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Este volumen titulado "Hacer teología frente al abuso sexual" surge como resultado de un "laboratorio teológico" promovido por el Centro para la Protección Infantil y la Ética Teológica Católica en la Iglesia Mundial (CTEWC). Los participantes, a causa de la pandemia del COVID-19, durante dos años tuvieron que reunirse de manera remota en "mesas virtuales". Tras estos encuentros, veintiséis académicos compartieron sus reflexiones acerca de dicha problemática y sus posibles abordajes. La publicación de esta obra supone cierta urgencia, una urgencia que a menudo no se encuentra en otro tipo de trabajos teológicos o ética teológica. La extensión del daño a la dignidad humana causado por el abuso sexual dentro de la Iglesia plantea profundos dilemas, tanto para las disciplinas como para aquellos que las practican: ¿En qué medida hemos pasado por alto estos problemas? ¿Por qué nuestros esfuerzos en teología y ética teológica han tardado tanto en abordar estos temas? ¿De qué manera están implicadas la teología y la ética teológica en esta crisis? ¿Qué contribuciones específicas podrían ofrecer estas disciplinas para abordar constructivamente este desafío? Este volumen reúne el trabajo de diversos académicos de distintas partes del mundo, todos ellos abocados al análisis y la reflexión sobre estos y otros interrogantes.
This book gathers the foundational concepts which characterise the approach to the person, as human and as Christian, which has been developed at the Institute of Psychology of the Pontifical Gregorian University during its more than 35 years of activity. The book directs these concepts towards further paths for investigation and puts them in dialogue with sister schools of depth psychology and with other areas of scholarship (in particular philosophy and theology) which are equally interested in exploring the human mystery. Hence the variety of authors - psychologists, philosophers and theologians - brought together by a common interest in understanding and forming the human person in better ways. The reflections contained in this book gain concrete expression in an educative-therapeutic practice, and they review the nodal points which are part of every journey of growth and of psychotherapy: personal identity, interaction with the external world and the attainment of personal truth, inner imagination, desires and affections, conflicts. Instruments are offered to enable the formator and the psychotherapist to make the best possible use of the great energies which are made available by their application: how to identify the real problem, where to concentrate one's attention, what to listen to, how to handle the relationship, on what element to act in order to promote improvement/cure, what kind of change to propose. While accompaniment and psychotherapy are different procedures, they nevertheless have many similarities and points of contact. The dynamic relations and the factors involved in growth which this book describes are valid for both modalities of intervention and will be of interest to anyone who wishes to help others in a more enlightened educative dialogue.
This is the first in-depth guide to global community psychology research and practice, history and development, theories and innovations, presented in one field-defining volume. This book will serve to promote international collaboration, enhance theory utilization and development, identify biases and barriers in the field, accrue critical mass for a discipline that is often marginalized, and to minimize the pervasive US-centric view of the field.
The Global Theological Ethics book series focuses on works that feature authors from around the world, draw on resources from the traditions of Catholic Theological Ethics, and attend to concrete issues facing the world today.
Spanning five continents this collection will deepen contemporary understandings of, and approaches to, Catholic theological ethics and the global crisis of homelessness. Topics include global strategies for combating homelessness, local ethical responses, and advocacy for special populations such as women, orphans, and veterans.
Theological ethicists confront key questions and issues from around the globe to provide a 'state of the art' volume in 21st-century moral theology.
The Realm of Reason is a manifesto for a new rationalism in philosophy. Christopher Peacocke develops an original theory of what makes a thinker entitled to form a given belief. The theory is articulated in three principles of rationalism, which together imply that all entitlement has an element that is independent of experience. Peacocke elaborates this rationalism in detail for the classical issues of perceptual knowledge, induction, and the status of moral thought. Hisnew generalized approach to epistemology has applications throughout philosophy, and it will interest all concerned with knowledge, truth, and rationality.