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This book seeks to explain the causes of Haiti's underdevelopment since the end of the seventeenth century. During the 1960s and 1970s several original paradigms emerged to explain the causes and persistence of underdevelopment in Latin America and the Caribbean. In the renewed effort to understand the associated processes of development and underd
This important study introduces the conceptual premise that families, like firms, analyze their circumstances, make decisions, and pursue courses of action on the basis of what they perceive to be the most efficient methods for producing and reproducing survival. Combining this premise with an extraordinary assemblage of facts gleaned over the period of a decade from the streets, markets and homes of Port-au-Prince, the author weaves a tapestry of despair and hope which only an unusual degree of intimacy with the details of everyday life in the city could provide. The result is a considerable deepening of understanding about the politics and economics by which family members earn their livelihoods, distribute resources within and between households, produce life and labor from food and water, provide shelter and schooling for themselves, and borrow money to finance these and other activities. These different dimensions of daily existence form a web of interdependency in which change in any one dimension causes change in all the others. As Professor Pass's work demonstrates, research and development assistance practices of public and private organizations, in such areas as employment, health, housing, education and credit are often irrelevant. This is because they are necessarily guided by prevailing concepts and theories with respect to the circumstances of the urban poor, which sometimes do the poor considerable disservice. With the additional insight provided by a decade of participation in the design of policies, programs and projects serving as a tempering influence, the author does not leap to easy criticism of prevailing views and practices. He notes that ideas and interventions change in response to new understanding, sometimes in ways that the producers of such understanding could never have imagined. The problem is that change is painfully slow, and in desperately poor countries like Haiti, waiting for change exacts an almost intolerable price from the poor. This book is a provocative yet highly original contribution which will require serious attention from scholars and practitioners of development. Appearing as it does soon after the great seaward exodus of Haitians and urban unrest culminating in the flight of the Duvalier family, this timely volume will provide illumination for those seeking to understand the circumstances that press people to risk all in the name of survival.
This book, a critical study of Haiti's place in the "New World Order," examines the limits of its "democratic revolution" and the prospects for social change. Exploring why the successive military governments in power between 1986 and 1990 were unable to implement the neoliberal economic reforms sanctioned by the World Bank and USAID, Dupuy also an
In Dec. 2006, the 109th Cong. passed the Haitian Hemispheric Opportunity through Partnership Encouragement Act of 2006 (HOPE I), which included special trade rules that give preferential access to U.S. imports of Haitian apparel. These rules were intended to promote investment in the apparel industry as one element of a broader economic growth and development plan. The 110th Cong. amending HOPE I with HOPE II, which extended the preferences for 10 years, expanded coverage of duty-free treatment to more apparel products, and simplified the rules, making them easier to use. Contents of this report: Political and Social Challenges to Haitian Develop.; Econ. Background; Apparel Production; Haiti HOPE Act; HELP Act; Outlook. Illus.
The world’s first independent black republic, Haiti was forged in the fire of history’s only successful slave revolution. Yet more than two hundred years later, the full promise of that revolution – a free country and a free people – remains unfulfilled. Home for more than a decade to one of the world’s largest UN peacekeeping forces, Haiti's tumultuous political culture – buffeted by coups and armed political partisans – combined with economic inequality and environmental degradation to create immense difficulties even before the devastating 2010 earthquake killed tens of thousands of people. This grim tale, however, is not the whole story. In this moving and detailed history, Michael Deibert, who has spent two decades reporting on Haiti, chronicles the heroic struggles of Haitians to build their longed-for country in the face of overwhelming odds. Based on hundreds of interviews with Haitian political leaders, international diplomats, peasant advocates and gang leaders, as well as ordinary Haitians, Deibert’s book provides a vivid, complex and challenging analysis of Haiti’s recent history.
This paper reviews economic developments in Haiti during 1990–94. In the public finances, the current account of the nonfinancial public sector (before grants) shifted from balance in 1991 to a deficit of 3.8 percent of GDP in 1994. With the lack of foreign financing, capital investment fell to low levels over the period, and the overall deficit (before grants) declined from 4.5 percent of GDP to 4.2 percent of GDP; the deficit was financed mainly by recourse to central bank credit and the accumulation of arrears.
Haiti is a very poor country with a stagnant economy. This title, first published in 1983, considers the Haitian economy, placing it in its historical context, and explores the reasons why it has performed so badly. Mats Lundahl examines agriculture, which has failed to provide an adequate standard of living, analyses the structure of agricultural production, and explains why the land is so unproductive. Lundahl analyses why technology in agriculture is so underdeveloped and argues that no government since 1820 has been seriously interested in fostering economic development, since vested interest consistently intervenes to discourage new projects.
This book examines the political and economic legacy of the Duvalier regime with the intention of clarifying its implications for Haiti's development. It states that reforming the nation's economic development strategy to address the needs of the poor is one of the political task of Haitians.
Haiti, one of the least developed and most vulnerable nations in the Western Hemisphere, made the international headlines in January 2010 when an earthquake destroyed the capital, Port-au-Prince. More than a year later, little reconstruction has taken place, in spite of a strong international funding commitment. Mats Lundahl has written several seminal works on Haiti, and this volume brings together the best of his past work on Haiti’s economic and political history, along with a comprehensive introduction and two new chapters which bring the story right up to the present day. Together, the volume provides both historical background and explanation as to why Haiti was so badly affected by the earthquake, and to why reconstruction efforts have been ineffective this far. Lundahl argues that the two main causes can found in the interaction between the growth of the population and the destruction of the arable soil on the one hand, and in the creation of a predatory state during the nineteenth century, which still exists to this day. This book provides a comprehensive analysis, which charts these themes from the time of the arrival of Columbus in the island in 1492, to the present day. The book also deals with contemporary market and policy failures, as well as the crucial recent elections, and considers the path ahead for this impoverished nation. This book will be of huge relevance and interest not only to students and researchers in economic history, but also for all those working on development economics, development studies and American and Caribbean Studies more generally.
Economic analysis of reasons for underdevelopment and poverty in Haiti - reviews historical trends, 1492 to 1971; analyses agrarian structure, land ownership and sharecropping, international migration, population density and emigration to Cuba and Dominican Republic; surveys agricultural market integration and correlation of agricultural price series; examines cooperative structure, obstacles to technological change and the precarious situation of peasant farmers, and need for government interest in economic development. Bibliography.