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Cada vez es mayor nuestra necesidad de tomar decisiones, y cada vez menor nuestra capacidad de hacerlo. Sin embargo, como cristianos, nos vemos a diario ante la necesidad de elegir y de buscar la voluntad de Dios para mejor servirle a El y a los hombres. Y ello no sólo a nivel personal, sino también a nivel grupal o comunitario. Hemos de analizar en común las situaciones, hacer acopio de datos y prever las consecuencias de nuestras eventuales decisiones. La asistencia del Espíritu Santo no significa que vaya a proporcionarnos las respuestas o las soluciones ya hechas. A partir de la deliberación de los primeros compañeros de Ignacio de Loyola, que en 1539 tomaron la decisión de fundar la Compañía de Jesús, Jean-Claude Dhôtel traza un itinerario y propone una guía para buscar y elaborar en grupo las condiciones necesarias para saber deliberar en común acerca del futuro de nuestras comunidades (formas de vida grupal, actividades...), de los problemas que se nos plantean colectivamente (respecto a la vida, lucha contra toda forma de injusticia...), de las decisiones que hemos de tomas para la vida y el futuro de nuestra comunidad (elección de sus responsables, fomento de vocaciones...), etc. Necesitamos aprender a ser guiados por el amor, y un amor efectivo, y a seleccionar nuestras actividades de forma que nos liberemos de las fuerzas de muerte que paralizan y nos adhiramos a las fuerzas de vida que liberan.
¿No sabes hacia dónde va tu vida? ¿Estás buscando la guía del poder superior de Dios? Discernimiento Espiritual: Una guía para confiar en la dirección de Dios es una guía completa para escuchar, sentir y reconocer la voz de Dios en tu vida. Esta guía abarca distintos temas, desde tu verdadero propósito hasta las cosas de cada día. Angela Grace usa un lenguaje amigable y fácil de entender para que todas las personas, creyentes o no, puedan entenderlo y aplicarlo a sus vidas. Ella desmitifica el don del discernimiento, muchas veces incomprendido, y te brinda hábitos simples de seguir que te ayudarán a cultivar este don espectacular y te guiará hacia tu misión definitiva. Discernimiento espiritual: Una guía para confiar en la dirección de Dios te ayudará a entender e implementar aspectos que cambiarán tu vida: ¿Cómo puedo escuchar a Dios? ¿Cómo puedo saber que es Dios? ¿Qué debo hacer con mi vida? ¿Por qué es importante tener un propósito? ¿Cómo puedo encomendar mi vida a Dios? ¿Qué es el mundo espiritual? ¿Cómo puedo distinguir los buenos espíritus de los malos espíritus? ¿Cómo puedo vivir con sabiduría? BONUS: AUDIO DE MEDITACIÓN GUIADA DE 10 MINUTOS (en inglés). Y muchos temas más. Únete a Angela Grace en este camino de autodescubrimiento y crecimiento hacia la iluminación espiritual. Entonces, si tienes un deseo ferviente de alcanzar tu verdadero destino, pasa a la acción hoy mismo; desliza hacia arriba y haz clic en "Añadir al carrito".
"John 1-10: I Am the Bread of Life "is an excellent way to introduce young adults to the book of John and the life-changing message of Jesus in this Gospel. As John sees it, we human beings need God. We need God's light in our lives, his power to energize us. But for the most part we are not very aware of this need because we spend our lives running around looking for one thing after another, preoccupied with meeting our material and social needs. We tend to see God as the provider of earthly blessings rather than the source of something much more important. And of course, we also tend to ignore God and instead work to satisfy our own desires. John tells us how God tries to break through the barrier of our earthly thinking by entering into our world personally. Designed as a guided discovery, Six Weeks with the Bible for Catholic Teens introduces high school students to different books of the Bible by integrating the biblical text with insightful questions to help youth discern what Scripture means for their lives today. The series provides students with a clear explanation of Biblical text, opportunities for prayer, and a means to enter into conversation with God.
"We are called to acknowledge how beautiful, true and good it is to start a family, to be a family today... We are called to make known God's magnificent plan for the we accompany them amidst so many difficulties." - Pope Francis, February 20, 2014 For Pope Francis, as for his predecessors Saint John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, this is more than just talk. It is a rallying cry. This is the focus of the 2015 World Meeting of Families: Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive. For Catholics everywhere, it is a time to renew our focus on the family, the "domestic church" - what it means, why it's important, how it fits in with God's plan for us, and how we can become who God created us to be. Here is a new, fresh, and insightful way to do just that. In Love is Our Mission, Spanish edition, you can easily explore Catholic teaching on marriage, family, sexuality, children, human dignity, and the sanctity of life. It's a guided tour through scripture and 2000 years of Church teaching in which you are awakened to the relationship God wants to have with you, the family, and ultimately the world. Self-reflection or group discussion questions bring the teachings home in a very real and practical way. As Pope Francis has said, we must, "keep before us the beauty of the family and marriage, the greatness of this human reality which is so simple and yet so rich..."
A Christian Handbook For Emotional Transformation Emotions are a very important part of the Christian life. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is especially important when it comes to leadership and ministry skills. Biblical EQ uses the Bible and the character of Jesus to show how we can grow both spiritually and emotionally into mature human beings. Biblical EQ uses the life and character of Jesus as the model to emulate. Jesus Christ shows us what it is like to be a perfect person, whose emotions are both well-expressed and well-managed in love. The Holy Spirit is God resident in human personality, with the power to change us into the image of Jesus Christ. We are not left alone to change ourselves! God the Holy Spirit will help us! So Biblical EQ will take you on a bible-based journey through the world of emotional growth and emotional intelligence. You will learn how to change your perspectives, your beliefs, thoughts and intents of the heart, manage your physical reactions to emotions, control stress, have faith and mastery in life and how to grow in love, social skills and Christian leadership.
This wide-ranging volume looks at the reception history of the Bible's many texts; Part I surveys the outline, form, and content of twelve key biblical books that have been influential in the history of interpretation. Part II offers a series of in-depth case studies of the interpretation of particular biblical passages or books.