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El término «violencia», en su sentido más elemental, refiere al daño ejercido sobre las personas por parte de otros seres humanos. Los experimentos totalitarios del siglo xx ampliaron este uso de la violencia, a una escala y una intensidad inéditas en la historia de la humanidad, y es en este contexto donde cabe encuadrar esta obra perenne de HANNAH ARENDT. Para la filosofía política, la violencia obejeto de su estudio tiene dos caras: la violencia organizada del Estado o aquella que irrumpe frente al mismo. Esto ha hecho que muchos pensasen que la violencia es sobre todo una forma de ejercicio del poder. La posición de partida de la autora en SOBRE LA VIOLENCIA consiste en el estudio minucioso de la violencia política en sus encarnaciones extremas dentro del mundo contemporáneo y en su cuidadosa separación entre violencia y poder político; este último es el resultado de la acción cooperativa, mientras que la violencia del siglo xx está ligada al alcance magnificador de la destrucción que proporciona la tecnología.
The predominant view in economic theory until the crisis of the '70s, argued the great enterprise was the key player in the innovation process, this was conceived as an activity that unfolded in specific areas, with clear responsibilities and predetermined objectives. This operating structure of the innovative process was functional demand model that favored the standardization of production. The innovative process was developed predominantly by firms that had a domain oligopolistic market from which they made windfall with which financed the research and development activities. In this context, the role of SMEs in the innovation process is limited to covering the portion of the market that big companies left.
Like most women, I was unaware that I was a victim of domestic violence. My husband had managed to diminish me through years of psychological and physical abuse and even through the use of drugs. However, despite being almost destroyed, I managed to rebuild my dignity and demonstrate my innocence. I loved my husband. I never imagined that he could harm me or that he would end up trying to destroy me. Nor did I think, when he started hurting me, that this could be intentional, since all the aggressors blame their victims. In my case, the victimization was so effective that, after each assault, I would recreate the incident to see what I had done to make my husband react in this way. This is my story, that of a battered and immigrant woman who found no way to escape or hide; A Catholic who believes in family and who fought to keep it for the good of her children. However, in the end, and precisely for them, she was forced to leave that vicious marriage to save herself and them. Carmen Maria Montiel
Análisis crítico con un enfoque multidisciplinario, único hasta ahora en México, de las oportunidades y desafíos de los derechos humanos. Los autores aquí reunidos analizan los derechos humanos como una práctica social que se realiza en medio de relaciones asimétricas de poder, en el marco del ya convulsionado siglo xxi. Pensados como un discurso que se convierte en práctica social y en campo de disputa para la definición de significados, los derechos humanos pueden generar marcos de oportunidad para la transformación político-social pero, también, pueden constituir un obstáculo para el cambio y la construcción de subjetividades emancipadas.
Sexual violence is a multifaceted crime and a global health problem. It is a crime that can happen to anyone, including young and old, male and female, rich and poor. Sexual violence persists due to several variables, including abuse history and a society’s tolerance of the crime. Additionally, belief systems, cultural norms, and legal systems create environments that allow abusers to escape detection. This book addresses sexual violence myths, belief systems, and the media’s role in perpetuating sexual violence. It also examines the role of social media in facilitating sexual crimes, particularly sex trafficking. Finally, this book examines the work of community stakeholders in addressing and treating individuals who have been sexually victimized and the coping mechanisms of sexually traumatized adult women.
A collection of essays by international authorities ranging from psychologists and doctors to economists and communication experts. Several authors analyze the economic and health costs imposed by domestic violence, documenting that domestic violence is both a serious public health issue and a severe impediment to economic development. Others examine promising approaches that have been used to combat domestic violence, including community treatment and prevention networks, telephone hotlines, judicial and police reform, anti-violence curricula in primary and secondary schools, street theatre, and creative use of the mass media. The book is based on the 1997 IDB conference, Domestic Violence in Latin America and the Caribbean: Costs, Programs and Policies.
Memory and mourning in Colombia. This book provides the first in-depth examination of a representative range of contemporary Colombian cultural engagements with the conflicts known simply as La Violencia that began in Colombia in the late 1940s. These include Gustavo Alvarez Gardeazábal's now classic revision of the 'novela de la Violencia', the autobiographical cycle of acclaimed author Fernando Vallejo, versions of the testimonio by Alfredo Molano and internationally renowned novelist Laura Restrepo, as well as cinematic works by Carlos Mayolo and Luis Ospina. These cultural icons, many of whom are remarkably understudied, show how the heterogeneity of social and cultural processes condensed in La Violencia demands a deconstruction of 'violence' in Colombian culture. This argument is developed in dialogue with European and Latin American cultural theory and contributes to theoretical debates surrounding issues of memory and mourning developed in other Latin American contexts. The narratives explored in this book provide alternatives to abstract historicism and show us how to imagine ways out of deeply rooted cycles of violence. Yet their insistence on haunting and spectres signals the problems besetting the task of mourning in Colombia, positing history rather than psychology as a remainder that troubles efforts to forge collective memories and enact social reconciliation. RORY O'BRYEN lectures in Latin American literature and culture at the University of Cambridge.
Reflexión sobre la violencia en la sociedad actual, sus causas, manifestaciones y los medios para evitarla. Rojas Marcos examina la crueldad entre las personas, explora los aspectos del carácter, sugiere estrategias preventivas y reflexiona sobre las tendencias altruistas naturales de las personas o los antídotos universales de la violencia. Biografía: Luis Rojas Marcos nació en Sevilla, donde realizó sus estudios de Medicina. En 1968 emigró a Nueva York, donde se especializó en Psiquiatría y se doctoró en Ciencias Médicas. Desde 1995 hasta 2002 dirigió el Sistema de Sanidad y Hospitales Públicos de Nueva York. En la actualidad es profesor de Psiquiatría de la New York University y miembro de la Academia de Medicina de Nueva York. En España es asesor de distintas instituciones preocupadas por temas sociales de salud pública. Entre sus principales obras se encuentran: Nuestra Felicidad, La pareja rota, Las semillas de la violencia, La autoestima o Más allá del 11 de septiembre (todas ellas publicadas por Espasa).