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The study is intended to define the characteristics of an Ada Runtime Environment that effectively supports the development of real-time applications. The study was undertaken with the specific objective of supporting the selection of a runtime environment for the JINTACCS Automated Message Preparation System (JAMPS) program, but provides results useful in any real-time system acquisition program. A major goal of the JAMPS Ada software acquisition is to develop highly portable and reusable implementation that can be used in many different military systems. This goal impacts the selection and use of the runtime environment, as dependence on particular features of the runtime environment (either for functionality or performance) limits portability to only those systems providing the same features. This results in the concept of a minimal set of runtime environment features necessary to support JAMPS. Implementing JAMPS with dependence only on these features will allow portability within the class of systems providing those features. This report identifies such a minimal set of environment features. Keywords: fault tolerant computing; input output processing; data storage systems.
The Ada Language has incorporated many features such as tasking, dynamic storage management, and exception handling that require substantial execution-time support. Most of these features were not previously available in commonly used real-time languages, but were instead provided by an separate executive. The inclusion of these features into the language expands the possibility for transportable and reusable software, but complicates the software development process to some degree. Engineers that previously had familiarity with their own executives, now are forced to accept the code of a compiler vendor for the execution-time support. This guide has been written to help software developers in the difficult task of selecting, configuring, and using a runtime that will meet the needs of their application. The wide variety of applications for which Ada is used necessitates considerable flexibility within the implementation of the runtime code. Different algorithms for tasking, storage management, interrupt handling, and exception propagation can radically effect the behavior of real-time programs. Variations among compilers for the same processor can be as great as a factor of six in runtime size and factor of eleven in tasking performance. It is therefore essential that software developers completely understand the characteristics of the available runtimes prior to selecting one for use on a project. (kr).
The need to modify Ada runtime environments in order to achieve the necessary performance and/or functionality of applications has been reported frequency by Ada application developers. The effort involved with making and maintaining custom runtimes is also known to be quite substantial. For developers that are inexperienced in tailoring Ada runtime systems, the customization work can grow into a major undertaking and place the entire project at risk. To help organizations in managing a first-time runtime customization project, a guideline was developed. This paper describes a proof-of-concept effort designed to verify the accuracy and completeness of this guideline for tailoring Ada runtimes. To evaluate the guideline, an Ada runtime was purchased and several changes were made to implement features of an extended runtime interface. During each step of the project the guideline was examined and followed. In several cases, new information that was believed to be important was identified during the tailoring effort. This information has been provided as comments to the guideline in a detailed review. (Author). (KR).
Ada practitioners should use this document to discuss and establish common short term requirements for Ada runtime environments. The major current Ada runtime environment issues are identified through the analysis of some of the Ada efforts at NASA and other research centers. The runtime environment characteristics of major compilers are compared while alternate runtime implementations are reviewed. Modifications and extensions to the Ada Language Reference Manual to address some of these runtime issues are proposed. Three classes of projects focusing on the most critical runtime features of Ada are recommended, including a range of immediately feasible full scale Ada development projects. Also, a list of runtime features and procurement issues is proposed for consideration by the vendors, contractors and the government. Roy, Daniel M. and Wilke, Randall W. Unspecified Center ADA (PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE); COMPUTER NETWORKS; RUN TIME (COMPUTERS); COMPILERS; COMPUTER SYSTEMS DESIGN; COMPUTER SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE...
This book presents reference architecture as a key blueprint to develop and evolve critical software-intensive systems, emphasizing both the state of the art in research and successful industrial cases. After outlining the theoretical foundations of reference architecture and presenting an overview of a number of reference architectures proposed over the recent years, this book dives into a set of critical application domains, including defense, health, automotive, avionics, and Industry 4.0, highlighting the respective most relevant reference architectures that have impacted these domains, the experience and lessons learned, insights gained, benefits and drawbacks, and factors that make these architectures sustainable. The book finishes with the most relevant directions for future advances in reference architectures. The content of this book is useful for researchers and advanced professionals in industry in the areas of computing and engineering, as well as in critical application domains that increasingly require interconnected, large, and complex software-intensive systems.
Software engineering and the language Ada are playing a major role in the development of software and software technology for the new century. The11th Ada Europe conference shows that Ada has matured from a language, mainly of researchers and academics in the early 1980s, into a full-grown tool in software engineering practice. This volume contains a selection of contributions to the conference. They demonstrate that Ada is very beneficially used in many software development projects and is gradually becoming accepted on the scale it deserves. Papers have been selected that show that Ada is indeed ripened in all aspects of software engineering. A variety of topics is addressed: management, economics, practical experiences, numerics, and the use of Ada for real-time and distributed systems.