Download Free Guidebook To Permafrost And Quaternary Geology Along The Richardson And Glenn Highways Between Fairbanks And Anchorage Alaska Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Guidebook To Permafrost And Quaternary Geology Along The Richardson And Glenn Highways Between Fairbanks And Anchorage Alaska and write the review.

First in a new series of publications by the State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Field Trip Guidebooks Series, Volume 102. Permafrost and marine, fluvial, lacustrine, glacial, eolian, and periglacial deposits of Quaternary age that are widespread in the central and southern parts of Alaska are forming today. Glaciers are common in mountainous areas, and the forces of glacial action that formerly shaped much of the world's land area can be directly observed today in southern Alaska. Geological processes active in cold regions—periglacial processes such as solifluction, cryoplanation, and the formation of permafrost—are known throughout much of the area. Dust is blown from active valley trains and outwash fans and is deposited as loess on the adjacent terrain.
"This volume brings together nineteen papers of interdisciplinary Quaternary science honoring Stephen Porter. Special Paper 548 features papers from six continents, on wide-ranging topics including glaciation, paleoecology, landscape evolution, megafloods, and loess. The topical and geographical range of the papers, as well as their interdisciplinary nature, honor Porter's distinct approach to Quaternary science and leadership that influence the field to this day"--
The ancient, boreal Eva forest forms the centerpiece in this evaluation of the time and nature of the enfironment during an interglaciation. This title brings together results of exmaination of hundreds of loess exposures, when loess faces were still frozen in gold-mining excavation, and data on the character and age of the deposits from fission-track dating of tphra, paleomagnetism of the loess, thermoluminescnece dating of loess, and radiocarbon dating by liquid scintillation. Dendrochronology studies of trees are compared to those from trees of the modern boreal forest.