Download Free Handy Notes On Sequence C Of Musketry Instructions For The Use Of Instructors School Of Musketry Randwick Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Handy Notes On Sequence C Of Musketry Instructions For The Use Of Instructors School Of Musketry Randwick and write the review.

Introductory remarks. Fire superiority -- Target practice and musketry -- The laws of dispersion -- The theory of probabilities and its practical application to musketry instruction. The main elements in the efficacy of fire -- The battle sight. Its purpose and utility -- The proper setting of the battle sight -- The adjustment of infantry fire -- Vulnerability of different formations -- Influence of the ground on small arms fire -- The purpose of combat firing exercises. Conditions to be fulfilled in their preparation. The critique -- The report of the director.
This book is a Narrative of Personal Experiences of the Officer Commanding the 4th Field Ambulance, Australian Imperial Force. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. This has been published with the best technology to reproduce historical work in the same manner it was first published to preserve its original nature.
Published in 1857, at the time of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, this is the official manual on musketry training and tactics used in British infantry units. The book includes sections on the duties of musketry instructors; drill; and the manufacture of cartridges (this latter section is particularly interesting in that it specifies that the paper cartridges should be greased in a mixture of tallow candle wax and bees' wax; rather than the animal fats, rumours of which offended Hindu and Muslim sepoys alike, and were a major contributing cause of the Mutiny). There are chapters on file and volley firing; skirmishing; target practice and judging distance. With well executed drawings and diagrams.