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The FY 2009 Annual Operating Plan is a compilation of actions that state and federal members of the Task Force have planned to undertake during FY 2009 to implement the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan 2008. Each item in the Operating Plan specifically implements one of the eleven actions in the 2008 Action Plan. The Operating Plan includes, if known, funding levels and specific milestones for the current fiscal year. The items listed in the Operating Plan highlight the cumulative efforts of the individual Task Force agencies in implementing the Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan 2008.
Management of the northern Gulf of Mexico large hypoxic zone is driven primarily by the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force ("Hypoxia Task Force") Action Plan. Both the 2001 and revised 2008 Action Plans called for a reduction in the average areal extent of the hypoxic zone to 5000 km2 by the year 2015, less than 1/3 the current typical annual maximum area. To achieve this goal, watershed nutrient loading reductions of 45% total nitrogen and 45% total phosphorus were estimated needs. The science to inform these targets and develop hypoxia mitigation strategies was derived from predictive models based on the quantitative relationship between causative factors (e.g. nutrient loading, stratification) and extent of hypoxia, long-term monitoring, and forecast models to test the validity of predicted relationships. This science provided the foundation for an evaluation by an Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board Hypoxia Advisory Panel which served to update and synthesize research efforts on the causes and consequences of the hypoxic zone and assess progress in implementing nutrient reduction measures in the Mississippi River watershed. This information subsequently led to the adoption of the 2008 Action Plan by the Hypoxia Task Force.
Most water resources managers, scientists, and other experts would agree that nonpoint source pollution is a more pressing and challenging national water quality problem today than point source pollution. Nonpoint sources of pollutants include parking lots, farm fields, forests, or any source not from a discrete conveyance such as a pipe or canal. Of particular concern across the Mississippi River basin (MRB) are high levels of nutrient loadings--nitrogen and phosphorus--from both nonpoint and point sources that ultimately are discharged into the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM). Nutrients emanate from both point and nonpoint sources across the river basin, but the large majority of nutrient yields across the MRB are nonpoint in nature and are associated with agricultural activities, especially applications of nitrogen-based fertilizers and runoff from concentrated animal feeding operations. Improving Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin and Northern Gulf of Mexico offers strategic advice and priorities for addressing MRB and NGOM water quality management and improvements. Although there is considerable uncertainty as to whether national water quality goals can be fully realized without some fundamental changes to the CWA, there is general agreement that significant progress can be made under existing statutory authority and budgetary processes. This book includes four sections identifying priority areas and offering recommendations to EPA and others regarding priority actions for Clean Water Act implementation across the Mississippi River basin. These sections are: USDA's Mississippi River Basin Healthy Watersheds Initiative; Numeric Water Quality Criteria for the northern Gulf of Mexico; A Basinwide Strategy for Nutrient Management and Water Quality; and, Stronger Leadership and Collaboration.
Get the single-source solutions guide to the sustainable management of water resources. Why is water the environmental issue? The answer is simple: without it, life on this planet could not exist. Yet, despite this fact, reckless consumption practices from a growing population are drying up the Earth's already limited water resources. Other factors, such as river and lake contamination, rising temperatures, and disproportionate geographic accessibility further contribute to the fresh water crisis. To confront this pressing concern, this enlightening guide, which covers over twenty case studies offering insights into real-world projects, uses a holistic, integrated approach to illustrate ways to preserve vital water supplies -- from green design remedies to encouraging greater personal responsibility. This book: Provides a basic overview of water resources, hydrology, current problems involving water resources, and the potential impact of global warming and climate change. Covers watershed planning, Best Management Practices, and potential design and planning solutions. Offers a concise overview of the issues affecting water use and management. Includes a full chapter dedicated to planning issues, and a full chapter covering site planning, design, and implementation. Sustainable Solutions for Water Resources takes a practical approach to head off a global water catastrophe by offering sensible measures that can be put in place immediately to promote a clean, plentiful flow of the Earth's most precious resource.