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This Handbook is a collection of contributions of more than 300 researchers who have worked to grasp the Anthropocene, this new geological epoch characterised by a modification of the conditions of habitability of the Earth for all living things, in its biogeophysical and socio-political reality. These researchers also sought to define a historical and prospective anthropology that integrates social, economic, cultural and political issues as well as, of course, environmental ones. What are the anthropological changes needed to ensure that our human adventure will be able to continue in the Anthropocene? And what are the educational and political issues involved? Anthropocene is fast becoming a widely-used term, but thus far, there been no reference work explaining the thoughts of the greatest experts of the present day on this subject (at the intersection of biogeophysical and socio-political knowledge). A scientific and political concept (but which is also the conceptual vehicle for conveying the scientific community's sense of concern), this complex term is explained by international experts as they reflect on scientific arguments taking place in earth system science, the social sciences and the humanities. What these researchers from different disciplines have in common is a healthy concern for the future and how to prepare for it in the Anthropocene and also the identification of possible anthropological changes. This Handbook encourages readers to immerse themselves in reflections on the human adventure through descriptions of our differing heritages and the future that is in the process of being written.
Whether formally incorporated into curriculum and teacher training or informally integrated in contexts such as state or NGO initiatives dealing with resolving social, ethnic, and religious conflicts, peace education is increasingly recognized as a critical component in addressing violence in contemporary plural societies. Peace education can constructively undertake a reframing of historical narratives while inspiring practical community activities. An important, but insufficiently studied and theorized aspect of peace education is the role of religion. The challenge to peace education in today’s globalized, diverse, mobile, and religiously pluralistic world is to be able to take both complex global and distinctive local situations into account. The contributions to this integrative collection of essays provide exactly these local and global perspectives on the state of peace education and its relationship to religion across pedagogy and curriculum, state policies, and activism within societies on the front lines of resolving internal conflicts, whether historical or recent, that often reflect aspects of religious identities.
The collapse of the Soviet Union and the wars in Yugoslavia radically changed the security environment in Europe and Central Asia. Some predictions assumed the emerging unipolarity of the liberal world order would end neutrality policies in East and West, but, as this volume shows, this was not the case. While some traditional Cold War neutrals like Sweden and Finland have been edging closer to security alignment with western institutions, there are others like Austria, Switzerland, Ireland, and Malta that remained committed to their traditional nonaligned foreign policy approaches. More importantly, there are areas of Eurasia that developed new forms of neutrality policies, most of them only noticed on the margins of academic discourse. This is the first book to systematically explore this “new neutralism” of the Post-Cold War. In part one, the book analyzes contemporary neutrality discourse on several levels like international organizations (UN, ASEAN), diplomacy, and academic theory. Part two discusses neutrality-related policy developments in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and Mongolia. Together, the 15 chapters show how on this vast, connected landmass references to neutrality have remained a staple of international politics.
Friedenspädagogik und Friedenserziehung sind Sammelbegriffe für unterschiedliche Ansätze, die durch Erziehung und Bildung Frieden fördern wollen, sich aber in ihren konkreten Vorstellungen, was Frieden sei und wie dieser erreicht werden kann, stark unterscheiden.Friedenserziehung beschäftigt sich mit den emotionalen, sozialen und kognitiven Grundlagen und Lernchancen für Friedensfähigkeit und Friedenshandeln; also mit der Entwicklung von prosozialen Einstellungs- und Verhaltensweisen von Individuen und Gruppen. Konfliktmanagement, Mediation und Strategien der Versöhnungsarbeit greifen allesamt auf die Grundlagen der Konfliktforschung zurück, allerdings weitgehend ohne die politischen und internationalen Dimensionen und machtkritischen Inhalte dieser Ansätze aufzunehmen. Gerade diese zeichnen jedoch Friedenspädagogik aus. Konflikterziehung bedeutet, Lernangebote zur Förderung von Konfliktfähigkeit zu entwickeln und zu implementieren, um damit Personen, Gruppen und Organisationen zu befähigen, konstruktiv mit Konflikten umzugehen. Dies bezieht sich unter einem friedenspädagogischen Aspekt auf den individuellen, gruppenspezifischen, gesellschaftlichen und internationalen Bereich. Die im Nahbereich notwendigen Kompetenzen für Konfliktfähigkeit lassen sich in fünf Bereiche aufgliedern, nämlich in kommunikative, kooperative, Deeskalations-, Verfahrens- und Konfrontations-Kompetenzen.Die Entwicklung einer friedensfähigen Gesellschaft kann nicht alleine durch politische und ökonomische Veränderungen erreicht werden, sondern muss die Veränderung tief verankerter kultureller Muster einbeziehen, welche die Transformation einer "Kultur der Gewalt" in eine "Kultur des Friedens" erst ermöglichen.
This handbook encompasses a range of disciplines that underlie the field of peace education and provides the rationales for the ways it is actually carried out . The discipline is a composite of contributions from a variety of disciplines ranging from social psychology to philosophy and from communication to political science. That is, peace education is an applied subject which is practiced in differing ways, but must always be firmly based on a range of established empirical disciplines. The volume is structured around contributions from expert scholars in various fields that underpin peace education, plus contributions from experts in applying peace education in a range of settings, all complemented by chapters which deal with issues related to research and evaluation of peace education.
The moral theology of Hans G. Ulrich is presented here in English for the first time. These collected essays represent the culmination of a lifetime of reflection on Christian living from this German theologian in conversation with Luther, Bonhoeffer, and contemporary philosophers and theologians. Ulrich's ethics affirm the lively presence of the living work of God in orienting the daily life of Christians. This presence enables members of the Church to live as creatures trusting in God's promises, bearing witness in political and economic spheres, and trusting in life as a gift in response to bioethical issues. Ulrich's fresh take on living out of the promise of God yields further guidance on issues in international relations, economics, parenting, disability, and more.
Dieter Senghaas, professor emeritus of international relations, University of Bremen, was one of most innovative contemporary German social scientists, with major contributions on peace and development research and on music and peace. He was awarded many prizes: the International Peace Research Award (1987), Göttingen Peace Prize (1999), Culture and Peace Prize of the Villa Ichon in Bremen (2006), and the Leopold-Kohr Prize of the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (2010). In addition to his autobiographic notes and his selected bibliography, this book offers a global audience five key texts by D. Senghaas (1974-2009): Towards an Analysis of Threat Policy in International Relations; Friedrich List and the Basic Problems of Development; Developing the Definitions of Perpetual Peace (‘para pacem’): Through What and How is Peace Constituted Today?; Sounds of Peace: On Peace Fantasies and Peace Offerings in Classical Music; and Enhancing Human Rights – A Contribution to Viable Peace.