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Healing or Stealing? shows how certain cults and "healing" groups victimize people through mental manipulation and mind-control. "These pseudo-medical practitioners are selling illusions. They are as addictive as narcotic drugs, and as dangerous as cancer."
National Bestseller CNBC and Strategy + Business Best Business Book of the Year It’s the biggest revolution you’ve never heard of, and it’s hiding in plain sight. Over the past decade, Silicon Valley executives like Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk, Special Operators like the Navy SEALs and the Green Berets, and maverick scientists like Sasha Shulgin and Amy Cuddy have turned everything we thought we knew about high performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000 hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut. They're harnessing rare and controversial states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition. New York Times bestselling author Steven Kotler and high performance expert Jamie Wheal spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution—from the home of SEAL Team Six to the Googleplex, the Burning Man festival, Richard Branson’s Necker Island, Red Bull’s training center, Nike’s innovation team, and the United Nations’ Headquarters. And what they learned was stunning: In their own ways, with differing languages, techniques, and applications, every one of these groups has been quietly seeking the same thing: the boost in information and inspiration that altered states provide. Today, this revolution is spreading to the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy and forcing us to rethink how we can all lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives. Driven by four accelerating forces—psychology, neurobiology, technology and pharmacology—we are gaining access to and insights about some of the most contested and misunderstood terrain in history. Stealing Fire is a provocative examination of what’s actually possible; a guidebook for anyone who wants to radically upgrade their life.
Have you ever wondered how to get healed and stay healed? If you have, this book is for you! God's will is supernatural health for you and your whole family. There is a healing revival that is coming back to the church, and this book will teach you how to be right in the middle of it. In this book you will learn: 1. Why some people are robbed of their healing 2. If what you believe about healing is error or truth 3. How much God wants to heal you 4. How to conquer unbelief 5. The devil's biggest fear 6. How expectation and healing are connected 7. The key of growing your faith 8. The reward of a renewed mind 9. Not to wait for God to do what He has already done 10. If you can trust feelings in life
Experience the healing of radical disclosure as two courageous women engage in a paranormal adventure to unmask the shadows that bind us to a deep state fueled by women's tacit consent.Through the eyes of Dr. Natalie Stern, ex-psychologist turned predator, we are taken back to Egypt, to a pharaoh and his queen who sought to bring beauty and enlightenment to their people. The demise of their noble-hearted experiment echoes down the halls of our collective past, imposing its distortions even now. Journey with Dr. Natalie Stern as she encounters Nefertiti. The ancient queen has a dire warning that leads them on a Gaia-led voyage of soul reclamation. Bask in the wonder of these two brave women as they discover and articulate the reality hidden behind the dominator culture ruling our world. Stealing the moon blazes a trail to move us beyond leadership based on shadow distortion into a culture based on love and radical self-responsibility.
Healing Days is a book designed to be used in therapy for kids ages 6-11 and functions as an excellent resource for those who have experienced physical or sexual abuse. Readers will follow four children as they learn ways to cope with their own trauma. Sensitive and empowering, the book models therapeutic coping responses and provides children with tools they may use to deal with their own trauma. A Dear Reader introduction is included for the child reader. Also available is an online Note to Parents and Caregivers.
Hear And Be Healed! Do you or someone you know need healing in your physical body? If you are a born-again believer, Jesus obtained your healing two thousand years ago. Healing is already on the inside of you. It was given to you by God's grace (God's undeserved favor). You didn't deserve it or couldn't earn it, God gave it to you as a gift through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, most believers don't experience what Jesus has already done for them because of religion and tradition of men. Wrong believing has hindered believers from receiving healing and all the finished works of Jesus Christ. You have a blood-bought right because of Jesus's blood to walk in divine health, prosperity, soundness, and wholeness. This is a covenant right! In Healing from a Grace Perspective, you will learn how to apply the Word of God with precision and accuracy to get the healing on the inside of you to manifest on your physical body. No disease, to include cancer, can stand up to the Word of God when applied with aggressive faith and precision. Take your healing. It belongs to you! Jesus has given me the assignment of getting faith in the body of Christ for healing. Jesus said to me "if people will believe what you teach them and do it aggressively healing will come to them." Wrong Believing One of the greatest hindrances to receiving from God is wrong believing. Believing contrary to what the Scriptures says is a sure way of not receiving your healing. We have heard so much information that is not in agreement with the Scriptures. For example, if you believe that it's not God's will to heal everybody when the Bible clearly states "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth" (3 John 2, KJV), then Satan can talk you out of your healing. He can convince you that God won't heal you because of something you did or didn't do. This is why reading and studying the Word of God for yourself on a daily basis is so important. You must believe God wants you well and God by his grace has made healing available. Sinner's Prayer Say this prayer aloud with all your heart and Jesus will come to live on the inside of you. Father, Your word says according to Roman 10:9 if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead I will be saved. I renounce sin and ask Jesus to come into my heart now and be my Lord and Savior. I believe God raised him from the dead. I ask Jesus to fill me with the Holy Spirit. I declare that I am now born again. Thank you Jesus for saving me. Congratulations! You are now a born-again believer.
Praise for Healing: The Path to Freedom: What Michael has apparently discovered and teaches is that how we interact with life, moment by moment, particularly our feeling experience, is visibly at the core of everything. From the broken things to the extraordinary things, it is nowhere else but the place that no one thinks to lookliterally in ourselves. The remarkable, almost unique aspect of Michaels work is that everything he does and teaches points you back to the truth of your own tangible experience. If you want to entertain the possibility of real change, this can be an excellent place to do it. If you seek to preserve your status quo, well, this may not be the place. The work is not easy, though it is simple and clear. Its also not necessarily a quick fix, though some experience rapid results. Expect change and be prepared to see that life is not (only) what you thought it was. In todays increasingly small world, sticking ones head in the sand is becoming a less and less viable option as hiding places become hard to find. Michaels work is all about strongly engaging life and finding the only reliable refuge: your true self. Marc Glassgold
From the award-winning author of The Patron Saint of Butterflies and The World from Up Here comes a story about grieving hearts, broken families, and how speaking out can save them both. Saying goodbye is never easy.Everything changed after Pippa and Jack's mother died last spring. Pippa stopped speaking, Jack started picking fights, and their father's struggling business began to fail. Now, with school starting again, Pippa doesn't know how she'll manage a class presentation on Spartan warriors when she can't even find the words to tell her father that she wishes he were home more. And Jack is struggling to understand his feelings for the mysterious girl next door. But when Jack and Pippa realize that their dad is getting so desperate for cash to keep the family afloat that he might be going to extreme -- and illegal -- lengths to make ends meet, they are faced with the biggest decision of their lives. How far are they willing to go to keep their family together?Stealing Our Way Home is a poignant, deeply affecting novel about falling apart, finding your voice, and the power of letting go.