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Unique en son genre dans sa conception et dans son contenu, Labo-Stat - Guide de validation des méthodes d'analyses présente une nouvelle stratégie de validation selon une démarche raisonnée fondée sur le profil d'exactitude. Les techniques statistiques adaptées y sont explicitées sous une forme didactique et les solutions possibles ainsi que les limites éventuelles de diverses normes existantes sont largement développées et illustrées d'exemples concrets directement exploitables. Les applications numériques, sous forme de feuilles de calcul modèles pour des tableurs et des petits scripts, sont téléchargeables en ligne. Complétée par les explications de cet ouvrage, elles permettent au non-statisticien d'accéder aisément à une interprétration graphique des résultats. Labo-Stat a été conçu pour pouvoir être facilement utilisé sur la paillasse du laboratoire et permettre à tout un chacun, responsable, ingénieur, chercheur, technicien ou étudiant, de s'approprier les techniques indispensables pour déboucher sur une conclusion claire et sans ambiguïté et mener la validation des méthodes dans un souci de contrôle des coûts.
Decision support systems (DSS) are widely touted for their effectiveness in aiding decision making, particularly across a wide and diverse range of industries including healthcare, business, and engineering applications. The concepts, principles, and theories of enhanced decision making are essential points of research as well as the exact methods, tools, and technologies being implemented in these industries. From both a standpoint of DSS interfaces, namely the design and development of these technologies, along with the implementations, including experiences and utilization of these tools, one can get a better sense of how exactly DSS has changed the face of decision making and management in multi-industry applications. Furthermore, the evaluation of the impact of these technologies is essential in moving forward in the future. The Research Anthology on Decision Support Systems and Decision Management in Healthcare, Business, and Engineering explores how decision support systems have been developed and implemented across diverse industries through perspectives on the technology, the utilizations of these tools, and from a decision management standpoint. The chapters will cover not only the interfaces, implementations, and functionality of these tools, but also the overall impacts they have had on the specific industries mentioned. This book also evaluates the effectiveness along with benefits and challenges of using DSS as well as the outlook for the future. This book is ideal for decision makers, IT consultants and specialists, software developers, design professionals, academicians, policymakers, researchers, professionals, and students interested in how DSS is being used in different industries.
De tout temps l’homme a sans doute voulu construire des choses fiables. Mais les évaluations quantifiées, probabilisées ont vu le jour récemment d’abord pour systèmes militaires (missiles, satellites) puis nucléaires, automobiles et les biens d’équipements. On peut citer que dès 1906 les constructeurs de tubes à vides américains se sont préoccupés de fiabilité, de là est née la fiabilité électronique, puis mécanique, informatique et humaine des systèmes et composants. Cette évolution contemporaine a produit de nombreux outils, concepts et méthodes. Ces développements sont au centre de l’ouvrage. Fiabilité Technique et Humaine rassemble les concepts, techniques et outils de la fiabilité des composants et systèmes en considérant toutes les technologies et dimensions, notamment la mécanique, l’électronique, l’informatique et les aspects humains. En effet, les erreurs humaines sont à l’origine de nombreuses défaillances et de ce fait ne peuvent être ignorées lors de la conception ou du maintien des installations. Les diverses formes de fiabilité, prévisionnelle, expérimentale et opérationnelle sont explicitées et illustrées aux travers d’applications industrielles. Les concepts, outils et techniques de fiabilité les plus complexes sont présentés à partir d’exemples permettant au lecteur de se familiariser avec ce domaine. La présentation très didactique de ces concepts, étayée par plus de 100 exercices et problèmes corrigés en fait un ouvrage incontournable pour la maîtrise de la fiabilité technique et humaine.
Dams are part of human achievements that induce great benefits for society but also bear a potential risk to people, property and the natural environment. The risk of a dam rupture is extremely low and diffi cult to quantify accurately. The aim of ‘Dam surveillance’ (ICOLD Bulletin 158), is to help reduce these risks by early detection of an undesirable event. The objective of dam surveillance is to make a precise and timely diagnosis of the behavior of dams, in order to prevent undesirable consequences. Both the monitoring system and surveillance program has to be designed and should be able to detect any abnormal behaviour. ‘Dam surveillance’ (ICOLD Bulletin 158), emphasizes the following aspects: • Routine visual inspection • Special inspection • Checking and testing of Hydro-electromechanical equipment • Monitoring parameters and devices • Automation • Maintenance of ageing monitoring systems • Re-instrumentation of existing dams • Recent developments • Data management • Dam documentation management • Assessment of dam condition and behaviour • Assessment of routine dam safety monitoring programme • Prioritization of maintenance, remedial and upgrading works.
This four-volume collection of over 140 original chapters covers virtually everything of interest to demographers, sociologists, and others. Over 100 authors present population subjects in ways that provoke thinking and lead to the creation of new perspectives, not just facts and equations to be memorized. The articles follow a theory-methods-applications approach and so offer a kind of "one-stop shop" that is well suited for students and professors who need non-technical summaries, such as political scientists, public affairs specialists, and others. Unlike shorter handbooks, Demography: Analysis and Synthesis offers a long overdue, thorough treatment of the field. Choosing the analytical method that fits the data and the situation requires insights that the authors and editors of Demography: Analysis and Synthesis have explored and developed. This extended examination of demographic tools not only seeks to explain the analytical tools themselves, but also the relationships between general population dynamics and their natural, economic, social, political, and cultural environments. Limiting themselves to human populations only, the authors and editors cover subjects that range from the core building blocks of population change--fertility, mortality, and migration--to the consequences of demographic changes in the biological and health fields, population theories and doctrines, observation systems, and the teaching of demography. The international perspectives brought to these subjects is vital for those who want an unbiased, rounded overview of these complex, multifaceted subjects. Topics to be covered: * Population Dynamics and the Relationship Between Population Growth and Structure * The Determinants of Fertility * The Determinants of Mortality * The Determinants of Migration * Historical and Geographical Determinants of Population * The Effects of Population on Health, Economics, Culture, and the Environment * Population Policies * Data Collection Methods and Teaching about Population Studies * All chapters share a common format * Each chapter features several cross-references to other chapters * Tables, charts, and other non-text features are widespread * Each chapter contains at least 30 bibliographic citations
Le développement spectaculaire d’internet, des réseaux sociaux, de la technologie mobile et la multiplication des capteurs provoquent une croissance exponentielle des données à laquelle les entreprises doivent faire face : c’est le phénomène du Big Data. Ses enjeux sont considérables. Au-delà de la simple question technique du stockage, il offre la possibilité de tirer profit du contenu de ces nouvelles sources d’information. Les solutions décisionnelles classiques laissent progressivement place au Business Analytics et aux méthodes prédictives, transformant l’avalanche de données en valeur ajoutée. La technologie est aujourd’hui disponible, les bases de données traditionnelles ont évolué et les solutions dédiées à l’exploitation des données massives, telles que Hadoop, sont désormais opérationnelles. S’appuyant sur différents cas pratiques, Enjeux et usages du Big Data met l’accent sur les méthodes, les techniques et les ressources nécessaires pour permettre aux entreprises d’entrer avec succès dans l’ère de l’information à grande échelle.
Drawing on various disciplinary perspectives, this book re-focuses the debate on what makes a good health system, with a view to clarifying the uses of social science research in thinking about health care issues in Africa. The explosion of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, the persistence of malaria as a major killer, and the resurgence of diseases like tuberculosis which were previously under control, have brought about changes in the health system, with implications for its governance, especially in view of the diminished capacity of the public health facilities to cope with a complex range of expanded needs. Government responsibilities and objectives in the health sector have been redefined, with private sector entities (both for profit and not-for profit) playing an increasingly visible role in health care provisions. The reasons for collaborative patterns vary, but chronic under-funding of publicly financed health services is often an important factor. Processes of decentralisation and health sector reforms have had mixed effects on health care system performance; while private health insurance markets and private clinics are pointers to a growing stratification of the health market, in line with the intensified income and social differentiation that has occurred over the last two decades.These developments call for health sector reforms.
This book explores different dimensions of the field of corporate governance and social responsibility. It discusses how business and society perceive and relate to CSR; how the field has continued to reshape modern corporate boardrooms in both the advanced and emerging economies; how CSR has transformed the manner in which modern corporate entities disclose the non-financial information aspect of their operations to the world at large; and the way in which sustainable development has continued to contribute to improving the quintuple bottom line - people, planet, prosperity, partnership and peace - of 21st century corporate entities. Further, the book also provides evidence of how these aspects of corporate social responsibility are depicted in different forms in eleven nations around the globe.