both for the structural and the technological parts of nuclear installations with regard to their minimal contaminability and ease of decontamination.